Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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February, 193] RADIO DOINGS Page Seven a genuine SUPERHETERODYNE AT AN AMAZING, LOW PRICE dx fansHow Is This for Distance and Selectivity? All these stations without interferenei Super-heterodyne. KREG 5 1500 Kc 8% 1470 11 1430 11 % 1420 12 1400 13 1390 KGA KECA KFQL' KLO KOY KZM KGER 14 V, 1360 KGB 16 1330 KGHF 17 1320 KTSM 17 % 1310 KPDR 18 1300 KDYL 18 %. 1290 KOL 20 1270 KFOX 21 V2 L250 KYA 22% 1230 KGF.J 24 % 1200 WOAI 25 V2 1190 KEX 26 1180 KTNT 26 V2 1170 KSL 30 1130 KMIC 31 1120 KMOX 33 1090 WTAM34% 1070 KWJJ 35 1060 KNX 36% 1050 KRLD 37 104(1 KYW 38% 1020 KQW 40 1010 KFVD 41 1000 WHO 41V 1000 KDKA 42 V2 980 KOMO 43 V2 970 KFWB 45 950 KOIN 45 y2 940 KROW4654 930 KFWI 46% KFXF 48 KH.I 50 XER 51 KLX 52 WENR 53 KWKH 55 KOA 57 WHAS 57% \v< !< '< i 58 WFAA 59 KGO 60% KTM 62 WRBM 63 KVI 65 WJR 66 WSB 67 WGN 68% KMPC 70 WLW 721/, KPO 75 WMAQ76% 670 KFI 80 KTAR 81% KGW 83% KFRC 85 KFSD 86% KHQ 88 KMTR 92 KTAR 94 were tuned-in elearly ! on a Falek Midget Santa Ana, Calif. Spokane, Wash. Los Angeles, Calif. Holy City, Calif. Ogden, Utah Phoenix, Arizona Hayward, Calif. Long Beach, Calif. San Diego, Calif. Pueblo, Colo. El Paso, Texas Portland, Ore. Salt Lake City, Utah Seattle, Wash. Long Beach, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. San Antonio, Texas Portland', Oregon Muscatine. Iowa Salt Lake City, Utah Los Angeles, Calif. St. Louis, Mo. Cleveland. Ohio Portland, Oregon Los Angeles. Calif. Dallas, Texas Chicago. 11!. San Jose, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Des Moines, Iowa Pittsburgh. Pa. Seattle, Wash. Los Angeles, Calif. Portland. Oregon 920 900 895 850 810 800 790 780 770 760 750 740 720 710 700 680 640 620 620 610 570 Los Angeles, Calif Mexico City, Mi x. Oakland. Calif. Chicago. 111. Shreveport, La. Denver, Colo. Louisville, Ky. Minneapolis, Minn Dallas, Texas Oakland. Calif. Los Angeles, Calif Chicago. III. na, Wash, it. Mich. Chicago, Los Ang< Phoenix, Portland. San Frar Here is a radio sensation. A genuine, fully licensed Super-heterodyne set in the popular midget size, with all the recent desirable improvements and features, at a price that is not out of anyone's reach. Super-heterodyne, as you well know, has always been the "RollsRoyce " of radio circuits. Now, with recent revolutionary improvements, it is taking the country by storm, making it possible for almost every home to have a Super-heterodyne. This offer is one of the most unusual bargains in the history of radio. You are urged to see this beautiful walnut-cased radio instrument. Inspect it. Hear its marvelous tone. Note the stations it will bring in clearly. See its many features usually found only in sets sold at much higher prices. You Get All These Distinctive Features in This Set 1. Super-heterodyne circuit fully licensed under the patents and patent applications of RCA, General Electric, Westinghouse, American Telephone <fc Telegraph Company — also under Hazeltine and La'Tour patents. 2. Full dial efficiency and characteristic Super-heterodyne ten kilocycle selectivity. 3. Four screen-grid tubes. 4. 245 power tubes. 5. Completely shielded. (i. Dynatron oscillator and band-pass tuning. 7. Magnavox electro-dynamic power speaker. 8. Long-Distance switch. 9. Single dial calibrated in kilocycles and illuminated for full vision. 10. Superb tone quality. 11. Tone control. 12. Genuine walnut cabinet with beautiful figured wood overlays. Collins-Lane Co. 1414 West Seventh LOS ANGELES, CALIF. FItzroy 2561