Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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He's a GREAT DAD! That's what the Rev. Bob Shuler's Son thinks of his well-known father By WILLIAM R. SHULER "Bob Shuler, Jr." As told to Don McDowell 'FIGHTING BOB" SHULER YOUNG BILL SHULER doesn't like to talk much. But when the subject of conversation is his Dad, he is always willing to open up. "He's a great Dad!" he told me, as we sat in the lounge at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "We're all proud of him and would do anything in the world for him. "He and I have always been great pals, ever since I can remember. WTien we lived in Texas Dad and Uncle Bill and I used to take long fishing trips up the Red River in Oklahoma, where nobody ever went. Boy, we sure had some great times! I was too young to use a gun, but always tagged along on hunting trips. "I remember one big scare I gave Dad. He sent me back along the trail to bring up the pack horse, which we had left tied to a tree. I couldn't find the place and got lost. It was nearly dark when they found me, and Dad was more frightened than I was. "He used to play with me a great deal. We'd go out in a vacant lot and play baseball, or pitch horseshoes. Dad used to be a pretty good ball-player. He played first base on the varsity team of Emory and Henry College, back in West Virginia. Even yet, he can play a good game." I asked him if his father ever had occasion to spank him. "Oh, I used to get licked, all right," he grinned. "But I guess I was pretty ornery and deserved every bit of it. One evening I went to see a William S. Hart picture and stayed through three shows. When I got home Dad was waiting for me — and how! "He was pretty strict with me until my last year of high school. Then he said he guessed I ought to have enough sense to do what I wanted to. I have pretty much my own way, but I always tell Mom where I'm going when I leave fTiext Page) RADIO DOINGS Page Fifteen