Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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ON WESTERN NETWORK HEARD EDI I 1TI<>\ il Sunday 4:00 P. M.— -The World s Busi ness. Dr. Klein. KOL KM kill KFPY KFRC KDYI. KI.Z KOI 1 KGB Monday 6:30 A. M. — Tony's Scrap Book. KDYI. KLZ 10:15 A. M.— Columbia Kami Community Program. KHJ KOI I 11:30 A. M. American School of the Air. KYI KFP) KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB Tuesday 6:30 A. M. — Tony's Scrap Book. KDYL KLZ 11:30 A. M. — American School of the Air. KYI KFPY KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB W ednesday 6:30 A. M. — Tonv's Scran Book. KDYL KLZ 10:15 A. M. — Farm Commun ity Program. KHJ KOH 11:30 A. M. — American School of the Air. KM KFPY KFR( KHJ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB 12:00 Noon — Edna Wallace Hopper. KOL KM KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ Thursday 6:30 A. M.— Tony's Scrap Book. KDYL KLZ 8:00 A. M.— U. S. Chamber of Commerce. KOL KFRC KHI KDYL KOH 8:30 A.M.— Radio Home Makers. KDYL KOH 10:15 A. M. — Columbia Farm Community Program. KFRC! KHJ KDYL KOH 11:30 A. M. — American School of the Air. KM KFPY KFRC KHJ KDYI. KLZ KOH KGB Friday 6:30 A. M.— Tony's Scrap Book. KDYL KLZ 10:00 A. M.— Columbia Farm Community Program. KFR( KHJ KDYL KOH 12:45 P. M.-Columbia Edu cational Features. KM KFP"\ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB Saturday 6:30 A. M. — Tony's Scrap Book. KDYL KLZ 6:30 P. M.— National Radio Forum. KDYL KLZ KOH KGB V iRIETY Sunday 5:00 P. M. — Devils. Drugs, and Doctors. KOL KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ KLZ Tuesday 10:00 A. M.— Pabstette Varieties. KOL KYI KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ KLZ Thursday 9:00 P. M.— Hecker's Surprise Program. KOL KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ Friday 10:00 A. M. — Pabstette Varie ties. KOL KM KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ Saturday 5:45 P. M. — Chicago Variety Program. KFPY KFRC KHJ km L KI.Z KOH 6:00 P. M. Barn Dance Varieties. KOL KFRC KHJ KDYI. KI.Z KOI I KGB 7:00 P. M. Hank Simmons' Show Boat— KFPY KFRC Kill KDYI. KI.Z KOH KGB DRAMA AM) COMEDY Sunday 6:30 P. M— Romances of the Sea. KOL KFRC KDYL KLZ Monday 3:30 P. M.— Reis and Dunn. KI.Z KOH 3:45 P. M.— Bird and Vash. KLZ KOH Tuesday 3:45 P. M.— Bird and Vash. KLZ KOH 7:30 P. M.— Desert Plav. Arabesque. KDYL KLZ KOH KGB 7:45 P. M.— Mvrt and Marge. KOL KFPY KHJ W ednesday 3:45 P. M.— Bird and Vash. KLZ KOH 7:45 P. M.— Mvrt and Marge. KOL KFPY KHJ KOIN KFRC Thursday 7:45 P. M. — Myrt ami Marge. KOL KFPY KHJ KOIN KFRC Friday 3:45 P. M.— Bird and Vash. KI.Z KOH 7:45 P. M. — Myrt and Marge. KOL KFPY KHJ KOIN KFRC OLD MELODIES Sunday 8:15 A. M.— Edna Thomas. The Ladv from Louisiana. KOI. KM KFRC KDYL KI.Z KGB Monday 2:30 P. M. — Kathrvn Parson. "Girl n' Yesterdav." KDYL KLZ KOH Wednesday 7:15 P. M.— Weed Tire Chain Program. KDYL KLZ Friday 1 :45 P. M. — Edna Thomas, the Lady from Louisiana. KOL KYI KFRC KDYL KLZ KGB RELIGIOUS AMD SEMI-RELIGIOUS Sunday 7:00 A. M.— Columbia Church of the Air. KDYL KLZ 10:00 A. M.— Cathedral Hour. KOL KM KFPY KDYI. KI.Z 11:30 A. M.— Church of the Air. KOL KFPY KDYI KLZ KOH KGB KFRC OR(. IN Sunday 9:30 P. M.— Nocturne. Ann Leaf. KOL KFPY KDYL KLZ KOH KGB Monday 11:00 A. M.— Ann Leaf with Helen Board. KVI KFPY KHJ KLZ KOH KGB Tuesday 8:45 P. M— Nocturne with Ann Leaf. KFPY KFRC KDYL KLZ KOH Wednesday 11:00 A. M.— Ann Leaf at the Organ. KM KFPY KFRC KHJ KI.Z KOH KGB Saturday 8:45 P. M.— Ann Leaf at the Organ. KFPY KDYL KOH \EWS Monday 3:00 P. M.— Currents Events. KGB Friday 5:30 P. M.— March of Time. News Dramatization. KOL KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS Sunday 6:00 A. M.— Land o' Make Believe. Playlet. KDYL Tuesday 5:30 P. M.— Red Goose Adventures. KDYL KLZ KOH Saturday 8:00 A. M.— Adventure of Helen and Mary. KOH DANCE MUSIC Sunday 9:00 P. M.— Eddie Duchin's Orch. KOL KFPY KDYL KOH KGB Monday 1:00 P. M.— Bert Lown's Orch. KOL KM KFPY KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB 9:00 P. M.— Ben Bernie's Orch. KDYL KOH Tuesday 6:00 P. M.— Ben Bernie's Orch. KOL KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ Wednesday 5:15 P. M. — Eddie Kuhn'u Orch. KFPY KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB Thursday 6:00 P. M.— Eugene Ormandy's Orch. KFPY KFRC KHJ KDYL KLZ KOH KGB 9:00 P. M.— Guy Lumbardo. KDYL KLZ KOH Friday 9:00 P. M.— Ben Bernie's Orch. KFPY KFRC KDYL KOH Saturday 9:00 P. M.— Guy Lumbardo. KOL KFPY KDYL KOH 9:30 P. M.— St. Moritz's Orchestra. KFPY KFRC KDYL KI.Z KOH KGB WEEKLY TIPS 9:15 P. M. — Arizona Wranglers. KNX 10:00 P. M.— Bringing Up Father. KFRC FRIDAY 9:00 A. M.— Jack and Grace. KHJ 10:00 A. M. — Sunshine Hour. KYA 10:00 A. M. — Cheerio Boys. KFOX 10:15 A. M. — Cooking School. KGW 11:15 A. M. — Radio Church of the Air. KNX 11:15 A. M. — Manhattan Moods. KYA 12:00 Noon — \ir Raiders. KFOX 1:30 P. M. Nip and Tuck. KFWB 1:45 P. M. — The Banjo Boys. KMTR 3:00 P. M. — Studio Parade. KHQ 4:30 P. M. The Three Cheers. KHJ 6:00 P. M. — Nick Harri-. KECA 7:00 P. M.— Laughing Gas. KHJ 7:00 P. M. — Everrbodj Play. KFAC 8:00 P. M. — Optimistic Do-Nuts. KNX 9:00 P. M.— Old Favorite-. KFWB 10:00 P. M. — Palace Hotel Orch. KPO SATURDAY 9:00 A. M. Tuneful Two. KOMO 10:30 A. M. — Scientific Serenader*. KMTR 11:00 A. M. — Saturday Syncopators. KWG 11:30 A. M. — Movie Cluh. KGW 12:15 P. M. — Winnie Parker and Organ. KFI 1:00 P. M. — Theatre of the Air. KTAB 2:30 P. M. Long Reach Band. KGER 3:30 P. M. — Smilin' Sam from Alaham*. KF.X KGA KJR 4:45 P. M. Hotel Mark Hopkins' Tea Dance. KFRC (Don Lee System) 6:15 I'. M. The Boy Detective. KFOX 6:3 P. M. The Surprise Girls. KHJ 8:00 P. M. — On With the Show. KYA 9:00 P. M.— Merr> makers. KHJ (Don Lee Svstem) 10:00 P. M. — Anson Weeks* Orch. KFRC (Don Lee System) RADIO DOINGS Page Thirty-five