Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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February, 1931 R A D I O D O 1 N G S Page Forty-five EADIG GOING/ GN AROUND TOWN Optimism regarding the 1931 outlook for radio business was the keyword of sales talks at the fourday annual convention of district managers and salesmen of E. T. Cunningham, Inc., radio tube company, held here this past month (Jan. 9-13.) At the meeting which was presided over by C. R. King, vice-president and assistant general manager, was gathered the entire sales personnel, including district managers from the company's main distributing centers. Above is shown some of the leading figures of the Cunningham convention. They are, le)t to right, as follows: Fran\ M. Burns, general sales manager, Y.; Harry Goodwin, district sales manager. Boston, H. A. Edwards, district sales manager, Minneapolis; E. R. Haines. Eastern district sales manager, >{. T., F. H. Larabee, assistant district sales manager Western district, Chicago; ]. W. Coc\e. district sales manager, Dallas; C. R. King, vice-president and assistant general manager, J^ew Tor^; W. R. Cunningham, district sales manager, Philadelphia, H. E. Harding, district sales manager, Chicago; L. F. Randolph, assistant general sales manager, J^ew Yorf(, E. Lloyd Sutton, district sales manager San Francisco; P. M. fefferys. district sales manager. Atlanta. * * * Charles Kierulff of Kierluff and Ravenscroft, California and Arizona distributors for Crosley Radio Receivers, attended the Crosley distributors" meeting the latter part of last month. Mr. Kierulff believes that the new Crosley merchandise will find a great deal of favor in the eyes of the trade and public in this territory. * * * Messrs. Hoffman and Dean, formerly of Prest 6? Dean, Long Beach, have opened a retail store of their own at 1814 Atlantic avenue, Long Beach. Their new establishment is up-to-date in every respect with the latest type testing and repair equipment. They are featuring Majestic and General Electric sets. All their friends wish them success in their new venture. * * * Frank Davison, head of the Davison-Haynes Manufacturing Company of 717 South Mateo street, Los Angeles, has been traveling almost constantly for the last month. He took a flying trip to San Francisco where he booked many orders for the new 9-tube super-heterodyne receiver which they have just introduced. When this was written Mr. Davison was on his way to Portland and Seattle and will probably visit the important Inter-Mountain cities before returning to Los Angeles. He reported that the new models were received enthusiastically by the trade wherever they were demonstrated and that it looks as though 1931 will be a banner year for the Angelus radio. A very enthusiastic sales meeting was held at the Commercial Club, Thursday, January 29th. Mr. Yale, president of the Yale Radio Electric Company, distributor in Southern California for Apex and Steinite, introduced the new models to the assembled dealer guests. After inspecting the new models everyone expressed the opinion that they would meet with instant approval by the public. A fine buffet supper was served. * * * Messrs. George Stevenson and James Hescer, long connected with the radio industry of Southern California, have, opened a radio department for the Electric Supply Company, of 1801 South Hill street. They will make an announcement in the very near future as to the radio line which they will feature. * * * Walter Fagan, president of Pacific Wholesale, Inc., Southern California and Arizona Distributors for Sparton radio receivers, just recently returned from a visit to the SparksWithington factory at Jackson, Michigan. Mr. Fagan was bubbling over with enthusiasm about the New Sp.iton equipment and believes that 1931 will be a real Sparton ,ear. * * * While most business men are complaining abou' Mness depression and the lack of buying on the part of • 1 , >iblic, Mr. Nazareth, head of the Universal Music C i i\\ not only keeps on doing a good business, but opr;. ii|< ,, lother retail store. The picture shown on this page was taken of the display room in his new establishment, located at 1466 W. Santa Barbara avenue, Los Angeles. Universal Music Company is featuring several nationally known lines of radio receivers and two or three locally-built midgets. Their main store is located at 1632 S. Maple avenue. * * * Instead of the regular Breakfast Club meeting which is usually held at 8 o'clock on the first Thursday of each month the Radio and Music Trades Association will hold a dinner dance in the Los Angeles Realty Board building on Thursday evening, February 5th. The officers are looking for a large turn-out at this meeting.