Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Electric Power Amplifiers used wherever sound must be projected with fidelity, brilliancy and volume. Radiophonograph and microphone combinations to order. Full equipment on hand for all rack installations. Estimates for athletic fields, auditoriums, hospitals, etc., gladly given. It will pay you to investigate. WEBSTER Hear a Demonstration in our Sound Proof Room. RADIO RECEIVING and Transmitting Parts. Kits and accessories always in stock — broadcast and shortwave. The most complete stock of parts in the country carried right here. All standard lines well represented. Mail orders filled same day received. Headquarters for amateurs! Come in Hams — and look over a real stock. See W6FBI's XTAL controlled station. Catalogs or Any Information Mailed on Request RADIO SUPPLY CO 912-914 S. Broadway VA 3170-3178-3179 H. A. DEMAREST, President Wholesale Los Angeles LARGEST RADIO PARTS JOBBER WEST OF CHICAGO ii it 1 1 BROADCASTING "IT (Continued from Page 25) you believe that sex is as sweet and unspoiled as a baby's smile. They made you want to wear a bow in your hair, or take a younger wife. They made you kick up your heels and try to "do that thing." But their popularity was as short as childhood. The public decided to go to college. Some of us are still collegiate. It is 60 easy to believe in our own youth when we can sit and listen to "The Three Girl Collegiates," "The Trojan Trio" or "The Lido Girls," as they harmonize about life in a sophomorish way. After all, life is sophomorish, and it's so much more fun when you can wear a swanky sweater, a beret and a frat pin. But we are about to graduate. WE are beginning to feel sophisti' cated once more. We want smart personalities on the air, who can sing about past loves with resignation. We like the worldly voices who sound like they mean it when they say all they want is "One Hour with You Tonight." We like to imagine them as doing the things we have missed "Overnight." We like to feel that they have lived fully before they admit "You're just a Dream, Dear." In contrast to these sophisticates, another personality has recently taken to the air. This is the one who can sing the old songs mother used to sing. "Just a Song at Twilight," "Maggie," and "Silver Threads Among the Gold." Are we actually getting old, or is this just another way to snatch romance from the air? We can only judge the future by the past, as some historian said, who wanted to sell his book. The radio voice which has endured the longest is the one with "IT" whether the voice sings "Maggie" or "Lover Come Back to Me." Mammy crooners have come and gone, Southern troubadours are selling apples, but we still turn the dial to find the voice which suggests romance. The best of these singers may have had their faces lifted several times since they began to broadcast, but as long as we do not have television they still SUNSET AERIAL and GROUND For Greater Pick-up and Selectivity Ideal for DX Reception The Selective Aerial $5.00 The Positive Ground $2.25 The Super-Ground $3.00 SUNSET MFG. CO. 1114 N. Sycamore HE 4941 n MICROPHONES J*-^ All Sizes and Prices for All k Practical Uses. Mountings, \ Cables and Expert Repairs. m ] Universal Microphone / Co., Ltd. / THornwall 060O 1163 Hyde Park Blvd. ^^BV^w Inglenood, Calif. ^^HS^^ Handled by all dealers, whole salers and jobbers everywhere have appeal. Sitting alone by the radio we can give them the perfect eyes, the perfect form and all the alluring charms which their voices deserve. Who knows what personalities tomorrow's ether will hold? Perhaps an opera singer with "It!" Wouldn't that be something? RADIO DOINGS Page Thirty-eight