Radio Doings (Dec 1929-Aug 1930)

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/2 Radio Doings August 16 What Would YOU Do If YOU Were the Federal Radio Commission? What do the radio listeners of Southern California think of our broadcast stations? Which stations are operating for the public interest, convenience or necessity, and which are useless? Which broadcaster has the greatest audience and which has the smallest audience? What would the public do if they had the power to revoke licenses, grant power increases, curtail or increase time on the air? There lias been no adequate answer to these questions. They have been answered by everybody concerned except the public ; but such ansAvers have been meaningless. RADIO DOINGS intends to find the answers to these questions, and in a very definite and final manner. In other words, the public is to be given a voice, and an authoritative voice. Radio Doings readers are representative of the total radio audience of Southern California. They are expressing their opinions by filling out the form on the opposite page, signing with address and mailing to us. These thousands of survey blanks are to be turned over to James Chappie, radio inspector of the Department of Commerce in Southern California. Mr. Chappie has been instructed by his Department to make a survey of station merit in his territory for the Federal Radio Commission. In all of the data which he will be able to compile nothing will afford such a direct indication of the public opinion as the results of this Radio Doings survey. This survey includes listeners in all parts of Southern California.* It is not concentrated in any single region. It is not limited to any class or color or creed. It constitutes a cross section of the whole audience. Each individual reader is requested to vote only ONCE, as duplicates will be thrown out. If you have already sent in your ballot, do not send in another, but see that all of your friends and neighbors do their part as well. The response to our survey has been very gratifying, but we will continue through August and September, and obtain as many of these written opinions as possible. The final results will be published in Radio Doings about October 1st, together with many of the comments and suggestions of our readers. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity to make known your opinions, for in reality the broadcast channels belong to YOU — the public !