Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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LOWCOWN H. A. B., VENTURA. Question — What is the name of that young man who used to be with the Biltmore trio — the one who sang such high notes? What is he doing now? Answer — You must mean Eddie Rush, the clever little fellow who soars 'way up into the wee small octaves so easily. Funny you haven't heard him. He is now with the Lofner-Harris Hotel St. Francis orchestra in San Francisco. LOWDOWN S. K. R., BERKELEY. Question — Can you please tell me the names of the Doric Quartet of NBC? Which one is the baritone? Answer — I'm glad you didn't ask if they were all one man. This melodious foursome is composed of Harry Stanton, sort of a low fellow, who sings bass ; Ben Klassen, strictly on the up-and-up, who is the tenor Everett Foster, the gentleman in question — baritone; and Myron Niesley, who also sings tenor; — between grins. LOWDOWN DAN C, SANTA MONICA. Question — We haven't heard Tom Breneman lately. What has happened to him? Aren't "Tom and Wash" coming back on the air any more? Answer — Well, Tom and Wash may come on the air again, but if they do, it will probably have to be from Chicago. You see, it was this way. Tom had to go east on some personal business, and took a month off from KNX. After he got to Chicago, he discovered it would take several months to wind up his business, and so he resigned from KNX, and started looking around Chicago for something to do. He went to NBC, and was immediately signed up. Quite a cradle of talent, this here West, huh? LOWDOWN MRS. H. M., PORTERVILLE. Question — Our family greatly enjoys the "Frank and Archie" program over KNX. We have been discussing as to whether or not Reginald Sharland and Eddie Holden play all of the parts. We are divided in opinion; can you straighten it out for us? Answer — It's getting so listeners are even wondering if the Philharmonic Orchestra is really one man, nowadays, with all of these artists taking myriads of impersonations. But Sharland and Holden actually do take all of the parts of the characters in "Frank Watanabe and Honorable Archie," with the exception of course, of those requiring a feminine voice. Yes, mom. Is there something you wish to know about your favorite Radio Star? Some program in particular you ivant to know about? Then write the Low Down Editor of RADIO DOINGS. ALVA D., LOS ANGELES. Question — Please tell me if Glenn Rice is from Whitebird, Idaho. Answer — My, my, will these questions about Glenn and his Hill Billies never stop coming in! No, Glenn emphatically denies any connection with the town you mention, but politely concedes that it is probably a nice town, anyway. LOWDOWN EDNA D., MASON, NEV. Question — Are all of the Optimistic DoNuts at KNX colored folks? And where is "Shorty" of the Arizona Wranglers at KNX? I enjoy RADIO DOINGS very much, and the "Lowdown" corner is just fine. Answer — Yep! The Optimistic DoNuts are all colored folks, and are real folks, too. And as for Shorty, he is no longer with the Wranglers, on account of poor health, and from all reports, is in a nice quiet country place, recuperating. LOWDOWN MARIE T., SEATTLE. Question — Will you please describe, and tell me something about Audrey Fancroft, of KPO? I have her pictured in my mind, and am curious to know how right I am. Answer — This must be game, or something — sort of a "picture puzzle." Everyone seems to be playing it these days. Audrey, the brilliant soprano, is small, well-formed, and graceful. She has soft, brown hair, and flashing green eyes, with a glittering smile — which she employs generously. She began work at Polytechnic High, San Francisco, graduated to grand opera, and drifted into concert and radio work at KPO. She played leading roles in the 1930 Pacific Opera Company, and the San Francisco Company. How close did you come, Marie? LOWDOWN S. A. A., PORTLAND. Question— Is Bill Ross at KOL married? Where is he from? Answer — Pul-lease! Give the boy a chance! Bill has only been out of high school (Broadway High. Seattle) a short time. As far as I know, he isn't married, but then — you never can tell about these good-looking young announcers. They're single today and gone tomorrow. Bill, soon after graduation, was the famous "singing doorman" at the West Coast theater in Seattle, with Owen Sweeten. Then he went on the air. LOWDOWN H. C. D.? SAN DIEGO. Question — I am an ardent reader of RADIO DOINGS. Please have James Burroughs' picture in the next issue. James Burroughs has the finest tenor voice over KFI. Can you tell me how old he is, and what he looks like? Answer — Can't promise to have James Burroughs' picture in the next issue, H. C. D., for after all, I am only a lowdown editor, and have to consider the wishes of the big-shot editor in such cases. But I'll do my best to pull for your picture. I can describe Mr. Burroughs to you, though, if that will relieve some of your curiosity. He is about (never ask a radio artist his exact age) 30 years old, is medium sized, slender, and has dark hair and blue eyes. LOWDOWN BARBARA A. W., SAN FRANCISCO. Question — Is Ken Allen of KHJ married? Answer — Don't think you're the first girl to ask that question, Barbara. Sad, but true, Ken was married last June, to Olga Millard, information clerk at KHJ. She is 18, blonde, and pretty. LOWDOWN EVELYNNE R., LOS ANGELES. Question — I have been trying everywhere to obtain information about the Beverly Hill Billies, but so far have been unsuccessful. I am wondering if you could help me out. What is Hank's real name? Also, what are their respective ages. Where are they now, and at what time? Answer — Dear Evelynne. Answering questions about the Beverly Hill Billies is like trying to argue about "which came first — the hen or the egg?" As I see it, the best thing for you to do is to ask Glenn Rice. He's a real nice fellow, but beside him, the clam is a back fence gossip. LOWDOWN MISS H. R., HOLLYWOOD. You will find your question about Ezra answered above. RADIO DOINGS Page Forty-three