Radio Doings (Dec 1929-Aug 1930)

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Radio Doings Miss Nita Wayne, on the cover this week, croons blues and ballads in an unusually pleasant voice over KFWI, San Francisco . Turn your dial to 930 kilocycles some Friday night between 10:30 and 11:00 and hear if Miss Wayne's voice doesn't entertain you agreeably. Proving to you that there is still something new in radio, Folgeria, the first serial comic opera of the air, began August 14th at 9:00 p. m. from KHJ. Folgeria runs rampant for 52 weeks. The story has been written by two of the highest-paid continuity writers in Hollywood, and each week an original theme song will run through the operetta and listeners may get a copy of it. Raymond Paige and his 35piece orchestra will be augmented by a marimba band. Special — The Women's Derby, an eight-day race for planes of 200 horsepower engines, is scheduled to take off from Long Beach on August 17th, officials of the National air races have announced. This event, one of seven derbies arranged for men and women pilots, offers prizes totaling $7,000 for the winner of the 2245 event. Bill Ray, manager of KGER, has announced that the station will have exclusive broadcast rights for the event and will have a battery of announcers to throw out a verbal description of the events. Following the compilation of a record of six KJR employees who have, are being, or will be married in two months, Leo Moen, control operator, announced that he is in the parade and will be married shortly to Pat Murphy, a Bellingham girl who is now living in Seattle. Sydney Dixon started the marriage parade two weeks ago. Gray U. Munjar, assistant manager of the Northwest Broadcasting System, followed, being married on July 26th to Miss Betty Woodward. Five other KJR employees are now counting the days until they march to the altar. KNX, Hollywood, inaugurated its new studio in the Pantages Hollywood Theater, recently with a program which presented Slim Martin, popular maestro of mirth and melody; the greater Pantages orchestra; a male vocal chorus of twenty voices, and instrumental soloists and others. From 6:30 to 7:00 p. ni., each Monday, Wednesday and Friday hereafter, the same super-aggregation of talent will be presented, with the addition at each broadcast of featured stage stars who may be appearing at the mammoth new million-dollar show mansion. In additibn, every Sunday night, from 10:30 to 11:30, a special "Footlight Frolic" will be broadcast from its new studio by KNX. This program is expected to be one of the finest and most entertaining on the air, since it will be a roundup of the highlights from the preceding week's programs. Green River brings a new series to the CBS chain. The puzzle fad, "What's Wrong With This Picture?" is adapted to the limitations of radio. Prizes to the listeners detecting the most errors in announcements of musical numbers, are given each week. Madame Belle Forbes Cutter, "the perfect radio soprano," and Joel Lay, baritone, and orchestra make the music more diflScult to guess. 8:00 p. m., Tuesday, over members of the Columbia Broadcasting Company. The axiom, "Crime doesn't pay," will have to be revised in the case of James Knight Garden, declamationist at KFIKECA, Los Angeles . Garden has just completed script for a 52-week, five-times-a-week serial story which begins its adventurous life over KFI on Aug. 18, under the ominous title of "Emperor of Crime." The serial will be broadcast on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:00 p. m. (P. S. T.), and on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m.