Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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THE LOWDOWN LOWDOWN VIRGINIA J., LONG BEACH Question — Can you tell me about the man who sings the German songs on the Feminine Fancies program over KFRC? What other programs does he sing with? Thank you. Answer — You must mean Frederick Bittke, Virginia. He also sings on the Blue Monday Jamboree, and quite often on the Hecker-H-O program on Thursday nights at nine, and occasionally on other programs. LOWDOWN MRS. H. R. L., SOUTH GATE, CALIF. Question — Are the Pearce Brothers married? If so, to whom? Answer — Half of the Pearce Brothers is married. Al was married to Audrey Carter about a year ago. The other half, Cal, is a confirmed bachelor, and doesn't care who knows it. LOWDOWN A. C. L., HOLLYWOOD Question — Can you tell me how long the Happy-Go-Lucky flour has been on the air? How old is Norman Neilsen? How long has he been married? What did he do before entering radio? Is Hazel Warner married? Answer — This, seems to be a big order for KFRC. But we can't help it, and here goes — just as they come. The H. G. L. Hour came on the air about three years ago, as a Saturday morning feature only. It was soon moved to an afternoon time, growing slowly to its present popularity. Norman Neilsen is 26 years old, no more — no less. He has been married three years to Vivian Dun of Visalia, Calif. Before he entered radio, he was in musical comedy and vaudeville. Hazel Warner is also married. LOWDOWN MRS. C. L. K., REDONDO BEACH Question — Can you give me any information about "Mirandy" of the Beverly Hill Billies? Also why did some of the boys go back to KMPC? Was it a friendly agreement with Glen Rice? My whole family are ardent fans and we are so anxious to really know the truth. Answer — "Mirandy" is just another of Glen Rice's mysteries. As we said in the last issue, the only way to find out is by asking Glen himself — but we warn you; you won't find out much. As for the big party split in the ranks of the Hill Billies, we understand the disagreement was purely a financial one. However, just between us, there might be — now there might be, mind you — just a little bit of a feud — you know how these mountaineers are. LOWDOWN LOUISE K., FRESNO Question — Is Robert Swan, of KHJ, married? Answer — Yep ! And has a daughter about eight. LOWDOWN MISS KATHARINE S., OAKLAND Question — Could I have the lowdown on Charlie Carter? What was his birthplace? And also please tell me where he goes to school in San Francisco? I'd like awfully well to hear him sing sometimes without his "accent," wouldn't you? Answer — According to Cal Pearce, Charlie was "born at home." What he really means is that he was born in San Francisco. He attends Polytechnic High there. Haven't you ever heard him sing without his "accent" Katherine? He does quite often — listen for him. LOWDOWN MRS. W. T. E., SEATTLE Question — In the October magazine in your article about the Hallelujah Hour, you said that "Bobby Gross has gone the way of all radio flesh." What is meant by that? Can I hear him over some other station? Thank you. Answer — If you knew Dick Creedon, the literary gentleman of KHJ who concocted that article, you wouldn't have asked the question. When Dick says anything, it usually takes four college professors, two stool pigeons and an ornithologist to dope out exactly what Dick had in mind. I think he merely mean that Bobby Gross and Ted Osborne had discontinued radio work, and had gone into something else. LOWDOWN M. M. D., LOS ANGELES Question — I would like to know about Nelson Case of KPO, San Francisco. Is he single, and how old is he? Please describe him, won't you? I hope I'm not asking too much. Answer — Nelson single? Haw! He's the happiest young hubby you ever saw. The Case's have two very lovely children, too. Nelson is tall, blonde, blue-eyed and good-looking, and is about — let me see — must be 24 or 25 now, I think. LOWDOWN SAMUEL R.. FRESNO Question — Who plays the guitar between numbers when the Boswell Sisters are singing? BEGINNING TONITE! Famous humorist, columnist and scenarist, will be Master of Ceremonies. MONDAY FRIDAY 9:30 p. m. KFI M-J-B "DEMI-TASSE REVUES" NOREEN CAMMILL Sends Season's Best Wishes to Her Radio Friends and Best of Luck for 1932 RADIO DOINGS Page Forty-three