Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

Record Details:

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Page Forty RADIO DOINGS February, 1931 Columbia Broadcasting System 9:00 AM9:30 AH9:45 AM -Jewish Art Program. Talks Script and Music KVI KLZ -H. M. Canadian Grenadier Guards Band from Montreal KLZ KYI KFPY 10:30 AM— Conclave of Nations, music rected by Channon Coll KFPY KLZ KVI 11:00 AM — Cathedral H 12.00 Noor 2:30 PM5:00 PM5:15 PM5:45 PM6:00 PM6:30 PM 7:00 PM ur. All musical presentation of a cathedral service KLZ KVI KFPY — New York Philharmonic Orch. KLZ KDYL KVI KHJ KFRC The French Trio KLZ KDYL KVI KFRC Devil. Drugs and Doctors KLZ KDYL KOL KHJ KFRC KFPY U. S. School of Music KLZ KOL -Detroit Symphony Orchestra KLZ KDYL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC -Jesse Crawford, Royals' Poet of the Organ KLZ KDYL KOL KOIN KHJ KFRC MONDAY 5:45 AM— The Old Dutch Girl KLZ KDYL 6:00 AM — Something for Everyone KDYL 9:00 AM — Paul Tremaine and His Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra KLZ KFPY 9:30 AM — Columbia Revue, Emery Deutsch and his Orchestra. KDYL KVI 11:00 AM — Columbia Artists Recital KLZ KVI KFPY 11:30 AM— American School of the Air KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC 12:00 Noon — Columbia Salon Orchestra, Emery Deutsch, director KDYL KVI 12:30 AM — Ann Leaf at the Oreran KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY 1 :00 PM — Radio Listening Test KDYL KVI KHJ KFRC 1:30 PM— U. S. Army Band KLZ KDYL KVI KFPY 1:30 PM — Wardman Park Hotel Orchestra, dance music KRLD KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KFRC 2:00 PM — Gypsy Music Makers. Emery Deutsch and his Orchestra KDYL 2:45 PM — Virginia Arnold, pianist KLZ KDYL 3:00 PM— Paul Tremaine and Orch. KDYL KOL KFRC KHJ 3:45— Tony's Scrap Book KLZ KOL KFRC 4:00 PM— Current Events, H. V. Kaltenborn KVI KOL KFRC 4:15 PM— The Vagabonds KVI KFRC 5:30 PM— Arabesque. Desert Play KLZ KDYL 6:00 PM — The KOL 6:30 PM— Bourjois, An Evening in Paris KLZ KFPY KOL KDYL KOIN nd his OrchesL KVI KOL J KFRC Z KDYL KOL C KNX Column, Hey son and His I'M— Guy Lomb: tra KLZ KFPY KO: PM — Don Amai: KOIN KH. PM— Columbia TUESDAY 6:15 AM — Something for Everyone, Music. News, Humor. Poetry KDYL 6:30 AM — Morning Moods, Nat Brusiloff and his Orchestra KDYL 9:00 AM — Paul Tremaine and his Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra, dance music KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KHJ KFRC 9:30 AM— Columbia Revue KDYL 11:00 AM— The Four Clubmen KLZ KVI KFPY KHJ KFRC 11:30 AM — American School of the Air, KLZ KDYL KVI KFRC 12:00 Noon — Columbia Salon Orchestra. Emery Deutsch, director KLZ KDYL KVI 12:30 PM — Pancho and his Orchestra, dance music KLZ KDYL KVI 1:15 PM — Italian Idyl. Vincent Sorey and his Orchestra KLZ KDYL KVI KFRC 1 :30 PM — Columbia Artists' Recital KLZ KDYL KOL KFPY' KFRC WORC KVI 2:00 PM — Rhythm Kings, Nat Brusiloff and his Orchestra KLZ 2:30 PM — Bert Lown and his Biltmore Orchestra, dance music KDYL KLZ 3:00 PM — Harry Tucker and His Barclay Orchestra, concert music KDY'L KOL KFPY 3:45 PM — Tonv's Scrap Book KLZ KOL KFRC KFPY 4:00 PM— Morton Downey KVI KFPY' KHJ 4:15 PM — Columbia Educational Features The Political Situation in Washington KFRC KFPY KVI 5:45 PM — Premier Salad Dressers. Colin O'More, tenor and Premier Chef KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC 7:00 PM — Gravbar's Mr. and Mrs. KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY' KOIN KHJ KFRC 7:15 PM — The Gypsv Trail KLZ KOL KFPY KFRC 7:30 PM — Paramount Publix Radio Playhouse, Guest Screen Stars KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC KNX 8:00 PM — Paul Tremaine and His Yoeng's Orch KLZ KOL 8:30 PM — Mickev Alpert and Orch. KLZ KDYL WEDNESDAY 6:00 AM — Something for Everyone, music, news, humor, poetry KDYL KHJ 6:30 AM — Morning Moods. Vincent Sorey and his Orchestra KDYL 9:00 AM — Paul Tremaine and his Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra, dance music KLZ 10:30 AM — Pickle Packers Program KVI KOL KHJ KFRC 11:00 AM — Columbia Artist's Recital KLZ KVI KOL KFPY 11:30 AM — American School of the Air, "Robinson Crusoe" KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KOIN KHJ KFRC 12:30 PM — Syncopated Silhouettes, Nat Brusiloff and his Orchestra KLZ KDYL KVI 1:00 PM — Musical Album, Columbia Salon Orchestra KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KFRC CFRB 2:00 PM — Asbury Park Casino Orchestra. dance music KLZ KDYL 2:45 PM— Eddie Connors KLZ KDYL 3:00 PM— "Bill Schudt's Going to Press," special program KLZ KDYL KOL 3-15 PM — Winegar's Barn Orch KDYL KOL KFRC KHJ 3:45 PM — Tony's Scrap Book KVI KOL KFRC KFPY 1:15 PM— Musical Aviators Orch. KVI KOL KFRC 5:15 PM — U. S. Marine Band KDYL KOL KFRC KFPY 5:30 PM— Toscha Seidel and Concert Orchestra KDYL KFRC 6:00 PM — Gold M^dal Fast Freight KLZ KDYL KOL KOIN KHJ KFRC KFBK KM.I 8:00 PM — MJB Coffee Program KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC 8:30 PM— California Melodies, orchestra. Biltmore Trio, soloists, and guest stars KLZ KDYL L2:00 Noo: 1:00 PM 1:30 PM2:30 PM3:00 PM3:30 PM3:45 PM 4::jo PM6:00 PM7:00 PM 8:00 PM9:00 PM THIRSDAY 45 AM — Morning Minstrels KDYL 00 AM — Something for Everyone KDYL 00 AM — Paul Tremaine and his Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra KHJ KFRC KLJ KDYL KOL 30 AM — American School of the Air. "Schubert" KLZ KDYL KVI KHJ KFRC i — United States Navy Band KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KHJ -Asbury Park Casino Orchestra, dance music KLZ KDYL KVI KFRC -Melody Magic KLZ KDY'L KVI KFPY KFRC -Bert Lown and his Biltmore Orchestra KLZ KDYL -Paul Tremaine's Orch KLZ KVI KOL KFRC -Pancho and His Orch. KLZ KFPY -Tony's Scrap Book KLZ KOL KFRC KFPY KHJ -Voice of Columbia KVI KFPY KDYL -Savino Tone Pictures KLZ KDYL KFPY KHJ -The Lutheran Hour — Dr. Walter A. Maier, large choir and organist KLZ KDYL KOL KOIN KHJ KFRC -Ben Bernie and his Orchestra, KLZ KDY'L -Folgeria comic opera of the air KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC FRIDAY :00 AM — Something for Everyone KDYL :30 AM — Morning Moods KDYL :15 AM — Paul Tremaine's Orch. KLZ KDYL KLZ KVI KFPY :00 AM — Columbia Artists Recital KLZ KVI KFRC :30 AM — American School of the Air KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KOIN KHJ KFRC :00 Noon — U. S. Marine Band Concert KLZ KDYL KVI KOL :45 PM — Columbia Educational Features KLZ KDYL KVI :00 PM — Curtis Institute of Music KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFRC :45 PM— Rhythm Ramblers KDY'L KVI KFRC KLZ :00 PM— Light Opera Gems KLZ KDYL :45 PM — Ebony Twins, piano duo KDYL :00 PM — Winegar's Barn Orch. KLZ KDY'L :15 PM — Morton Downey KVI KFPY KHJ :15 PM — Howard's Lanin's St. Moritz Orchestra KLZ KOL KFPY KFRC :15 PM — Grand Opera Miniatures KDYL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC :00 PM — Columbia Male Chorus KLZ KDYL KFPY' :30 PM— Nit-Wit Hour KDY'L :30 PM— Romanelli and his King Edward Orchestra from Toronto, dance music KLZ KDYL SUNSET AERIAL and GROUND For Greater Pick-up and Selectivity Ideal for DX Reception The Selective Aerial $5.00 The Positive Ground $2.25 The Super-Ground $3.00 SUNSET MFG. CO. 1114 X. Sycamore HE 4941 DON'T PAIL TO SEE PAGE 2K FOR STATION I DENT! Pit WTION OF WFSTKKN STATION'S!