Radio Doings (Dec 1929-Aug 1930)

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May 24 Radio Doings 45 rhe essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations Denver, Colorado — 830 Kc. FREEMAN H. TALBOT SUNDAY. MAY 25 :50 a. ni.— First Church ol Christ, Scientist. .00 a. m. — Cosnioi»lltan Luncheon Hour. :00 noon.— Dr. S. Parl(es Cadmaii. ■National Religious Service. ■Catliolic Hour. ■Los ArgenUnos. -Williams Olloniatics. ■Enna .Tettick .Melodies. .— CoUier-s Radio Hour. 1^ I I fl 12.500 WATTS— 361.2 METERS GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ■ m ■ ■ Pacific Standard Time. Telephont York 5090 "Rocky Mountain Broadca«tinp Station" Prooram Furnished by the National Broadcaiting Company DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 6:00 a. m. — Morning Revelers (eicept Thursday and Saturday). S:(iO a. m. — The Luncheon Five (except Monday and Wednesday). !i:00 a. m. — Three Little Maids (except Thursday and Saturday) . 9:30 a. m. — As Heard Over the Telephone. 9:4.5 a. ni.— National Farm and Home Hour. NBC. (including Saturday). 10:45 a. m.— Weather. Stock and Market Reports (except Monday). 11:00 a. m. — Organ Recital, Ogden Theatre (except Monday and Saturday). 11:45 a. m. — National Canners' Association (except Friday). 7:30 p. m. — Amos "n" Andy (including Saturday). 7:45 p. m.— Literary Digest Prohibition Poll and News Flashes (except Monday). :30 a :00 noon. :02 p. m -Stud -Sunday at Sctli Ta -Rtissian Cathedral -Sam Herman. -Everett E. Foster, haritone. -Borden program. -The Reader's Guide. ' MONDAY, MAY 26 -■■A\m -MoriH. Robert J. Neidrach. "lioir and Organ, iji French. —Book Ends^I.e> —The World Tod; — Roxy and His (iaiig. — Tlie Ma>-tag Orchestra. — Ceiieral Motors Family Party. — Strcimhert'Carlson program. — Kiiiinri' r.iiilders. Faim (Jiustion Box. — .-^upii-me Serenaders. — KOA String Trio. — Voice of Firestone. — Musical Musketeers. — House of Myths. —Hot Spot of Radio. TUESDAY. MAY 27 -Your ChUd. —Radio Calendar. .— U. S. Navy Band. — The Lady Next Door. —Tea Timers. — Black and Gold Room Orclicstra. —Hotel New Yorker Orchestia. — American Chiropractic Association. — l>e» White Organ Recital. —Troika Bells. — Eveready Hour. — Happj Wonder Bakers. — Westinghouse Sahite. — RaiUo-Kelth-Orphcum Hour. — Denver Ciric Symphony Orchestra. —Magic Oystals. — Mu.slcal Musketeers. —Down Through the Years. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 —Radio Calendar. —The Recitallsts. —The Twelve O'clock Trio. —The Luncheon Five. —Mary Hale Martin's Household Period —Radio Guild. — Breen and de Rose. —Tea Timers. —Hotel New Y'orker Orchestra. — Kaye Weher — Songs at the Piano. —The Lonesome Cowboy. —Back of the News In Washington. —Hotel St. Regis Onhestra. |.. 111. ( ix a (.'"la Topnotchers. 7:1111 p. 111. — Extension Service, Colo. Agri. Colle( .<i::in p. m.— Hill Billy Boys. 9:00 p. m.— General Electric Hmn . 10:00 p. m.— Cotton Blossom Minstrel-. THURSDAY. MAY 59 9:00 a. m.— Tlie Poet's Comer. 9:1.1 a. m.— The Clever Co-ed.s. 10:20 a. m.— Woman's Magazine of tlie Air. 12:00 noon.— 1'. S. Army Band. 12:30 p. m.— The Laily Next Door. 1:1.1 p. ni. — Brei'n and de Rose. 2:011 p. m.— Black and Gold R(,om Orchestra. 2:1,T p. in.— Elementarv Bridge Lesson. .■i:?,n p. in.— Half Hour in the Nation's Capitol. 4:fin p. m.— Fleischmaiin Hour. Hudy Vallee. .'i:On p. m .\ico Birthday Party. Me liifiii p. Ill,— HCA Hour. 7:110 p. m.— Cono< o .\dveiitiireM-. ,S:On p. m.— Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra. 0:00 p, m.— The Cellar Mystery. 9::;o p. m.— The Olympians. 0:00 p. m. — National Concert Orchestra. FRIDAY MAY 30 7:00 a. ni.— Blue Streaks. a. m.— Morning Mu-^icale. ^■M a. m — On Wings of Song. 2:00 noon. — Pacific Feature Hour. 1:00 p. m. — A Recipe a Day. 1:02 i>. m. — Decoration Day Program. 1:40 p. m.— Book Ends— I>e,ssons In Prencli. 2:00 p. m.— Black and Gold Room Orchestra. 2:1.1 p. m.— The World of Music. 2:30 p. m.— Fitzsinions Friday Frolic. 3:30 i>, m.— Rayhesios T\vin.s. 4:011 p m. — Cities Senice Concert Orchestra. .■1:00 p. 111.— liitenvoven Pair. .5:30 p. m. — Armour program. 0:00 p. m. — Armstrong Ouakeis. 0:30 p. m.— Raleigh Rente. 7:00 p. m. — Elgin program. S:00 p. m.— Sally Mason, crooner. ,<!:15 p. m.— Ralph Hansell. xvlophonist. S:30 p. m. — Colorado Sunsliiners. S:4,'i p. in.— Tlie Old Stagecoachers. 9:1.1 p. m.— Kodak Week End program. 9:45 p. m. — .Tohn and Ned. 0:00 p. m.— Mystery Serial. 0:30 p. m.— Pacific Nomads. SATURDAY. MAY 31 0:00 a. m.— Hits and Bits. 7:00 a. m. — The Recitallsts. R:45 a. m.— Tlie Children's Hour Organ Iterilal. 0:30 a. m.— Keystone Chronicle. 1 :00 a. m.— The Marionettes. 2:00 noon. — Merry Makers The I/ady Next Door. Tea Timers. Black and Gold Room Orchestra. Hotel Governor Clinton Orchestra. RCA Theremin Ether Wave Musicale. The Fuller Man. on p. ni — The New Business World. 30 p. m.— The Silver Flute. 00 p. m — General Electric Hour. 00 p. m.— 1 uckv .Strike Orchestra. 00 p. m. — Hotel New Yorker Orchestra. 00 p. m.— Vassar Choco'ates Girl. 30 p. m — Intemationai Sunday School T.esson. 00 p. m. — Del Monte 30 p. m.— Penrod Stories. 1:00 p. 1:30 p. 2:00 p. 2:30 p. 3:15 p.