Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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RADIO and SOUND EQUIPMENT WEBSTER ELECTRIC CO. POWER AMPLIFIERS PHONOGRAPH PICKUPS RACON TRUMPETS AIR COLUMNS AND DYNAMIC UNITS SHIELDED CABLE UNIVERSAL MICROPHONES MACNAVOX DYNAMICS RADIO TUNERS NATIONAL SHORTWAVE RECEIVERS FULL LINE OF TRANSMITTING PARTS RELAYS KEYS BUGS NATIONAL GTO XMITTER KIT WESTON METERS NATIONAL RECTO BULBS PYREX SYLVAN IA TUBES PILOT UNIVERSAL SHORTWAVE KITS AND PARTS NATIONAL MB29A AND MB30 TUNERS DE FOREST TUBES RCA AND CUNNINGHAM TUBES REMSEN BLANK RECORDS HAMMARLUND HIQ31 PACENT RECORDOVOX SILVER MARSHALL 7 1 4 AND 724 SUPER HETERODYNE KITS OR WIRED RECEIVER ANY PART, ANY TIME, FOR RADIO RECEPTION OR TRANSMISSION OR FOR SOUND EQUIPMENT Hear a Webster Demonstration in Our Sound Proof Room Catalogs or Any Information Mailed on Request See W6FBI s Transmitter in Our Store RADIO SUPPLY CO. 912-914 S. Broadway VA 3170-3178-3179 Los Angeles H. A. DEMAREST, President Wholesale LARGEST RADIO PARTS JOBBER WEST OF CHICAGO CHEERIO! CHEERIO! You'll laugh 'till you cry over this new book written by Lord Bilgewater "Cheerio" His inimitable riddles, jokes and rhymes, that have made him famous on the Blue Monday Jamboree and Happy-Co-Lucky Hour — contributions sent to him by Western fans — all these and many more in "CHEERIO." Handsomely with sparkling illustrations by Frances Montgomery. bound, illus 25 "There's Only One Lord Bilgy and He's Funnier Than Ever in CHEERIO" Send For Yours Now RADIO DOINGS 1220 Maple Avenue Los Angeles, California The Very Centre of Things in LOS ANGELES CORNER FIFTH & SPRING STREETS SINGLE WITH BATH $2.5OT0$8. DOUBLE WITH BATH $4. TO $9. ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY, MONTHLY AND RESIDENTIAL RATES INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS exan HOTEL E.C.EPPLEY President CHARLES B. HAMILTON Vice-President & Managing Director CHICAGO OFFICE ■ 520 No. Michigan Ave. Si The Alexandria Hotel is an affiliated unit of the Eppley Motel Cos 22 hotels in the Middle West, Louisville.Ky. and Pittsburgh, Pa. and the Hamilton Chain of Motels in California. 422 Phane-Su Page Forty-Three