Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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PILOT V N I VE RSAL VSSS RECEIVER. Pilot's wonderful wave band changing switch, incorporated in the new Universal Super-Wasp, revolutionizes the short wave art. No longer need numerous coils be changed to cover the various wave bands. No longer need dial settings change each time the same distant stations are tuned in. You can log permanently all the stations you can get throughout the world, you can tune from the short waves to the high ship waves without removing your hand from the single control knob. Universal Features Revolutionizing the Short Wave Art Complete coverage all wave bauds from 15 to 650 meters without coil changing. Complete A.C. operated Chassis in cabinet. (Also available in battery model) All Metul Chassis. Highly sensitive and selective circuit. Screen Grid TRF amplifier plus Screen Grid Detector. 227 First Audio Stage. Two 245's in push-pull output stage. Mat ions can he logged permanently on dial. Regeneration control does not alter tuning. Provision for Phonograph Pick-up. Earphone Jack on Front Panel. Illuminated Dials. Handsome Walnut Cabinet. Most advanced construction yet used for short wave work. In kit form for easy home assembly ; no drilling or cutting, all parts fully prepared. NOTICE TO "HAMS" : Pilot will continue building the original Super-Wasp in kit form for licensed amateurs and others who want to spread the tuning on their pet wave bands and add their own audio features. A. C. and batter> models. What You Can Get on the UNIVERSAL Super-Wasp On the short waves are hundreds of relay broadcasting, experimental and amateur stations transmitting voice and music; actually thousands of amateur and commercial stations sending code; numerous trans-oceanic and ship-to-shore telephone stations; dozens of television transmitters; and police radiophone stations in many cities. On the broadcast ranges, the Universal SuperWasp covers the full maximum and minimum limits, bringing in broadcasts never heard on the average broadcast receiver. Above broadcast ranges, the Universal brings in ship and shore stations on 600 meters. If hat other receiver offers you as much radio with as little effort? Ask your dealer for a demonstration! Pilot Universal Super Wasp A. C. Model (K136) In Kit Form PILOT RADIO & TUBE CORP., Lawrence, Mass. Chicago: 234 S. Wells St. OFFICES IN New York: 525 Broadway San Francisco: 1278 Mission Street PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE W O K L u RADIO DOINGS