Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Is there something you wish to know about your favorite Radio Star? » Some program in particular you are interested in? » Then write the Low Down Editor of RADIO Doings ». » » » Mrs. Walter Smith Box 42 Red Mountain, Calif. Q: What has become of Frank Gage, known as Forman Frank, formerly with the KTM Ranch Boys? A: He is now with KMTR announcing during the day broadcast. He is on a program from 5:15 to 5:45 P. M. singing and playing the piano. Miss Marcella Frank 1595 W. 21st Street Los Angeles, Calif. Q: Are Kenneth Allen and Kenneth Niles the same person? A: No they aren't. Kenneth Allen is 22 years of age. He has just returned from a singing tour around the world, is very good looking, and has a great future. Kenneih Niles is a master of ceremonies over KHJ. Q: Are Robert Hurd and Paul Roberts the same person? A: Yes, they are. Robert Hurd plays classic music, and Paul Roberts plays popular music. He is 36 years of age and thoroughly single, and was born in Franklin, Utah. His favorite flower is the orchid, and his waistline is 32 inches. Q: Where is Station KNX located and can we go there to watch the broadcast of the Gilmore Circus? A: KNX is located at 5555 Marathon, Los Angeles, Calif. Everyone is entirely welcome to go out there and listen to any broadcast. Mr. Reinhold Henke R. F. D. 2, Box 216 Chowchilla, Calif. Q: I would like information on the contemplated addition of power by KNX. Why does its maintenance continue at 5000 watts? A: They have received a construcstruction permit from the Radio Commission, but have not built as yet. When it is built, it will broadcast at 50,000 watts which will make it more powerful and the broadcasts more effective. Mrs. A. S. Murphy 1885 Lewis Ave. Long Beach, Calif. Q. What has become of Ted White? A: He is not singing with anyone at present, and no one seems to know of his whereabouts. Q: How old is Charlie Carter of the Happy-Go-Lucky Gang over KFRC? A: He is about 16 years of age and is what the girls term as "cute." Q: How old is Foster Rucker? A: Foster Rucker is in his early twenties, has a pleasant personality, and is good looking. He takes part in many plays given by KFOX. Miss A. B. Wright 249 No. Euclid Ave. Pasadena, Calif. Q: Is Erwin Yeo the "Phantom of the Organ?" A: No, he is a staff organist. Was he an organist for the Hollywood Playhouse? He was organist for the Hollywood Playhouse just before he came to KHJ two months ago. Did he broadcast over KNX in 1925 as the "boy organist?" Yes, and he was one of the first organists to broadcast over the air. 0: Q: Q: Does Kenneth Niles do dramatic roles over KHJ? Is he a middle-aged man? A: He was a character in "Folgeria," and is now master of ceremonies for the Hallelujah program in the morning, and tor the Merry Makers in the evening. He is 23 years of of age and entered the field or matrimony just two months ago. Q: Is Raymond Paige a native of California? A: No, he is not. Mrs. Ethyl Eberhardt 941 So. Eucalyptus Ave. Inglewood, Calif. Q: Give some information abouf Roily Ray and Jimmie Brown. A: Jimmie Brown is in his early twenties. He has a great deal of "It" and a large feminine following. He is one of the "Early Birds." Roily Ray is in her early twenties and is a native of California. She is Coo in "Bill and Coo." She was formerly with Irving Berlin, and does not happen to be married. Mrs. Olive M. Crosby Amesbury, Mass. Q: Would like information on Van C. Nukirk, Bob Bradford and Mr. Crawford, organist. A: Van C. Nukirk is married — to the grief of the girls at KHJ. He is very good looking and about 27 years of age. He is the traffic manager of KHJ and also the life of the station. Bob Bradford is a baritone soloist, is very good looking, married and about 24 years of age. Mr. Crawford, organist, is called the Royal Poet of of the Organ. Miss Frances Kay Penner Western Avenue Wasco, Calif. 0: Is Nell Larson married. How old is she? A: Nell Larson is not married, to the joy of several admirers, and is about 24 years of age. She is a pretty red-head with personality plus. RADIO DOINGS