Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Page Thirty-four RADIO DOINGS March, 1931 Educational Features (National and Internntionul Events) National Broadcasting Co, — 5:15 PM. 15 Minutes in the Nation's capital. KGO. KHQ, KOMO. KECA, KFSD. (Mon.) 8 'M. This An 1 a z i n g Universe. KGO. (Mon.) 45 d v Talk. K ( io Iv( I \Y. i Wed. ) 4 15 >m! Talk" KGO, KOMO. KPO. KECA, KFSD KI 'AR . (Wed) 4 45 ' M . Back of the N •u s in Washington. KGO, KOMO. KI KFSD. (Wed. 11 00 AM Standai d Seho ol Broadcast. KGO, KHQ. KOMO, K( rW, KPO, K FI. KI ^SD. (Thurs.) School of the Air. KGO, KHQ, K( ■Ml , KG W, KECA KFSD, KTAR. (Mon & Wed.) 12 15 I'M. AVesterr i and Home Hour. KGO, KHQ. K( 'M< . KGW. KEC. KFSD. KSL, KTAR. (Ex. Sat. •s. KLZ KOI. KFKC K Ml K KFSD — 5 ltroaricasting' <*«. — 7: 50 AM. Columbia Education* 1 30 AM. Columbia School of t KFRC KHJ KVI KLZ KDY 6:30 PM. Columbia Education;! KHJ KDYL. (Sat.) 4:00 PM. Political Situation in Washington Tonig-ht. (Tues.) KOL KFI'Y" KFRC KHJ KOH 2:45 PM. Columbia Educational Series. (Fri.) KFI'Y KDYL Kl/Z KOH. ': 30 PM. Strange Facts you should know. (Thurs.) :15 PM. Fifteen Minutes in the Nation's Capital. (Mon only.) f the News in Washington, NBC. ; NBC list. ica Federation Speaker. (Thurs. 4:4 5 PM. Back (Wed. only.) S. :00 PM. Better Ami only.) 11:00 AM. Standard (See NBC list.) -3:00 PM. USC Lectures. (Mon. and Wed.) 9:00 PM. U. S. C. Lectures. (Mon. and AVed.) 5:00 PM. Norbert Savoy, author, lecturer, et :30 PM. The Times Forum. (Daily.) 12:45 PM. University of the West. (Fri. only 3:15 PM. Dr. Walter Hertzog's School Pro only.) 3:45 PM. Council of International Relations. 6:30 PM. National Radio Forum. (Sat. only.) 11:30 AM. American School of the Air. (Ex. Sun ladcast. (Thurs. only.) Fr KNX— KGFJ nd Sa •M. F. ist . Wiseman's Talk of Women's Clubs. •The World Today.' AM. KEI A — 1 1 :30 AM. California Federatior (Mon. only.) 4:15 PM. James G. McDonald, (Mon. only.) 5:15 PM. Fifteen Minutes in the Nation's CapitE (Mon. only.) 4:15 PM. Science National Research Council. (V 4:15 PM. Laws That Safeguard Society, NBC. (Sat. only.) KGB — 9:30 AM. Ninth Dist. Parent-Teachers Association NORTHERN CALIFORNIA KTAB KFRC — 11 : >M. Th. I 'M . SI i •M. •nts. H. Y. Kaltenh WmsIii :00 PM. The Politi (Tues. only.) 6:30 PM. National Radio Forum from Wash) (Sat. only.) See CBS List. 15 PM. California State Chamber of Commerce (Mon. only.) 5:15 PM. Federal Business Association Talk only.) Talk. (Tues. mi KQW — 6:11 PM. Farm KYA— 10:1 j AM. R. B 8: 10 I'M. JU< 8: 00 PM. Mr. \o KHQ I'M. In tin KCiW — 11 :( ii AM. Stan K VI— 9:00 AM. Jewisl 30 AM. Lon 10: in AM. Con 11: 30 AM. Ami 4: 00 PM. Cur 4: i :, I'M. The (Tues. onl komo t:( ii I'M. Law 11 00 AM. Star M. Judp-o Matth( Mon. only.) 0 PM. Dr. Heady. Pi Dopic in I'.rad\ (RTHWESTERN (Sun. only.) mly.) (Sun.) light. >nly.) MOI NT V I N ST \ l i s KOA— 10:00 AM. National Oratorio Society. 12:00 PM. National Youth Conferen 4:15 PM. The World Today. (Mon. KSL — 12:15 PM. National Youth Conferenci (Sun. only.) Symphony, Concert and Salon Orchestras Columbia Broadcasting <'o. — 12:00 Noon. New Y Symphony Concert with Arturo To; National Orch. KDYL KLZ (Fri) KLZ, KYI Edward Orchestra 'once rt. KGO. KHQ KOMO KLZ KDYL KVI KFI'Y KHJ KFR< 6:30 PM. Detroit Symphony Orch. KOI KDYL KLZ KFBK KFRC. 7:30 PM. Toscha Seidel and Concert KOH KMJ. 1:00 PM. Curtis Institute of Music. KFPY KHJ KFRC KOIN KOH. 8:30 PM. Romanelli and His King (Fri.) KLZ KDYL. Itroaclcasting Co. — 5:00 I'M. Sunday Con 6:15 PM. Atwater Kent concert. (Sun. KGW KGO KFI. 1:00 PM. Concert Jewels. (Sun.) KGO. 2:30 PM. NBC Matinee. (Mon.) KGO KGW KECA. 8:00PM. Rudy Seiger's Shell Symphonists. (Mon.) KGW KHQ KOMO. 10:00 PM. National Concert Orches. (Tues.) KGW KOA. 7:30 PM. Standard Symphony Hour with Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra alternating with the San Francisco Symphony Orch. (Thurs.) KGO KHQ KOMO KGW KFI. 5:00 PM. Cities Service Concert Orch. (Fri.) KGO KHQ KOMO KGW KECA. 6:00 PM. General Electric Orch., Walter Damrosch, director. (Sat.) KGO KHQ KOMO KGW KFI KFSD KTAR. 6:00 PM. McKesson Musical Magazine. (Tues.) KGO KHQ KOMO KGW KECA KRSD KTAR. 1.00 PM. Eastman School Symphony Orch. (Wed.) KGO KECA KTAR. United Broadcasting Co. — 7::;o I'M. Sunday Serenade. 8:00 PM. Boris Kramarenko and Orch. (Mon.) Fri.) UBC affiliated stations. KMTR — 8:30 PM. Concert Orch. (Sun.) KFSD — 4:00 PM. Sunday Concert NBC. 6:00 PM. General Electric Orch. NBC. (Sat.) KFI — 10:00 I'M. Slumber Hour. (Sun.) 8:00 PM. Shell Symphonists. (Mon.) 9:30 PM. Concert Orch. (Nightly Ex. Sun., Thurs., at 10.) 7:30 PM. Los Angeles Philharmonic and San Francisco Symphony Orch. alternating. (Thurs.) 6:00 PM. General Electric Concert Orch. (Sat.) KTM— 10:00 PM. Concert Orch. (Sun.) KHJ — 9:00 AM. Sunday Morning Concert. (Sun. ) 6:30 PM. Detroit Symphony Orch. (Sun.) 12:00 Noon. N. Y. Philharmonic Symphony Orch. (Sun.) 8:45 PM. Concert Orch. (Sun.) 8:30 PM. Don Lee Symphony Orch. (Thurs.) 12:00 Noon. Biltmore Concert Orch. (Daily Ex. Saturday and Sunday.) KFWB — 9:00 PM. Liborious Hauptmann's Orch. UBC. (Sun.) 2:30 PM. Salon Orch. (Mon.) 6:30 PM. Salon Orch. (Wed.) 8:30 PM. KFWB Salon Orch. and Soloist. (Wed.) 8:00 PM. Concert Orch. (Fri.) 8:00 PM. KFWB Concert Orch. and Soloists. (Sat.) KNX — 9:00 PM. Caiman Luboviski and Claire Mellonino. (Sun. and Thurs.) 9:00 PM. Caiman Luboviski Violin Choir. 'Mon.) 7:30 PM. Pacific Concert Orch. (Thurs.) 12:00 Noon. KNX Ensemble. (Sat.) KGFJ — 11:00 AM. KGF.I Concert Orch. (Sun.) 1 :00 PM. Concert Ensemble. (Sun.) 8:30 PM. KGFJ Salon Orch. with Allan Fairchild. (Daily Ex. Sun.) KGB — 5:15-6:00 PM. Dinner Diversities. (Ex. Mon.. Thurs. and Sun.) 11:00-12:00 Noon. With the Masters. (Sun.) 6:30-7:00 PM. Bits from the Classics. (Sun.) KECA — 12:00 Noon. Luncheon Concert. (Daily Ex. Sun.) 2:30 PM. NBC Matinee. (Mon.) 9:00 PM. KECA String Ensemble. (Mon.) 1:00 PM. Eastman Symphony Orch. (Wed.) 9:30 PM. KECA String Ensemble. (Sat.) 2:00 PM. The NBC Matinee. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA KFRC — 9:00 AM. "Home, Sweet Home Concert." (Sun.) 12:00 Noon. N. Y. Philharmonic Orch. (Sun.) 6:30 PM. Detroit Symphony Orch. 8:00 PM. Cadillac La Salle Concert Orch. (Tues.) 8 PM. Symphony Orch. (Sat.) KPO — 10:00 PM. KPO Salon Orch. (Sun.) 9:00 PM. Philadelphia Symphony Orch. (Tues.) 9:30 PM. Packard Concert Orch. from KFI. (Nightly Ex. Sun., Mon. and Thurs.) 4:00 PM. KPO Salon Orch. (Sat.) NORTHWESTERN STATES KGW — 8:00 I'M. Shell Symphonists. (Mon.) (See NBC for other features.) I ■ mi Nnc.n. Luncheon concert. < Wed. ) KOMO 10: •M. Shell Sj I'M. Concer Mi Orch. NBC. (Sat.) SEE PAGE 2K FOK WESTERN STATION DIRECTORY