Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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January, 1931 RADIO DOINGS Page Thirty-three News, Stock Market Reports, Weather SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA KMTR — 12 I'M. World in Review. 5:45 PM. Reporter of the Air. K.FSD — 5 :4!> PM. San Diego Union News Report. KFI— 10 AM. Wall Street Financial News. 12 PM. U. C. & U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 12:15 PM. Federal and State Market Reports. 4 PM. KFT-KECA Editorial Review. 5:45 PM. Closing Stock Market Reports. PM. Livestock Report. KJHPC KH.I— 12:30 PM. World-Wide News (L.A. Times.) 4:45 PM. World-Wide News. 10:00 PM. World-Wide News. K\\ — 3:15 PM. Monday. Lost and Found Reports. 3:25 PM. Tuesday. Lost and Found Reports. 3:00 PM. Wednesday and Friday. Lost and Found Reports. 3:30 PM. Thursday. Lost and Found Reports. 1:25 PM. Saturday^ Lost and Found Reports. 8:00 PM. Nightly Frost Warning* for Citrus Growers. KGFJ — 5:00 PM. Market Reports. KFXM— 11:15 AM. News Report. 6:15 PM. Los Angeles Record News Report. KFOX— 7:15 AM. Early News Report. 11:30 AM. Press Telegram News Report. 4:00 PM. Press Telegram News Report. KGER — 4:00 PM. News Brevities. KPSJi — 8:00 AM. World Wide News. 12:30 PM. World Wide News. 6:00 PM. World Wide News. KECA— 10:30 PM. KFI-KECA Editorial Review. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA KFRC — 7:30 AM. N. Y. Stock Quotations. 11:25 AM. S. F. Call-Bulletin News Items. 1:00 PM. Closing Stock Market Reports. 1:05 PM. S. F. Call-Bulletin News Items. 5:50 PM. S. F. Call-Bulletin News Items. Kl'O — 1:50 PM. Ye Towne Crier. 5:45 PM. News Digest with Scotty Mortland. KftW9:30 AM. Weather Report. 12:30 PM. Market Report. 6:00 PM. U. S. D. A. Farm Flashes. 6:30 PM. S. F. Market Place. 7:00 PM. Farm Bureau Radio News. 7:15 PM. News Dispatches. KYA — 1 :30 PM. News casting. 6:45 PM. Delivery of Stock Yard Prices and Quotations. NORTHWEST KGW — 1:00 PM. Town Crier. KMO — 10:00 AM. Town Crier. 11:45 AM. News Casting. IvOMO — 12 PM. Farm Talk; Grain and Food Reports. 10:45 PM. News Flashes. KJR— 7:40 AM. Stock Reports. 12 PM. World in Review. 3:30 PM. News Casting. 5:30 PM. Market Reports. KEY — 7:00 AM. Oregon Journal News. 12:00 PM. Weather Reports. 11:30 PM.. Police Reports. KG A— 6:45 AM. News. 12:00 PM. World in Review. 3:00 PM. News Casting. MOUNTAIN STATES weathei stocks, markets. ,-estock. KOA— 11:30 AM. Monday, (P. S. T.) 10:50 AM. Tuesday, weather, stocks, markets, livestock. 11:00 AM. Wednesday and Thursday, weather, stocks, markets, livestock. 10:55 AM. Friday, weather, stocks, markets, livestock. 10:45 AM. Saturday, weather, stocks, markets, livestock. 5:00 PM. Monday & Wednesday, weather, stocks, etc. 3:15 PM. Tuesday, stocks, market reports, etc. 3:45 PM. Thursday and Friday, stocks, weather, etc. 4:30 PM. Saturday, stocks, market reports, etc. KSL — 7:20 AM. N. Y. stock market report and market letter. 11:20 AM. News Casting. 3:30 PM. Ye Olde Towne Crier. ARIZONA KTAR — 8:45 AM. Radio Newspaper. 1:45 PM. Radio Newspaper. 9:00 PM. Radio Newspaper. Programs for the Housewife SOUTHERN California (Dally Unless Indicated) KMTR— 9:00 AM. Mildred Kitchen Home Economics Expert. KFSD— 9:15 AM. Amy Lou Shopping Hour. KFI — 9:00 AM. Helpful Hints to Housewives, Bess Kilmer, 10:30 AM. NBC Woman's Magazine of the Air. (Thurs. 10:00 AM.) 10:15 AM. Josephine Gibson Food Talks. (Monday and Wednesday only.) 10:00 AM. Color Harmony NBC. (Tuesday only.) KMPC — 10:15 AM. Violet Schramm, Shopping Service. KTM — 2:00 PM. Over the Tea Cups with Nell Cleary. KH.I — 9:00 AM. Velva Darling. Girl Philosopher. 9:30 AM. Feminine Fancies. (Ex. Saturday.) 10:30 AM. Pure Food Talks. (Ex. Tuesday.) 6:00 PM. Peggy Hamilton, Romance of Fashion. (Tuesday only.) KFWB — 10:00 AM. Prudence Penny. KFVD — 2:00 PM. Hints to Housewives. KNX — 9:00 AM. Radio Shopping News. C. P. R. 10:30 AM. Home Economics Talk by Kate Brew Vaughn KFOX — 9:00 AM. Beauty Talk. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA KTAI1 — 10:00 AM. Household Hour with Alma La Mar. KFRC — 9:30 AM. Feminine Fancies. (Ex. Saturday.) 11:05 AM. Mary Lewis Haines Domestic Science Talk (Monday.) 11:15 AM. Mary Lewis Haines Domestic Science Talk. (Wednesday.) 9:00 AM. Mildred Kitchen's Household Talk. (Tuesday and Thursday only.) 3:00 PM. Colonial Dames Beauty Talk. (Monday only.) Kl'O — 10:30 AM. NBC Woman's Magazine of the Air. (Thursday 10:00 AM.) 11:30 AM. Julia Hayes' Helpful Hints to Housewives. (Thursday at 11:45 AM.) 11:45 AM. Helen Gordon Barker Art Talk. (Monday only.) KROW — 2:45 and 3:00 PM. Betty, the Shopper. KYA — 12:15 PM. Parent-Teachers' Association. (Monday only.) NORTHWEST KHQ — 10:30 AM. Woman's Magazine of the Air. Thursday at 10:00 AM.) 10:15 AM. Josephine Gibson's Food Talk. (Monday and Friday only.) 10:15 AM. Mary Hale Martin. ( Wednesday only.) 12:45 AM. Home Decorator. (Ex. Tuesday.) KGW — 9:15 AM. Cooking School. 10:15 AM. Josephine Gibson's Food Talk. (Monday & Wednesday only.) 10:30 AM. Woman's Magazine of the Air. (Thursday at 10:00 AM.) 11:30 AM. Julia Hayes Talk. (Monday and Tuesday only.) KYI — 9:30 AM. Feminine Fancies. (Ex. Saturday.) KMO — 11:00 AM. Tips on the Shoppe Market. KOMO — 10:30 AM. Woman's Magazine of the Air. (Thursday at 10:00 AM.) 9:15 AM. Julia Hayes Helpful Hints to Housewives. (Monday and Wednesday only.) 9:45 AM. Way to a Man's Heart. KJR — 8:30 AM. Thrift Home of the Air. 9:15 AM. Mary From Proctors. 10:15 AM. Beauty Talks. KEN — 9:15 AM. Julia Hayes Talk. (Ex. Saturday.) KOL — 9:00 AM. Shopping Service. 9:30 AM. Feminine Fancies. (Ex. Saturday.) KG A — 9:20 AM. "Mary" over the NBS System. MOUNTAIN STATES (Pacific Standard Timet KOA — 10:30 AM. Woman's Magazine of the Air. (Thursday at 10:00 AM J 8:00 AM. Your Child. (Tuesday only.) 10:15 AM. Mary Hale Martin. (Wednesday only.) 2:30 PM. A Recipe a Day. (Monday only.) KSL — 9:00 AM. Home Economics Program. 9:30 AM. Housewives Program. 10:00 AM. A Visit with Mrs. Jennie Lee. 9:45 AM. Dietary Discussions. (Monday and Thursday only.) 10:30 AM. Helen Webster. (Monday and Wednesday only.) 10:50 AM. Ann Holden. (Monday and Thursday only.) 10:15 AM. Favorite Recipes of Mary Hale Martin. (Wednesday only.) ARIZONA KTAR — 8:00 AM. Aunt Helen's Home Hints 10:15 AM. NBC Josephine Gibson. (Monday and Wednesday only.) 10:50 AM NBC Magazine of the Air. (Thursday at 10 AM.)