Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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February, 1931 RADIO DOINGS Page Twenty-five TCLND THE DIAL I am just in receipt of a letter from The National Broadcasting Company of Australia with the very latest information on their chain of stations and they are very anxious to have same printed 'n Western States call books. Here it is — "Listing of stations of Australian National Broadcasting Service of the Commonwealth Government of Australia for which programs are supplied by the Australian Broadcasting Co. Ltd.: 2FC — Sidney, New South Wales 451M. 665 Kc. 5 K.W. 2BL— Sidney, New South Wales 350M. 855 Kc. 5 K.W. 3LO— Melbourne, Victoria 375 M. 800 Kc. 5 K.W. 3AR — Melbourne, Victoria 484 M. 620 Kc. 5 K.W. 4QGBrisbane, Queensland 394.5 M. 760 Kc. 5 K.W. 5CL— Adelaide, South Australia 412 M. 730 Kc. 5 K.W. 6WF— Perth, Western Australia 435 M. 690 Kc. 5 K.W. 7ZL— Hobart, Tasmania 516 M. 580 Kc. 3 K.W. Eastern states' time in Australia, which covers Melbourne, Sidney, Hobart and Brisbane is comparable with Pacific time as follows: 12noon Tuesday, Australia equals 6 p. m. Monday in Los Angeles. Around 3 a. m. (P.ST.) Tuesday, the time when Australian stations are received in the states, it is 9 p. m. Tuesday in Sidney. Adelaide is one-half hour later than their Australian Eastern States' time. 8:30 p. m. in Adelaide means 9 p. m. in Melbourne. Perth time is two hours later than Melbourne. Most of the above stations broadcast as follows: 6 p. m. to 11 p. m. on weekdays and 11:30 on Saturdays. Sunday hours, 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. — P E. Donnelly, 901 Third Ave.. Los Angeles, Calif. * * * Here is some information from Karl Halpern, 143 5 Coney Island avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. He said for me to pass it on with his compliments. KFPW, Fort Smith, Ark., 1340 Kc, 50 watts, is on the air 5 to 6:30 a. m. (P.S.T..) CFLC, Prescott, Ont., 1010 Kc, 50 watts, is on the air 4 to 4:30 p. m. (P.S.T.) Friday nights 4 to 7:30 and 4:45 to 5:45 o'clock every morning. Sunday night I tuned in 550 Kc. at 8:50 o'clock and WGR, Buffalo, N. Y., 1000 watts, was coming in like a house afire. I have every station on 5 50 Kc. now except KFDY. Who knows anything about KFDY? A Spanish station on about 1145 Kc. fooled me for a while until I finally heard his announcement one night — it is XEF, 105 watts, Oaxaca, Oax, Mexico. He is supposed to be on 1131 Kc. He is way down there, nearly to Central America, about 1,875 miles. At 4:30 o'clock one morning I heard a time signal on 1270 Kc, as 7:30 (E.S.T.): this must have been WLBW. Oil City, Penna., 500 watts. Has anybody got him? WKAV, Laconia, N. H., 1310 Kc, 100 watts, is on the air 1 to 3 a. m. (P.S.T.) on the third Sunday of each month. — A. R. Van Compernolle, 618 North Baker, Santa Ana, Calif. * * * I wish to be permitted to submit more information to your interesting column. The station dope listed in it I find most useful, as without it I would not have been able to have received the log I have. Just recently I was the fortunate receiver of a list of Mexican broadcasters sent me by one of their stations, together with their respective assigned frequencies. The information was quite valuable, as I find that many of them have been changed by the Mexican government to different channels. One of them is XEI, Morelia, Mich., who is now on 688 Kc. On 750 Kc. we find XEQ, located in Juarez, Chih. It uses a power of 1000 watts. XEB, Mexico City, uses 1030 Kc. while on 1080 Kc. is located XEG, also in the same city. XETA is on 1140 Kc. and XEK, 101 watts, Mexico City, is on 1000 Kc. I have many more Mexican stations and their frequency and I will be only to glad to answer questions on them if you will drop me a line. Does anyone know of a Spanish speaking station on 825 Kc? By the way it's not XFC. Say, what happened to our Tom Elliot? I don't sec his articles in this column any more. The letters he wrote were quite full of good DX dope. Has anyone logged KGMB in Honolulu, Hawaii? I picked them up one morning. They came in on 13 30 Kc WGAR, 1450 Kc is on at 5:30 a. m. every morning. ■ — Constantino Stefani, Rt. 1, Box 65, Merced. Calif. Here are a few stations to get in the mornings: WJAG, 5 a. m. daily: WMBI, 5 a. m. daily except Sundays: KPOF. 5:45 a. m. daily: KOY, until 1 a. m. Sunday mornings. On Sunday morning, March 1st. WDAG will broadcast a special DX program and souvenirs are to be given away. —Stuart Walmsley, 164! West 60th St., Los Angeles, Calif. The following stations may be picked up after 4 a. m. Saturday WMT— Waterloo, Iowa, 600 Kc WSBT— South Bend, Indiana, 1230 Kc WSPD— Toledo, Ohio, 1340 Kc. KSO— Clannda, Iowa, 1 380 Kc WKBF— Indianapolis, Indiana, 1400 Kc KLZ— Denver, 560 Kc. Saturday at 10:20 p. m. I picked up WASH in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1270 Kc. In a letter of verification from WOOD, Grand Rapids, using the same frequency as WASH, WOOD asked me to spread the news in California that they put on the Owls Club program starting half an hour past mid-night, Central Time, and continuing into the early hours of Sunday morning. They are anxious to hear from DX fans in California and will reply. In the early hours of Sunday morning I picked up a new station at Havana, CMBZ. broadcasting on a frequency of 1015 Kc. I also noted a new station in Mexico on KECA's wave length. I listened to at least 20 announcements, but could not make out the call letters or the name of the city at all well The call letters sounded to me like XETC, and the name of the town sounded like "Ayarma," which would very likely be Guaymas. I can find no listing of such a station, and shall be glad to hear from any DX fans who picked up this station last Saturday night or early Sunday morning, and who can give me some definite information as to the call letters and location? CKLC, Red Deer, Alberta, 840 Kc, can be picked up Sunday after 5:30 p. m. I also had KGMB at Honolulu Sunday from 1:07 a. m. to 2 a. m. Reception was particularly good. At 2 a. m., which would be 11:30 Saturday night in Honolulu, they announced a program from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. I have some information about two Mexican stations. The station on 1095 Kc is evidently XEB at Mexico City. I received this information from Karl Halpern of the Newark News Radio Club. He tells me that this station does not announce at all clearly and it took the members a long time to find out that it was XEB. In fact, they had to write to the different stations in Mexico to find out as they could never make out the call letters. I have also identified the station on 1150 or 1155 Kc. This is XER. I heard the call letters distinctly last Friday night. The station is often on the air quite late, staying on until past eleven. It plays records and comes in very clearly. The call letters sound like ack-A-air, and unless one listens closely it sounds like k-k-i. I am not altogether sure where it is located, but think it is in Mexico City. Karl Halpern, in a letter to me, gives information about KFPW, which is on the air daily except Sunday from 5 to 6:30 a. m. (P.S.T ), and WRAX, which is on the air Sunday from 6 a. m. (P.S.T.), on. It will doubtless be very hard to get these stations, but they will be worth trying for. — A. E. Armstrong, 2021 Bonita Drive, Glendale, Calif. Here are the Mexicans that I have received so far. Your readers will probably notice some corrections over my other list. Many changes have occurred and I am listing them the way they are now listed and not as I receive them:XFE. 632-250: XEN, 720-1000: XEQ. 750-1000: XEW, 780-5000: XFI, 820-1000: XEJ, 857-101: XFX, 860-500; XES, 890-500: XFF, 915-250; XED, 960-10,000: XEG. 970-2000: XEI, 1000-100: XEU, 1035-101; XETA, 1100-500 (received on 1150); XEH, 1130-101: XEA, 1200-101 (received on 1150.) I am listing my Cuban stations: CMK, 2000 W.-730 Kc: CMC, 500 W.-840 Kc: CMX, 890 Kc: CMHD, 920 Kc, and CM HA. 1150 Kc. (2T0 watts each): CMCQ, 955 Kc. and CMBC, 1070 Kc. (500 W. each.) Some of my best catches are: (not listed above) WCAC, 250 W.; WCAO. 250 W : WRBX. 250 W.; WMBR. 100 W. and KQU. 500 W. I have received stations on 97 channels, CKX being the 97th. Can anyone tell me when I may receive the following: WTAR. WBOO. WCOC. WKAQ. CJGC. WDBJ. WDAE. KID. WCOA and WJAZ7 I wili be interested to here from anyone who has received any of these stations (the ones with time given, also.) I have some schedules of Eastern stations that I will send to any requesting them. (Such stations as CKX, WCSH,WLWL, WAIU. WASH, etc.) Donald Teague, Jr., R.F.D. No. 2, Santa Paula. Calif.