Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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O ADIO DOINGS THE MOVIE MAGAZINE OE THE AIH EEBRLAHV 19 3 2 Volume XX Number 2 CONTENTS ON THE AIR 7 HE TAUGHT HOLLYWOOD A LESSON — Sophistication Took a Back Seat When Seth Parker Invaded the Movie Citv — (By Don Eddy) 9 BACKSTAGE WITH MYRT AND MARGE— Myrtle Vail Thought She Had Retired From the Show Business Five Years Ago — (By Steve Trumbull) 11 MIRACLE MAN— Charles Forsyth Can Make Sound Effects Resemble Noises Better Than Thev Do Themselves — (By George Turner) 12 HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW— Li'l Joe Warner and His Good Ship "Spirit of Imagination" — (Bv Mike Kelly) 14 ALL DRESSED UP TO GO ON THE AIR— Hal Roberts' Liberty Band is "On Parade"' Even While Broadcasting — (By Raine Bennett) H CAPTAINS BILL— Captain Bill Royle, of NBC— Man of Action anc War Ace, Finds His Place in Radio — (By Louise Landis) 11 THEY STUMBLED UPON RHYTHM— Old Man Jazz Wins Again in the Battle With the Classics— the Boswell Sisters — (By Sa bina Applegate) If SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE CROONERS— Another Ted White Article, in Which He Answers Cardinal O'Donnell's Caustic Statement H A GREAT GUY! — America's Most Popular Dance Maestro is Also a "Reg'lar Feller"— (By Hilda Cole) 5 LADIES ONLY!— KFRC Feminine Fancies— (By Monroe Upton)... GROWIN' UP — Two Youngsters Who Captured the Elusive Spirit of Their Generation— (By Gus Inglis) 23 "HI-JINKS" — They Needed a Snappy Program to Take the Dullness Away from Sunday Evenings — (By Kay Van Riper) 24 LITTLE ORGAN ANNIE— Ann Leaf, Columbia Organist, Took to Music as a Duck Takes to Water— (Bv Hilda Cole) 25 ETHEL SHIITTA CBS (Mrs. Geo. Olsen) I Wallace M. Byam Publisher Don McDowell Managing Editor 1200 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles Phone WEstmore 1972 J. W. Hastie, 155 E. 42nd St.. New York Phone Vanderbilt 4661 Subscription $2.50 per year — 25c per copy. Entered as second class matter, Nov. 25, 1922, (Copyright 1931 by Wallace M. Byam)