Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Behind The MlKE Intimate Glimpses of the Studios and Artists By -f^OAA^ C^o/mo4_ George Olsen, popular Columbia dance band leader. GEORGIA FIFIELD, director of the KNX Players for the past six years, started out on her successful radio career as a pianologist at KHJ when that station was in swaddling clothes. When this brown-eyed, red-haired girl timidly approached the program director of KHJ and asked for an opportunity to broadcast pianologues she was informed that such things were not acceptable. Being a good saleslady she was given a "tryout" and Uncle John Daggett heard her from an adjoining room and immediately "booked" her. Of course in those days it was quite an honor to broadcast and one nearly had to pay for the privilege. A few weeks later the idea of plays for the "air" developed and Georgia Fifield produced "The Foot of the Rainbow." The cast consisted of Uncle John Daggett, Edward Murphy, he of the melodious deep voice, Pierre Mellonino, who later married Claire RADIO DOINGS Forbes Crane — the present supporting link of the Calmon Luboviski programs at KNX, and Georgia Fifield. The latter has produced more than 300 plavs at KNX. CARL OBERON. tenor soloist of KFI and KECA, is one of the outstanding singers of the Pacific Coast. There is probably no radio artist with a better knowledge of music than Carl Oberon. Raymond Paige of KHJ, will acknowledge that much, and will probably admit that he was sorry to lose this splendid musician. His wife is an accomplished pianist and assists him as accompanist on many of his concert programs. There is nothing painful about interviewing Carl Oberon. if your interview is in regards to music or languages, but if your inter\iew is in his business office — well, that's different because Carl is a dentist. AT KGFJ they have the "Passer By" who is an actor of the old school and who has appeared before royalty, At KGER in Long Beach they have Cyril Godwin, a violinist who has also appeared before royalty. He is one of the most accomplished musicians in radio today. He is also developing into a radio actor. The last time I was at the station I saw him doing an English part in a London play. He was teaming with Harry Moody, chief announcer of KGER, and both of them were typical "cockneys." Both of them were either born within the sound of bow-bells, or close to it — and they say that's what makes a "cockney." KFOX is becoming strong for plays, presenting an average of three a week. Bill Gould, one of the leading players, is directing most of the plays, I understand. He is one of the cleverest stage actors in the business today. I would pay double the price to see Bill Gould on the legitimate than I would to see any of the John Gilbert's in the Talkies. And that goes for Bill's wife. I understand she is assisting in some of the radio plays at KFOX. I HAVE been frequently asked as to ,what has become of the California String Quartet," formerly the "Los Angeles Railway String Quartet" and for many years the mainstay of KHJ programs. Noah Allinikov, steel guitar player and leader, was killed in an automobile accident seven months ago while on his way to play at Catalina Island. Ed. Hahn, standard guitar player, left for his ranch in Montana but is now back in Los Angeles. Says lie would rather starve to death among friends. Frankie Melan, who took his place in the quartet, is now playing on Dick Nelson's programs at five stations. Jack Mesquit. ukelele player, started to build houses on his property in Los (Turn to Next Page) James Burroughs. KFI Pag* Twenty-one