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Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Keeper of the PIG With His Family of Radio Porkers, Harry Jackson Entertains the Kids and at the Same Time Molds Their Characters A CHEERFUL tattoo, employing a few bars from "Jubilio," suggestive of some elfin dance. With this introduction "The Little Pig" is on the air! Of course, "The Little Pig," "His Sister," "His Mother," and his little playmate, "Aliwishus" the giraffe, are all mythical animals, but they are cheerful, lovable and most entertaining. This unseen menagerie, with their quaint music and dances, under the direction of Harry A. Jackson, are doing a great good with youthful listeners these days. Harry is the originator of this animal group, and now, as musical director of KFAC, is using the built-up lore of his tiny porkers as child-interest to teach a very valuable truth to his youthful audience. Always ingenious, Harry has organized and operates a "Whoa Bill Club," with a registered membership of several thousand children. To obtain membership a child must write to "The Little Pig," in care of KFAC, testifying to his or her observance of the club's rules and by-laws. These rules are simple, but far-reaching in effect, they encourage a child to overcome the "spoiled child" habits and instead of crying over each petty injury or disappointment, seeking the solace and sympathy of busy parents, they merely say, "Whoa Bill," and carry on, knowing it is more manly or womanly to be brave and not keep mothers and fathers continually in "hot water" worrying unnecessarily about them. In mute testimony to the number of adherents to "The Little Pig's" teachings, are file after file of letters received from children to parents, telling of many childishly tragic mishaps which were bravely passed over and forgotten by mention of the club formula, "Whoa Bill," in place of crying. This children's feature is broadcast daily over KFAC from 5:30 to 6:00 p. m., during which period Harry plays tunes dear to the hearts of children, furnishing music with his violin, an instrument on which he is recognized as a master. At times he plays "Mother Goose" jingles and various children's size records with little catchy songs and dance tunes for their amusement, always keeping them cheerful and happy, looking at the sunny side of things. Then on some occasions he employs his elaborate sound-effect table and takes them on long jaunts (over the air,) to various points of interest to children, weaving clever continuity into the trip for their edification. Harry A. Jackson, known over KFWB for more than three years as "The Keeper of the Pig," has been drawn to KFAC through his long friendship with John W. Swallow, vice-president and general manager of Los Angeles Broadcasting Company. Page Twenty-six RADIO DOINGS