Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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February, 1931 RADIO DOINGS Page Twenty-seven 'I < uml the World I V Club News CLU6 Our Club report for the past month shows a very decided increase in the various departments of the Club. Memberships are coming in and we are confident in saying that by the end of the current DX season, the Club Membership roll will contain approximately 60 to 75 Dyed-in-the-Wool DX fans from all parts of the world. New members initiated during the past month include such names well known in DX circles, some of them being George Schmidt, Stewart Walsmley, W. H. Nolan and Douglas A. Taylor. The latter being located in Mexico and from "inside information" has been badly bitten by the "Candy Bug." For more detailed information regarding Mr. Taylor's illness, please get in touch with our treasurer, George Viliani. In a report given out at the last regular meeting by Mr. Viliani, the club treasurer, we note with great satisfaction that the club now has quite a substantial bank balance. This is, indeed, very good news for the club is self-supporting and every dollar banked means that we are on the road to success. It is to be remembered that this money is only to be used for such payment of accounts and bills incurred by the club in line with its regular business. We have been delayed in giving out the final results of our Prize DX Contest held December 10th and at this time, are yet unable to give complete information concerning the winners. However, the judges have notified us that their report will be complete and ready for publication by the time the next issue of RADIO DOINGS goes to press. On account of the delay in the December contest, we were unable to hold a contest in January as we had planned. At this time we are pleased to announce that we will hold our next Club Prize Contest Saturday morning, February 14th. The hours are from 12 midnight Friday night till 6 a. m. Saturday morning, February 14th. For the benefit of members living in other parts of the United States and the world — they are to "fish" during the above hours using their own standard local time. During our last contest, members living in the Middle West and on the East Coast became confused and did not know whether to use their local standard time or Pacific time. EVERY CONTESTANT IS TO USE HIS OWN STANDARD LOCAL TIME. All logs are to be mailed to 314 E. 12th Street, Los Angeles, Calif., addressed to the Round the World DX Club Contest Committee and must reach the above address not later than February 21st. The names of the judges for the February contest will be given out at a later date. We hope that every member will send in a log for this contest, as we are gathering valuable information from the various logs received Much of this information will be compiled and published. At the last regular meeting, a trip to William MacDonalds at Chula Vista was discussed and it was found that about fifteen members wish to make the trip and spend an evening with Mac and get some real pointers on how to get DX. Mr. McDonald has won the title of being the World's DX Champion, a title to which there is no dispute. Mr. MacDonald has logged 1225 stations in approximately 65 countries and a glance over his files filled with verifications dispels any doubt that may come into any one's mind regarding Mr. MacDonald's achievements. Mr. MacDonald is on honorary member of our club and we are very proud to have him with us. In response to our request, we received a telegram from Radio KGBU, located in Ketchican, Alaska, stating that they were putting on a DX program for us and that they would be pleased to receive reports from any members receiving this special broadcast. This broadcast t«)k place on the morning of January 15th from 1 a. m. till 3 a. m. Manymembers stated that they tried for this program but met with no success. However, one of our new members, George Schmidt, reported that he received them and had written tor a verification. We all are awaiting his verification with much interest. We are negotiating with other distant stations for more of these DX programs and as we hear from them, we will immediately notify all members in order that they may try for them. We are very grateful for this co-operation from the various broadcasters and it is the wish of the executive committee that all members receiving any of these DX broadcasts, immediately communicate with the station putting the program on the air asking for a verification and expressing their thanks. We have some real good news for members and prospective members living outside of Los Angeles County. At the regular meeting of the club, held Monday night, January 5th, a motion was made and passed to the effect that yearly dues for these members will be one dollar per year and for those living outside of the United States — no dues at all, BUT in both cases the entrance fee of one dollar still remains in force. This entrance fee is to be attached to all applications when applying for membership. With this new ruling in effect, we expect many distant DX fans who have probably held back feeling that they would not derive any benefit from the club, to send in their application upon receipt of this news. Only members living in Los Angeles County will have to pay the regular monthly dues of fifty cents per month. We feel that such members are able to attend meetings and thereby receive full benefit from these club meetings. The next issue of RADIO DOINGS will contain a more detailed report on the club, DX news and notes and letters from various members. If any members have any questions they would like answered, just drop a note to the club and we shall try to publish these questions and answers in our section. On account of our space being limited, it may be impossible to answer and publish all letters, but we shall do the best we can. The next regular club meeting will be held Monday night, February 2nd, at 7:30 o'clock at 314 East 12th street, Los Angeles. All DX fans are cordially invited to attend any of our meetings and we feel certain our meetings will prove of great interest to them. If any prospective member wishes any information regarding the club and its activities, please drop us a line and we shall be very glad to supply the desired information. — Edward C. Roth, President. During the past month I have found that: 1. — WMBI has onlyone late program and it is broadcast on Friday night between 10 and 11 o'clock (PST.) 2.— CKGW in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is on 690 Keys., has 5,000 watts, and is on the Red and Blue Networks of the National Broadcasting Company. It is the only Canadian station that has NBC programs. They broadcast on the following schedule: 6 45 a. m. 'til midnight or after every weekday, and on Sundays from 11 a. m. to 11:15 p. m. (EST.) J.— WCBD is on the air on Wednesdays in the evening and the hour of their broadcast is 9 to '0 p. m. (PST.) 4 WMAQ has a DX broadcast every Monday night from 8:45 to 9 o'clock (PST), and I find that there is much information given on it. In fact I have already logged a new station from their information. It is called "The Chicago Daily News DX Club" and I think that every DXer that will listen will surely gain from their broadcasts. —George Schmidt, 1642 W. 82nd St., Los Angeles, Calif.