Radio Doings (Dec 1929-Aug 1930)

Record Details:

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May 24 Radio Doings 43 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations Tacoma, Washington — 760 Kc. Willii HIgley L'hief Jansen 8:00 S:30 a. 9:30 a. 11:15 a. 2:00 p. 3:30 p. m 3:45 p. m 4:0n p. ra 4:45 p. m 5:00 p. m «:00 p. m fi:30 p. m 7:00 9:00 |l If I Edward ■ % ■ ■ Announcer *^ ' * P. G. Gate Entrineer In Charge DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m.— Recordings. Columbia B«™e, CBS. Toenir's Orchestra. Feminine Fancies. Columbia Ensemble. CBS. Happy-Go-Lucky Hour. 7:45-8:00 p. m.— Silent period. 12:00 midnight— Organ Recital. SUNDAY. MAY 25 8:30 a. m.-l:00 p. m.— CBS.* —Studio program. —The Gauchos. CBS.* —The Globe Trotter. CBS.* — Recordings. —The World's Business. CBS.* — Studio program. — .Tcsse Crawford, Poet of the Organ. CBS.* —Studio. — Majestic Theatre. CBS.* —Will Rogers (E. R. Squibb Co.). CBS.* —Studio program, p. m.— CBS.* —Phil Baxter and his Texas Tommies. — Val A'alente and his Roof Garden Orch. — Organ Recital. MONDAY, MAY 26 11:30-2:00 p. m.— CBS.* 3:00 p. m.— Current Events. CBS * 3:30 p. m.— Recordings. 3:45 p. m.— (T5S.* 4 :00 p. m. — The be announced. 6:30-7:45 p. m.— CBS * 8:00 p. m.— Ben Pollack's Castillian Roval Orch. CBS * 8:30 p. m — Midnight Melodies. CBS * 9:00 p. m. — Bone Dry Blue Monday .Tamboree. 10:00 p. m.— Ted Florita's Mark Hopkins Orchestra. 11:00 p. m.— Earl Burtnett's Biltmore Hotel Orchestra. TUESDAY. MAY 27 11:30-2:00 p. m.— CBS.* 3:00 p. m. — Organ Recital. 3:30 p. m.— CBS.* 4:00 p. m. — To be announced. J: 4:30-7:45 p. m — CBS.* 8:00 p. m.— CB.S * ; 8:30 p. m.— CBS.* ; 0:00 p. m. — To be announced. ; 10:10 p. m.— Val Valente and his Roof Garden Orch. WEDNESDAY MAY 28 Ii 10:00 a. m.— Organ Recital. 11 Sm Paae 22 for Colu 1000 WATTS— 394.5 METERS SOUND BROADCASTING CO.. INC. Broadway 421 1. Tacoir Ii. Doerenbecker. President p. m.— CBS * u— CBS.* . — Recordings. i p. m.— President Hoover. CBS*. I. — 10th Field Artillery Orchestra. 1— Phil Baxter's Texas Tommies. I. — Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra. 1 — Earl Burtnett's L. A. Biltmore Orchestr THURSDAY. MAY 29 1.— Breakfast Club Broadcast. p. m.— CBS.* 1. — Recordings. p. m.CBS.* I. — The be announced. p. m.— CBS.' 1. — Violet Ray Jlerrjmakers Frolic. 1 —CBS.* 1— Tales of King Arthur's Round Table. I. — Stiidio program. 1.— K-i; Diide Ranch. I —Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra. FRIDAY. MAY 30 1.— Organ Recital, p. m — CBS.* as.* . — Recordings. -Mary and Bob (True Story Hour). CBS.* -Studio. —Hotel Alark Hopkins Orchestra. il Valente's Roof Garden Orchestra. SATURDAY. MAY 31 8:00 a. ni. — Adventures of Helen and Mary. -Hotel Barclay Orchestra. CBS.* 9:45 a. m — Recordings (MacMillan Bros.). 10:00 a m — Recordings. 11:15-12:30 p. m — CBS.* 12:30 p m — French Trio with Kenyon Congdon. l:nn.7:,->n p. m.— CBS.* ^BS • —Midnight Jlelodles. CBS.* -Phil Baxter and his Texas Tommies. -Studio i>rotrram. -Mark Hopkins Hotel Orchestra, p, m. Earl Burtnett's I.. A. Biltmore Orchestra. Proaram. NBC Program (Continued from Page 20) 2:00 p. m. — Black and Gold Room Orchestra. 2:30 p. m.— Phil Spitalny's Music from Hotel Pennsylvania Grill. 3:00 p. m.— Matinee Time. 3:30 p. m.— "A Half Hour In the Nation's Capital." 4 :00 p. m. — Flelschmann Hour, with Rudy Vallee and Orchestra. 5:00 p. m — Arco Birthday Party. 5 :30 p. m.— Maxwell House Melodies— vocal and inslrumental music. 6:00 p. m.— RCA Hour— X at ShUkrefs Orchestra nad soloists. 7:00 p. m. — The Speedway to Happiness. 7:45 p. m. — Standard Symphony Hour opens with Men helssohn's "Hebrides Overture." 8:00 p. m — B. A. Rolfe and his Lucky Strike Orch. 9:00 p. m. — Memory Lane. 9:30 p. ni. — The Olympians— male quartet. 10:00 p. m — The National Concert Orchestra program presents Tom Terris. who will describe the opening of King Tut's Tomb. FRIDAY, MAY 30 9:30 a. m.— Betty Crocker Gold Medal Home Sen Ice Talk. n:4.T a. m — Park Sisters. lii:nn a. m.— Ou Barrv program. 10:1,^1 a. m — Nfusical Echoes. 10:45 a. m.— Jfemorial Day services at Gettysburg. Pre^'rtent Hoover will pay tribute to America's war dead. 12:ln p m. — Special Luncheon Concert. \ :fin p. in —Rembrandt Trio. 1 ::;n p. m — Hotel .<«t. Francis Saltm Orchestra. 2:00 p. m.— Black and Gold Room Orchertra. 2:1.'; p. n>.— "Tlie World in iiusic"Pierre Key. 2 no 11. m — Don Bigelow and his Hotel Park Central Orchestra. 3:nn p. m.— Genia Zielinska in song recital. 3:1.5 p. m — Universal Safetv Series. 3::^n p. m. — Grace .\dams East. 3:4." p. m. — Xews Service. 4:00 p.m. — Cities Service Concert Orchestra — Jessica Dragonette and the Cavaliers. 5:00 p. m. — Interwoven Pair. 5:30 p. m. — Armour program — .Tosef Koestner leads the nrchestra in prt gr.nm nf light music. 6:00 p. m. — Armstrong Ouakers sing sentimental songs. 6:30 p. m. — Raleigh Re\ue features Victor Arden and Phil Ohman with their two pianos. 7:00 p. m. — Elgin program— musical and dramatic presentation. 7:15 p. m. — Three Violins. 8:00 p. m.— Ole and the Girls. 8:15 p. m. — Piano Paintings— two-piano team. (Continued on Page 46)