Radio Digest (June 1932-Mar 1933)

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MG -S 032 ' @ttB How you can get into Broadcasting is? \S 2 Floyd Gibbons Famous Radio Broadcaster ^^^ "DROADCASTtNG offers re J*.**^^ ■" markable opportunities to ft talented men and women — if l| they are trained in Broadcast ed *KL f ing technique. It isn't necessary to be a "star" to make Vt^^. good money in Broadcasting. There are hundreds of people in Broadcasting work who are practically unknown — yet they easily make $3,000 to $5,000 a year while, of course, the "stars" often make $25,000 to $50,000 a year. An amazing new method of practical training, developed by Floyd Gibbons, one of America's outstanding broadcasters, fits talented people for big pay Broadcasting jobs. If you have a good speaking voice, can sing, act, write, direct or sell, the Floyd Gibbons School will train you — right in your own home in your spare time — for the job you want. Get your share of the millions Advertisers spend in Broadcasting every year. Our free book, "How to Find Your Place in Broadcasting" tells you the whole fascinating story of the Floyd Gibbons Home Study Course — How to prepare for a good position mi Broadcasting — and how to turn your hidden talents into money. Here is YOUR chance to fill an important role in one of the most glamorous, powerful industries in the world. Send the coupon today for free book. Floyd Gibbons School of Broadcasting, 2800— 14th St. N. W., Dept. 2G61, Washington, D. C. Without obligation send me your free booklet "How to Find Your place in Broadcasting" and lull particulars of your home study course. Name Age Please Write or Print Plainly Addr City. State. F.&H.CAPACITY AERIAL Price $1-00 Complete, Postpaid Every Instrument Tested on Actual 1127 Mile Reception A Large Number Are In Use by Government, in Navy Hospital The F. fe? H. Capacity Aerial Eliminator has the capacity of the average 75-foot aerial, 50 feet high. It increases selectivity and full reception on both local and long distance stations is absolutely guaranteed. It eliminates the outdoor aerial along with the unsightly poles, guy wires, mutilation of woodwork, lightning hazards, etc. It does not connect to the light socket and requires no current for operation. Installed by anyone in a minute's time and is fully concealed within the set. Enables the radio to be moved into different rooms, or houses, as easily as a piece of furniture. WE PREDICT THIS TYPE OF AERIAL WILL BE USED PRACTICALLY ENTIRELY IN THE FUTURE. 8,000 dealers handle our line. Dealers! Over 80 leading jobbers carry our line or order sample direct. Write for proposition. Send Coupon it protects you Name i . . . Address City : State — Send one F. & H. Capacity Aerial with privilege of returning after 3-day trial ii not satisfactory, for which enclosed find □ check □ M. O. Or dollar bill, or send □ C. O. D. □ Send Literature. Q Dealer's proposition. F. & H. Radio Laboratories Fargo, N. Dak., Dept. 32 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY Printed in U. S. A Including RADIO REVUE and RADIO BROADCAST Raymond Bill, Editor Harold P. Brown, Managing Editor Charles R. Tighe, Nellie Revell, Associate Editor Associate Editor Henry J. Wright, Advisory Editor CONTENTS/^ SUMMER, 1932 COVER PORTRAIT. Charming Hazel fohnson of KFYR, Bismarck, N. D., winner of Radio Digest Crown. JEAN REMOVES HER MASK. Beautiful singer on Ziegfeld program tells how she banished stage fright. ROUND TOWNERS. Quartet of male vocalists sings familiar ballads. "I'LL SHOW THEM." That's what Bob Simmons said to old Missouri. PERKINSCRIBIA. Fair correspondents write inspired letters to Perkins. FAREWELL TO HELENE. Two Troupers split, and one goes to KFI. She writes ship log for her radio pal. THEY'RE NOT SO DUMB! Interview goes askew with Burns and Allen. TELLERS WHO. Another double page of announcers for your album. BROKEN VOWS. John Barleycorn not always legal angle for damages. TUNEFUL TOPICS. New songs are reviewed by our most popular critic. EDITORIAL. It's time to revamp program production. Listeners vote. "I WOULD NEVER SELL MY TITLE." Says Countess Olga Albani. EATATORIALS. Famous restaurateur tells of adventures in Germany. POLICE! Noted war correspondent puts crime on radio spot. STATION PARADE. Gossip from the local stations across the continent. BLUE RIBBON SELECTIONS. Daily log of programs for summer. Charles Sheldon (The Story) 5 Hilda Cole 6 Marshal Taylor 8 Nellie Revell 10 Edward T. Ingle 12 Helene Handin 14 Leonard S. Smith 16 Nellie Revell 18 Gleason L. Archer 20 Rudy Vallee 24 Ray Bill 28 Wanda Seifried 29 George Rector 30 D. Thomas Curtin 31 35 40 Radio Digest, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone Mohawk 4-1760. Radio Digest will not be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or art received through the mail. All manuscripts submitted should be accompanied by return postage. Business Staff: E. B. Munch, Advertising Manager, Advertising Representatives, R. G. Maxwell & Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York City, and Mailers Bldg., Chicago, Western Manager, Scott Kingwill, 333 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Telephone: State 126C. Pacific Coast Representative, W. L. Gleeson, 303 Robert Dollar Building, San Francisco, Calif. / Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Radio Digest. /volume XXIX, No. 2. Summer, 1932. Published monthly ten months of the year and bi-monthly In July and August, By Radio Digest Publishing Corporation, 42 0 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Subscription rates yearly, {1.50 in U./S. A.; Foreign, $3.00: Canada, $2.25; single copies, fifteen cents. Entered as second-class matter Nov. 18, 1930, at tlCc post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title Reg. U. S. Patent Office and Canada. l'op.vrlght/l93 2, by Radio Digest Publishing Corporation. n All rights reserved. President. Raymond Bill; Vice-President. .!. B. Splllane, Randolph Brown, C. R. Tighe; Treaaurer, Edward Lyman Bill; Secretary, L. J. Tompkins. Published In association with Edward Lyman Bill, Inc., and Federated Publications, Inc.