Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Cloyd Marshall, Jr. G. W. Marshall K. G. Ormiston Dorothy Hummel Editor Business Manager Technical Editor Studio Editor January^ 1931 Features In This I, SSUl Page We Applaud 15 For Your Entertainment 16 F KFRC's Two Ednas 17 On Your Right, Ladies and Gentlemen ... By Jose Rodriguez, 18-19 Folgeria 20 Variety 21 With the Commission 22 Anent Television 23 DX Prise Contests 24-25 'Round the World DX Club ... By Edward Roth 25 'Round the Dial 26 A 50,000 Watt Broadcast Station . . . By E. H. Schreiber 27 The Super-Heterodyne . . . By K. G. Ormiston 28 Just a Few Rambling Thoughts ... By Ted Osborne 29 Classified Programs 30-34 Chain Programs for January 35-39 On Radio Row 42 Radio Goings on Around Town 43 Looking Backward with R. B. Yale 44 As I Was Saying 45 National Broadcasting Company, Ir.c. General Library 711 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Now Is the Time BUSINESS lethargy has forced prices to unbelievably low limits during the current year. Every indication, supported by reliable analyses made by those who have no reason to be artificially optimistic, pronounces this to be the greatest bargain time since long before "the good old days." The dollar has nearly 50% more buying value than a year ago. Amazing bargains are on every hand. And commodities are available that are lastingly useful at the prices which will not again be in vogue for many a year. It makes it worth while to disturb some of those savings with which the banks are glutted and buy more this winter. The yield will, in view of the certain raise in prices within the year, be many times higher than ordinary savings interest rates, particularly in the face of a prospective cut in interest on the part of banks if the present tremendous volume of savings continue. It is common knowledge that savings are swollen by $250,000,000 over last year and the American Bankers" Association gives even a higher figure. The picture of the consumer's purchase stimulating retailing, distribution, production and finally his own income is an old one. But the truth and sound logic of it remains. One of the most stable, bargain-priced articles that will furnish pleasure through bad times and good is a radio set. They will never cost you less. And they have not been developed to a higher degree of performance than right now. There are still twenty million families in America without receivers and it is essentially worth the while of those who can possibly afford it to get the latest type radio at the astonishing prices prevailing now. Aside from the profitable buying policy a purchase at this time is a strong and definite step toward the return of prosperity. For prosperity must be bought. Neither talk, political parties nor the climate can bring it back. If we wait for the ordinary course of necessity to again consume normal production there will be a long wait and the prolonging of suffering. Order thai radio set today and do xour bit. VOLUME XVIII NUMBER TWO Copyright, 1930, Horwood Publishing Co., Inc. Issued Monthly at 314 E. 12th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Subscription $3.00 a Year. Entered as Second Class Matter. November 25, 1922, Los Angeles. Calif., Post Office, Under Act of March 3, 1879. Hew Yor\ Of ice Los Angeles Office San Francisco Office J. W. HASTIE HORWOOD PUBLISHING CO., INC. H. H. CONGER CO. 155 East 42nd Street. Vanderbilt 4661 314 E. 12th Street. WEstmore 3024 929-930 Hearst Bldg. Garfield 8990