Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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T H E LOWCOWN N. C. J.. LOS ANGELES. Question — Some time ago I read a story in a motion picture magazine about an invalid girl who was confined to a wheel chair and who was a friend of the movie stars and went to their parties. I think her name was Ella Wickersham. Is she the same Ella Wickersham who talks about Hollywood and the stars over KFI on Saturday afternoons? Is Julietta Novis, of KFWB, any relation to Donald Novis who sings at the Ambassador Hotel? Answer — Yes, it is the same Ella Wickersham. And as for Julietta Novis and Donald Novis, they are related — by marriage. And their own marriage, at that. LOWDOWN MRS. C. H. F., SANTA ANA. Question — What has become of Charlie Wellman and Charlie Hamp? I would also like to have some information about Ted Newcomb, of KREG. How old is he? Was he on the stage before entering radio work? Do you get pictures of radio people for fans? Thanks in advance. Answer — Your question about Charlie Wellman was answered in the July RADIO DOINGS. He is broadcasting every morning except Sunday over KOL, Seattle, at 10:15. Charlie Hamp was in Los Angeles the other day, and dropped up to KHJ to talk over old times. Leo Tyson, said he was looking great and was the same old Charlie. As for his future plans, he didn't divulge them, so it is hard telling where he will bob up next. But you can't keep Charlie away from a mike, so it shouldnt be long. If you will tell us whose picture you want, we will try to get it for you, Mrs. F. Most stations have pictures of all their artists, and many of them would probably be glad to let you have them. Ted Newcomb, anouncer and continuity writer, came te KREG from KFON, Long Beach. Previous to that he was prominent in California stage circles and has appeared in pictures. He is 23, tall and slender, and his hobby is taking part in Little Theater plays. LOWDOWN G. M. W., SAN FRANCISCO Question — Where is Tom Mitchell, the man with the more than wonderful voice? Is he on the air anywhere? If not. why doesn't some station get out its searchlight and find him? Answer — Formerly at KGO, Tom Mitchell is now at the Portland Oregonian station, KGW, and has a special program all by himself. You can hear him on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:45 to 9:00 in the evening. KGW is sharing him on all his broadcasts with KOMO, Seattle, and KHQ, Spokane. • Is there something you ivish to know about your favorite Radio Star? Some program in particular you want to know about? Then write the Low Down Editor of RADIO DOINGS. MRS. P. B., SAN FRANCISCO. Question — Is Miss Nickerson, who sings popular songs at KOL, the same person as Maude Nickerson, who used to be at KYA? Can you tell me something more about her, if she is? Answer — Yes, Maude Nickerson is now at KOL. She started her radio career three years ago at KYA, and also did some work over KFRC. She is an accomplished athlete, and was Pacific Coast backstroke swimming champion when she started radio work. She is also a tap and ballet dancer, likes to watch baseball, and play basketball and tennis. She has been at KOL about four months. LOWDOWN MRS. J. C, SEATTLE. Question — I have often wondered if Ann Holden, who talks on the Woman's Magazine of the Air, really makes up those recipes, where did she find out so much about cooking? Is she married? Answer — When Ann was a college student, she concentrated her studies on music and household arts. The former was to be her career — the latter, a hobby, for she liked to cook. Then she met a certain young man and the situation was reversed. When the Magazine came along, she was just the type, and got the job. She writes the Woman's Magazine of the Air cookbook, a chapter a day, and makes up her own recipes. LOWDOWN MISS C. B., SACRAMENTO. Question — I am very much interested in Karl Krebs, who plays the piano and organ so beautifully at KDB. Can you tell me something about his past history, etc.? Answer — Karl O. Krebs came to KDB about 18 months ago, and started in as staff organist and pianist. Seven months later he was made program manager and has held the position ever since. In the East, where he worked before coming to KDB, he was known as "Radio Kayo" in radio and vaudeville circles. He has been with Orpheum and Pantages circuits, and is a theater organist of long experience. As for appearance, he is slender, about 27, has light brown hair, a little mustache, and wears glasses. Enough? L. M. A., LONG BEACH. Question — I would like to know something about the Three Ambassadors, who sing over KFWB with Arnheim's orchestra. How old are they? Are any of them married? Also, is Harry Barris married? Did he write "I Got the Ritz from the One I Love?" Answer — Those Three Ambassadors, who stepped into a tough spot vacated by the Rhythm Boys, are just out of high school — Hollywood High. They are all 18 years old, and none of them is married. Yes, Harry wrote "I Got the Ritz," as well as "I Surrender Dear," and many others. Can't tell you any more, because there will be a nice long article, with pictures 'n everything, on Harry and the Ambassadors in the October RADIO DOINGS. LOWDOWN M. C. S., SANTA BARBARA. Question — How old is Tom Ballenger at KTAB? And what does he look like? Answer — Tom is 20 years old. He is tall, slender and has light brown hair. LOWDOWN H. B. K., PORTLAND. Question — What are the names of the Coquettes? Which one plays the piano? Answer — They are Marjorie Primley, Annette Hastings, and Imelda Montagne. Marjorie is the pianist. It might be well to add that they are as pretty a trio of young ladies as ever crooned into a mike. LOWDOWN L. V., SAN DIMAS. Question — Can you please tell me the names of the Lani Mclntyre Harmony Hawaiians at KMTR? And are they real Hawaiians? Are they related? Answer — Here they are: Lani, Dick and Alfred Mclntyre, and Danny Kuaana. Danny is a cousin to the other three, who are brothers. They all left Honolulu 12 years ago and came to the United States. They have been in California since 1925. Yes, they are Hawaiians. LOWDOWN R. C. D., SAN DIEGO. Question — Can you tell me something about Meredith Willson? His hobbies, is he married, etc. Also, how tall is Edna O'Keefe? Answer — Certainly can! He it young, good-looking, and he and his wife, Peggy, were married while they were still in their 'teens, and are still madly in love. Edna O'Keefe is five feet two, and weighs 115 pounds. Incidentally, KFRC has entered her in the radio beauty contest in Chicago. RADIO DOINGS Page Forty-three