Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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i i i [ e [[[[[]]]]] She got across great. Rogers, the manager of the station, put her on as a kind of general utility girl. And then she met Loyal Underwood. In a week they were friends, in a month they were a lot more than friends. Then one night a plane made a mysterious flight over into Mexico. Tia Juana witnessed the nuptials. Dorothy Benton Smith became Mrs. Loyal Underwood. It was a love match. • But the world knew nothing. The Sheriff went back to work. So did his wife, but not for long. They lived apart and stole a few cherished hours each dav together. Then, after Dorothy had quit her job, they were re-wed in Yuma; a regular old fashioned American wedding. But quiet. Now Sheriff Loyal and Dorothy have two deputies. Twins. Boys, born a couple of months ago. Frank and Fred are their names. They were called after their grandfathers. And what a pair of bovs they are! Almost as big as the four foot Sheriff, already. Loyal says they have big feet and big hands and are going to be cops or baseball players or something swell; not iust a couple of song pluggers like their dad. But there are plenty of people who think their dad is a lot more than an ordinary song plugger. • When the announcement of their birth reached the great radio public, gifts fairly flocked in. And letters — well brother, Loyal could have started one of the snappiest collections of stamps this town's ever seen. And the mailman is still taking plenty of trips to that little bungalow out in West Hollywood. Loyal Underwood is, as the boys say, one great little guy. He used to be with Charlie Chaplin back in 1920. Remember? The old days when films were films and pictures were laughable, even the serious ones? Loyal used to play the part of a little old man. He used plenty of make-up to make it realistic. Then, in '25 he took a show to Honolulu. He returned and signed up with KNX. In these last six years he has done iust about everything out there. Written continuity, script, publicity, announced, played a dozen parts and promoted his own shows. He created the Hap and Sap parts for the Royal Vagabonds. It was during the Catalina Island Channel Swim that he played one of his bigges+ cards. He put on the broadcast with Dean Garber and Eddie Albright. It was a stunt in those days; and it would be some stunt even if it were done today. He was also the first to pioneer a football broadcast on the West Coast • But when he became Sheriff of the Wranglers he really clicked right. And clicked right from the first. They eat it up. Why, real sheriffs from all over the country are sending him honorary badges! Tom Gurdane, the sheriff up in Umatille County in Oregon, of Hickman fame, sent him one the other day. It's solid gold. Loyal was born in Freeport, III., and says he's been trying to out-live it ever s;nce. He plays tennis and both he and Mrs. Underwood like to ride. They make a great team, Sheriff Loyal and Dorothy. But just wait until those deputies get a little bigger. T Page Thirteen