Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Page Thirt\ RADIO DOINGS February, 1931 SCHEDULE Or DX JTATICNX EVENING HOURS ONLY PACIFIC STANDARD TIME Call Letters Location | Kc. | W.L. Power | Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. Thurs. | Fri. Sat. KLZ Denver, Colo .,| 560 | 535.4 | 1000 | 4 9:30 | 4-10:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 4 11:00 4-11:00 WOW j Omaha, Neb 590 | 508.2 | 1000 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 4-10:00 I 4-10:00 WDAF 1 Kansas City, Mo ...| 610 | 491.5 | 1000 | 4 9:00 | 4-10:30 | 4-10:30 | 4-10:30 4-10:30 4 10:30 4-10:30 WFLA-WSUN [ Clearwater, Fla ...| 620 | 483 | 2500 | 4 8:30 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 WSM | Nashville, Tenn -1 650 | 461.3 | 5000 | 4 8:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 WMAQ Chicago, 111 _| 670 | 447.5 | 5000 | 4-10:00 | 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 4-12:00 4-12:00 4-12:00 WOR Newark, N. J -1 710 | 422.3 | 5000 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 WGN Chicago, 111 -1 720 | 416.4 | 25KW| 4-10:30 | 4-10:30 | 4-10:30 | 4-10:30 4-10:30 4 10:30 4-12:15 \\ SB Atlanta, Ga ...| 740 | 405.4 | 5000 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 WJR , Detroit, Mich ...| 750 | 400 5000 | 4-11:00 | 4-11.00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 4-11 :00 4 11:00 4-12:00 kFAB Lincoln, Neb ...| 770 | 389.4 | 5000 | 8 9:00 | 8 9:15 | 8 9:15 | 8 9:15 8 9:15 S 9:15 8 9:15 WBBM Chicago, 111 _..| 770 | 389.4 | 25KW| 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 4 8:00 4 8:00 4 8:00 WBAP 1 Fort Worth, Texas ...| 800 | 374.8 | 10KW| 7:30-10 | 7-10:00 | 4 7:00 | 6:30-10 4 7:00 7 10:00 4 7:00 WCCO Minneapolis, Minn ...| 810 | 370.2 | 7500 | 4 9:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 4-10:00 4 10:00 4-11 :00 WHAS | Louisville, K.y „..| 820 J 365.6 | 10KW| 4 8:30 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 KOA Denver, Colo . .j 830 | 361.2 | 12KW| 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 4-11 :00 4 12:00 4-12:00 WENR 1 Chicago, 111 _..| 870 | 345 | 50KW| 6-12:00 | 6:30-11 | 6:30-11 | 6:30-11 6:30-11 6 30-11 10-12:00 WLS i Chicago, 111 ...J 870 | 345 | 5000 | 4 6:00 | 5 6:30 | 5 6:30 | 5 6:30 5 6:30 5 6:30 5-10:00 WCFL Chicago, 111 _| 970 ! 309.1 | 1500 j 4 6:45 | 4 6:45 | 4 6:45 | 4 6:45 4 6:45 4 6:45 4 6:45 WBZ Springfield, Mass ....| 990 | 302.8 | 15KW| 4 8:15 | 4 9:00 | 4 8:15 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 8:30 WOC-WHO Davenport, Des Moines.. .... |1000 | 299.8 | 5000 | 4 9:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-12:30 4-10:00 4 10:00 4-10:00 KYW Chicago, 111 ....|1020 ! 294 | 10KW| 4-10:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 4-11 :00 4 11:00 4-12:00 KTHS Hot Springs, Ark .... |1040 | 288.3 | 10KW 7 8:30 | 8 9:00 | 8 9:00 | 7-10:00 7:30-10 7 10:00 8 9:00 WBAL Baltimore, Md .. |1060 I 283 | 10KWI Off at 4 | Off at 4 | 4 9:00 | Off at 4 4 9:00 Off at 4 4 9:00 WTIC i Hartford, Conn .... |1060 | 282.8 | 50KW| 4 9:00 I 4 9:00 | silent | 4 9:00 silent 4 9:00 silent WTAM Cleveland, Ohio ...11070 | 280.2 | 50KW| 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 4-10:00 4 10:00 4-10:00 WBT I Charlotte, N. C ... |1080 | 277.6 | 5000 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 | 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 WRVA ! Richmond, Va 1 1110 | 270.1 | 5000 4 8:30 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 | 4-10:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 4 9:00 KSL Otill LttKC V->lLy ... iino | 265.3 | 5000 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 4-12:00 4-12:00 4-12:00 WAPI Birmingham, Ala . .| 1 140 | 263 | 5000 5:15-9 | 6 8:00 | 6 9:00 | 4-11:00 4-11 :00 4 6:00 | 4 6:00 WHAM Rochester, N. Y ...11150 ] 260.7 | 5000 4 8:30 | 4 8:45 | 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 4 9:00 4 8:00 4 8:30 WOWO 1 Fort Wayne, Ind .. .11160 | 258.5 ! 10KW| 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 | 4 9:00 4 8:00 4 8:35 4 6:00 WOAI 1 San Antonio, Texas ... 1 1 190 | 252 | 50KW 4 8:30 | 4 9:15 | 4 9:15 | 4 9:15 4 9:15 4 9:15 4 9:15 KDYL 1 Salt Lake City .. 11290 | 232.6 | 1000 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 | 4-12:00 4-12:00 4 12:00 4-12:00 KWK 1 St. Louis, Mo .... |1350 | 222.1 | 1000 4 9:02 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 4-11:00 4-11:00 4-1 1 : 30 KSTP Saint Paul, Minn ....11460 1 205.4 | 10KW 4-10:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 | 4-11:00 4-11:00 4-11:00 4-11 :00 WCKY 1 Covington, Ky .... |1490 j 201.6 | 5000 4 6:00 | 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 | 4 8:00 4 8:00 4 8:00 4 8:00 Government Monitoring Service The efforts of the federal government to provide better reception of broadcast programs and other radio transmissions are revealed in the annual report of W. D. Terrell, Chief of the Commerce Department's Radio Division. One of the chief causes for poor reception, the report points out, is the tendency of radio transmitting stations to deviate from their assigned wave length or frequency. In order that a close check may be kept on all stations and that those deviating may be immediately advised, a widespread system of monitoring has been inaugurated by the Radio Division. This monitoring service consists of a primary station located at Grand Island, Nebraska, and nine secondary stations in various parts of the country. In addition to these stations the division maintains a fleet of six test cars for supplementary work. The site of the primary station was chosen as near the geographical center of the country as possible, it is pointed out. The location is practically free from all man-made electrical disturbances. The apparatus installed in the various monitoring stations it the most complete of any in the world. During the last fiscal year tests conducted at the primary station at Grand Island resulted in reception of transmissions from numerous foreign countries, including those as far separated as Russia and Argentina. A recent program transmitted from Tokyo was picked up at this primary station and made available for broadcasting in the United States. One of the functions of the Radio Division is to inspect radio apparatus on all vessels leaving American ports. During the year under review the division made 11,334 inspections of this type as compared with 10,715 during the preceding year. Radio installations on airplanes are also subject to inspection by this division. Last year, the report shows, 21 5 planes, exclusive of those of the Army and Navy, were equipped with radio, as compared with less than 100 for the year 1928-29. In order that life may be properly safeguarded, Mr. Terrell points out, the radio apparatus on passenger-carrying planes should receive the same attention as is now given to the radio equipment on merchant vessels. All licensed radio stations must be operated by licensed operators, the report explains. The duty of examining and certifying to the qualifications of these operators is one of the functions of the Radio Division. During the last fiscal year approximately 10,000 operators were examined and in addition more than 6,000 licenses were renewed.