Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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EVERY MODERN HOME Should Have This Beautiful ALL-ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK Because we want you to become better acquainted with RADIO DOINGS, the "Movie Magazine of the Air," we are making this special gift offer. Everyone wants, and needs an accurate, attractive modern timepiece such as this one. Keep it near your radio or on the mantle. Plug it in beside your bed at night and rest assured that you will be gently awakened on the dot by its cheerful, melodious ringing. Here is a gift of value ... a permanent, useful and ornamental present that you need. No mechanism to run down; electricity does it all and insures absolute accuracy. This is one of those bargains that come once in a blue moon. For the regular subscription price of the magazine you are getting this beautiful, sturdy clock, AND the popular MOVIE MAGAZINE OF THE AIR. Don't pass it up! 25-YEAR GUARANTEE You Can Get This Marvelous Clock AND a 2-Year CLIP AND MAIL NOW! RADIO DOINGS, 1220 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Enclosed is five dollars. Please send me a two-year subscription to RADIO DOINGS and the all-electric alarm clock, with the understanding that you will refund my money if I am not satisfied. (Please Print Clearly) NAME ADDRESS.... House Current — 50 or 60 Cycle? Subscription to Radio Doings For Only $ C 00 5 Page Forty-two RADIO DOINGS