Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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The Most Popular Stations Heard by Western Listeners 'Le's See Novr, Amos If KIM Is 900, Den R IIO Nus Ee Just Beyond Cat Locate One Station-* The Rest Are Easy to Find Station KDB tKECA KELW KEX KFAC §KFBK tKFI KFOX §KFPY §KFRC tKFSD KFSG KFVD KFWB KFWI KFXM KGA KGB KGDM KGER KGFJ tKGO tKGW §KHJ tKHQ KJBS KJR KLX KMCS KMJ KMO KMPC KMTR KNX KOAC 5KOIN §KOL tKOMO PACIFIC STATIONS Kilocycl 1500 1430 780 1180 1310 1300 Sacramento, Calif 1250 1340 610 600 1120 1000 950 930 1210 1470 1330 1100 1360 1200 790 620 900 590 1070 970 880 1120 1210 860 710 570 1050 550 940 1270 920 is Town Santa Barbara Los Angeles Burbank, Calif. Portland, Ore. Los Angeles Los Angeles Long Beach Spokane, Wash. San Francisco San Diego Los Angeles Culver City Los Angeles San Francisco S'an Bernardino Spokane, Wash. San Diego Stockton Long Beach Los Angeles San Francisco Portland, Ore. Los Angeles Spokane, Wash. San Francisco Seattle, Wash. Oakland Inglewood Fresno Tacoma, Wash. Beverly Hills Hollywood Hollywood Corvallis, Ore. Portland. Ore Seattle, Wash Seattle, Wash Phone Number 21427 Richmond 6111 GLadstone 2110 ATW. 3111 PRospect 8679 Main 8700 Richmond 6111 L. B. 672-81 Main 1218 PRospect 0100 Exposition 1141 EMpire 1171 HOllywood 0315 Franklin 0200 4761 Riverside 1191 Franklin 6151 795 681-128; 68294 PRospect 7788 Sutter 1920 Atwater 2121 VAndike 7111 M-5383 Ordway 4148 Seneca 1515 Lakeside 6000 VAndike 2466 35221 Madison 4144 CRestview 3101 Hillside 1161 HEmpstead 4101 Col. 45 ; City 526 Atwater 3333 ELliott 5890 tKPO 680 San Francisco GArfield S300 KQW 1010 San Jose Ballard 777 KREG 1500 Santa Ana 4900 KROW 930 Oakland Glen Court 6774 KTAB 560 S'an Francisco GArfield 4700 KTM 780 Los Angeles Exposition 1341 KTW 1220 Seattle MAdison 2056 §KVI 760 Tacoma KWG 1200 Stockton 580 KWSC 1220 Pullman, Wash. 227W KXL 1420 Portland, Ore. AT water 5124 KYA 1230 San Francisco PRospect 3456 MOUNTAIN STATIONS Station Kilocycles Town Phone Number §KDYL 1290 Salt Lake City WAsatch 7180 KLO 1400 Ogden, Utah 84-85 tKOA 830 Denver. Colo. YOrk 5090 KOB New Mexico 515 tKSL 1130 Salt Lake City WAsatch 3901 tKTAR 620 Phoenix, Ariz. 44161 KLZ 560 Denver, Colo. Taber 6316 Station Kilocycl tKMOX 1030 KRLD 1040 tKWK 1350 KWKH 850 tKYW 1020 WBAP 800 WBBN 770 IWCCO 810 WCHI 1490 tWENR 870 tWFAA 800 tWGN 720 tWHAS 820 tWHO 1000 WIBA 1280 t NBC § CBS CENTRAL STATIONS :s Town Phone Number St. Louis, Mo. CEntral 8240 Dallas, Texas 2-6811 St. Louis, Mo. DElmar 3210 Shreveport, La. 6739 Chicago, 111. W Abash 4040 Fort Worth, Texas Chicago, 111. WHitehall 6000 Minneapolis, Minn. Midway 5595 Chicago, 111. STate 2200 Chicago, 111. DElware 831 Dallas, Texas Chicago, 111. Louisville, Ky. Des Moines, Iowa Madison, Wis. 2-9216 tWJR 750 Detroit, Mich. MAdison 4440 WLS 870 Chicago, 111. HAv Chicago, III. DEarbom 7500 §WMAQ 1180 1111 WOA 1190 San Antonio, Texas twoc 1000 Davenport, Iowa Ken 5140 §WOWO 1160 Fort Wayne, Ind. A 2136 WOW 590 Omaha, Neb. EASTERN STATIONS Station Kilocycl ■s Town Phone Number tKDKA 980 Pittsburgh, Pa. AT. 4854 §WABC 860 New York Citv Wick 2-2000 §WBT 1080 Charlotte. N. C 3-7107 §WCAU 1170 Philadelphia, Pa. LOcust 7700 WEAF 660 New York WGY 790 Schnectady, N. Y. 4-2211 twjz 760 New York tW'LW 700 Cincinnati, Ohio KIrby 4800 WOR 710 Newark, N. J. tWSB 740 Atlanta. Ga. HEmlock 1045 IWTAM 1070 Cleveland, Ohio CHerry 0942 WTIC 1060 Hartford, Conn. CANADIAN, MEXICAN AND FOREIGN STATIONS Station Kilocycles Town Phone Number CKCD CFCN CFCT CFTC fHWC CTRM CKAC CKCW KGBU KGU TOAK 2FC XER XEW CMK 730 Vancouver, B. C. 990 Calgary. Alta 580 Victoria, B. C. 1120 Kamloops. B. C. 960 Regina, Sask. 670 Moose Jaw. Sk. 730 Montreal, Canada 690 Toronto 900 Ketchikan, Alk. 940 Honolulu 870 Tokio, Japan 670 Svdnev, Australia 735 Villa Acuna. Mexico 780 Mexico City 730 Havana. Cuba RADIO DOINGS Page Twenty-seven