Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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On the left, Clarence Tolman, cowboy tenor deluxe, who charms his listeners with songs of the old plains. He belongs to Dobbsie's gang. Who would ever guess that the demure little miss at the right was Lee Morse, whose deep mellow voice has delighted thousands, on both records and on the air. Victor Rodman, above, never played a piano, but here he is, taking it upon himself to instruct some of KJO's talented staff of songbirds. Write your own caption for A I and Cal Pearce, the KFRC brother artists. There's too much to be said about them for a little space ilike this. Here's a gang we know you've been wanting to meet. The Lofner-Harris St. Francis Hotel Orchestra. Carol Lofner (who changed the spelling from "Laughner" so it would be pronounced correctly) is at the piano, and his partner, Phil "Wliat A Voice" Harris, presides at the drums. Oh! Oh! You might have known that the Boswell Sisters were honeys. Top to bottom. Martha, Connie and Vet. Shout, Sister, Shout! There really isn't any choice here. Julia and Ruth Paull. CBS guest artists, would run a close race in any beauty contest.