Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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February, 1931 RADIO DOINGS Page Forty-one SATl RDAY :00 AM — Something: for Everyone, music, news, humor, poetry, etc KDYL :30 AM — Morning Moods, Vincent Sorey. director KDYL :00 AM — New York Philharmonic Symphony Children's Orch. KDYL KVI KFPY KHJ :00 AM— Paul Tremaine's Orch. KLZ KDYL, KVI KFPY KHJ KFRC :00 AM — Columbia Artists' Recital KLZ KVI KFPY 30 AM — Columbia Salon Orch. KLZ KDYL KVI KHJ KFPY 00 Noon — The Four Clubmen KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY PM — Saturday Syncopate KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KHJ 00 PM — Ann Leaf at the Organ KLZ KDYL KVI KOL KFPY KHJ KFRC 30 PM — Spanish Serenade, Vincent Sorey and his Orchestra KLZ KDYL KVI KOL 00 PM — Morton Downey and Orch. KLZ KDYL KHJ KVI KFPY 45 PM — Columbia Educational Features KLZ KVI KOL ;00 PM — Morton Downey and Orch. KVI KFPY KHJ 30 PM — Fletcher Henderson and His Orch KLZ KDYL KHJ KFRC 30 PM — Columbia Educational features KLZ KDYL KFPY KHJ KFRC 00 PM — Hank Simmons' Show Boat KLZ KDYL KHJ KFRC 00 PM — Jack Denny and his Mt. Royal Orchestra from Montreal, dance music KLZ KDYL 30 — Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, dance music KLZ KDYL UNITED BROADCASTING SUNDAY CO., Ltd. 30 AM00 PM30 PM00 PMPMPM30 PM00 PM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM9:00 AM7:00 PM 7:30 PM7:45 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM9:011 AM -Bill Sharpies and His Gang;. KVOS KXA KXL KM ED KORE KTAB KTM KGB -Zoro the Astrologist. KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGER -Calendar of the Air. KVOS KXA KXL KORE KTAB KGB -Sunday Serenade. KVOS KXL KGB -Brick English's Orchestra. KVOS KFWB KGB -Album of Familiar Faces KVOS KGB KFWB KTM KXL -On Parade. KVOS KXA KMED KORE KFWB KGB KXL -Traumerei. KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KGB KGER -Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KGB KGER MONDAY -Bill Sharpies and His Gang. KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KFWB KGB KTAB -Zoro the Astrologist. KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KGER -Modern Girl Philosopher KXA KXL KMED KORE KGER -Calendar of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB -The Hoofers KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KGB KGER -Novelty KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KORE KGB KGER -Lone Beach Municipal Band KVOS KXA KXL KMKD KTAB KGB -Dramatic Progr; KXL KMED KFWB KGB -Musical Gems KMED KORE KGB -Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KMED KORE KTAB KFWB KGB TUESDAY -Bill Sharpies and His Gang. KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KTM KGB -Zoro the Astrologist. KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KG ER -Modern Girl Philosopher KXA KXL KMED KORE KVOS KXA KORE KTAB :00 I'M— Calendar of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KOKK KGB KMKD :.'!0 I'M — The I . is KXA KXL KMKD KORE KGB KGER ;45 PM— Novelty Musical KVOS KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KFWB KGB :00 I'M— Hi-Way Highlights KTM KTAB :30 PM — Dramatic Program KVOS KXA KM Band KORE KTM 9:00 I'M — Phantoms of Broadway KVnS KXA KXL KMKD KORE KGB KGER 10:00 PM— Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMKD KORE KGER KGB WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM — Bill Sharpies and His Gang. KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KTM KGB 8:30 AM— Zoro the Astrologist. KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KGER 9:00AM — Modern Girl Philosopher KXA KXL KORE KGB KMED 7:00 PM— Calendar of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB 7:30 PM— The Hoofers KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KORE KGB KGER 7:45 PM — Noveltv KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KORE KGB KGER 8:00 PM — Long Beach Municipal KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KGB KGER 8:30 PM— Album of Familiar Faces KVOS KXA KXL KMKD KoRE KTAB KGB KGER 9:00 I'M— Musical Contrasts KVOS KXA KMKD KORE KTAB KPWB KGB 9:30 PM— Land of Dreams KVOS KXA KMED KORE KTAB KGB KGER 1 1 I'M— Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KMED KORE KTAB KGB KGER THURSDAY 8:00 AM— Bill Sharpies and His Gang. KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTM KTAB KGB 8:30 AM— Zoro the Astrologist. KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KGER 9:00 AM — Modern Girl Philosopher KXA KXL KORE KGB KMED 7:00 PM — Calendar of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB 7:30 PM— The Hoofers KXA KXL KMED KORE KGB KGER 7:45 PM— Musical Novelty KVOS KXA KXL KORE KGB KFWB KGER 8:00 PM— Boris Karmarenko KVOS KXA KXL KTAB KTM KGB KORE 8:30 PM— The Crystal and the Press KTAB KXL KXA KGB KFWB KVOS KORE KMED 9:00 PM— Dancing Strings KVOS KXL KXA KMED KORE KTAB KFWB KGB 9:30 PM— Musical Paintings KVOS KXL KMED KORE KTAB KFWB KGB KXA KGER lo:oo I'M — Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KMED KORE KTAB KGB KFWB KXL KGER FRIDAY 8:00 AM— Bill Sharpies and His Gang. KVOS KXA KXL KMKD KORE KTAB KTM KGB 30 AM — Zoro the Astrologist. KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KGER 00 I'M — Modern Girl Philosopher KXA KXL KORE KGB KMED 00 PM — Calendar of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB 7:30 PM — The Hoofers KVOS KXA KXL KMKD KORE KGB KGER 7:45 PM — Noveltv KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KORE KGB KGER 8:00 PM— High-Way Highlights KTM KTAB KGB KXL 8:30 I'M— Harrison Hargraves KVOS KXA KXL KMKD KTAB KGB KFWB KORE 9:00 PM— Venetian Nights KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KFWB KGB 9:30 I'M — Jimmy Blttlck's Town House Orchestra KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAI! KGB KGER I I'M— Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KTAB KGB KGER S M l HI) VI 8:00 AM— Bill Sharpies and His Gang. KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KFWB KGB KTAB 8:30 AM— Zoro the Astrologist. KXA KXL KORE KMED KTAB KGER 9:00 AM— Modern Girl Philosopher KXA KXL KORE KGB KMED 7:00 PM— Calendar of the Air KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB 7:30 PM— The Hoofers KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB KGER 7:45 PM — English Gibson Orchestra KVOS KXA KXL KORE KMED KFWB KGB KGER KTAB 8:00 PM — Ray Martinez and His Tango Orchestra KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KTM KGB 9:00 I'M — Jimmy Bittick's Town House Orchestra KVOS KXA KXL KMED KORE KTAB KGB KGER 10:00 PM — Hughespaper of the Air KVOS KXA KMED KORE KTAB KGB KXL KGER (Continued from Page 17) Mr. Wilson is next. "Don, you'll have to read up on Einstein. We're broadcasting a banquet tonight from the University Club. He's going to speak, and you'll have to ad lib for some time." "Holy cats! Einstein? How can I? I can't even understand my stub-book." "Well, read up on him. The banquet starts at seven." "But I've been working since three this morning!" "Can't heln it. We're short-handed." "Can't Mr. Rodriguez write something about Einstein?" "He's not here." "Is he ever here?" FOR COMPLETE STATION 1)1 KK( 'TORY SEE Mr. Rodriguez is miraculously found, and persuaded by guileful flattery to write material for both symphony and Einstein. So he prepares some acceptable and non-commital phrasery about the Coriolan overture and the shifting of the infra-red rays. But no mention is made of the infra-red rays at the banquet and the symphony conductor decides at the last minute to play the Egmont overture. The announcers, both in a state of nervous collapse, are compelled to extemporize. Being gentlemen of infinite resource and sagacity, however, they acquit themselves nobly. So, in spite of the exhausting requirements of the day. of which the above is only a partial picture, they both leave the studios at midnight, conscious of duty well performed. As they pass out of the elevator, they hear two orchestral players lamenting their own fate. "My Gawd, Bill — what a life! Rehearsing since nine this morning. And then getting bawled out because that damn' tenor can't count up to four. And then missing supper!" "I know. 'S tough. I often wish I was an announcer. Nothing to do but sit on your shoulder-blades all day long reading magazines and once in a while wake up to say, 'This is KECA. Earle C. Anthony, Inc., distributor in California of Packard motor cars.' O boy. what a life!" PAGE 2s: