Radio Doings (Dec 1929-Aug 1930)

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V[ay 24 Radio Doings 47 Vlajestic Deale>s Take Posies to Chicago Thousands of California carnations i^ere taken to Chicago last week where hey were presented to more than 10,00 pretty feminine employees of the rrigsby-Grunow Company, manufacturrs of Majestic radios. The blooms were the gift of Ungar : Watson, Inc., 1363y2 South Figueroa treet. Southern California and Arizona istributors of the radio, who last Fritook more than 250 Southern Caliornia and Arizona dealers on a visit 3 the factory. The thousands of carnations were aken aboard one of the two special rains that carried the party eastward. special attendant was in charge to laintain their "California complexion" uring the 2000-mile journey. This is the second time that Ungar ; Watson, Inc., have taken their dealrs to the factory, with all expenses aid. The first of the two special trains 'as in charge of W. J. Wilson, viceresident and general manager of the istributing firm, and the second was in harge of C. F. Bouldin, advertising lanager of the same firm. Other offiials who were present were I. D. Wat3n, vice-president and secretary of the rm; Griffith P. Ellis, western sales lanager for Grigsby-Grunow Co.; D. F. acheller, district sales manager for the lanufacturer. The party will spend five days in Chicago, where they will inspect the factory and attend the Majestic sales school. The return trip will begin May 30, with stopovers at Kansas City, El Paso, Juarez, and Phoenix, Ariz. Around the Dial 13) (Continued from "Around the Dial": Last Saturday evening and Sunday morning, I heard four stations in the 1420 Kc. channel. They were all on the air at the same time. They were KXL, KFQW, KORE, and KFQU. They caused quite a howl, but at times you could separate them. A new 50,000-watt transmitter has been installed by WFAA, at Dallas, Texas. They were testing early Sunday morning. May 11, and they came in like any local station does. They announced as the first super-power station of the south, using 50,000 watts. I think any DXer should get them with no difficulty. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 1642 West 82nd Street, Los Angeles, Calif. The appointment of James W. Baldwin, of Indiana, Chief Clerk of the Justice Department, a lawyer, as Secretary of the Federal Radio Commission is unsual in that it was from a Civil Service list, apparently has no political angle, and evidently made on merit. You re Sitting on Top of the World when you use CALL BOOK for your station guide The many changes recently made in American and Foreign Broadcasters make this up-to-the-minute station log an absolute necessity. GET THE NEW RADIO DOINGS CALL BOOK AT YOUR DEALER'S or send 2 3c direct to 407 East Pico St. RADIO DOINGS Angeles, Calif.