Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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THE SOUND BOX The Why and Wherefore of Sound Effects Conducted by Charles Forsyth # Radio, more than any other branch of entertainr curate sound effects. Consequently there is a rapid e tion of sounds. Probably the most complete collert sessed by Charles Forsyth of KHJ. who has himself in ments. In this column in subsequent issues of Ra pleased to respond to inquiries about sound effects ent, requires diversified olution in the mechanica on of these devices is tl rented hundreds of sound lio Doings, Mr. Forsyth and their construrtion . THIS is the most interesting job I've had for many moons. In the "Heroes of the Olympics'' programs, I was asked to produce a chariot race. I wished to make it an outstanding effect, so I studied the situation thoroughly, and decided on four elements for the ensemble:— the hoof beats, chariot wheels, the popping sound of the axles as the wheels shifted sideways, and the cracking of the whip. First the rolling wheels were imitated by a pair of twelve inch wooden wheels rolling on a board in circular fashion, a wheel on the end of a shaft, the center turning on a pin — as in a child's teeter-totter. The hoof beats were done with two pairs of hammers on a hemp pad. The popping of the wheels shifting back and forth on the axles was accomplished by a small block on a box 24"x24"x 12". The whip was effected by a small leather strap. The complete ensemble was very realistic and was received with many compliments GLANDULAR VIGOR BOTH men and women will find VSM a quick remedy for sterility, debility, loss of vital powers, and glandular weakness. VSM is not a medicine, but is a food derived from vegetable sources. It is rich in those vitamins and essential salts necessary for the relief of debility, sterility, and loss of vital powers. VSM is the great rejuvenator . . . and remember, it is not a drug. Write for booklet and literature. Learn what this remarkable remedy is doing for others and what it can do for you. Or, don't delay, but send $2 for bottle of 100 tablets. Your money back in ten days if you are not absolutely convinced that VSM is all that we recommend it to be. Standard Chemical Co. Dep. 15, P.O. Box 5, South Pasadena, Cal. from listeners. A much more complete effect was produced for "Heroes, of the Olympics" in which two racing chariots finally crashed. This proved a really dramatic climax. In the next issue I shall explain how I reproduced the tremendous effects in the newer feature — "Building Southern California." Mr. Edward Harvey, who is a well known radio author in the East, has this to say for sound effects: "I find, through experience, that my most successful radio plays, have been written AROUND sound effects, that is, the sound effect is the axis of each scene, thereby assuring realism at all times." QUESTIONS J. P. M. — You will find it more easily operated and more realistic if you will discard the appliance you are now using, and employ a simple plate of iron three-sixteenths of an inch thick by twelve or fourteen inches wide by about twenty-four inches long; drilling two holes on top about one inch from edge and four inches apart. These holes will permit the use of a piece of strong cord for hanging the plate when in use. Strike with an eight ounce wooden mallet which has a felt covering of about one inch thickness. Experiment to find the exact spot to strike for the best tone, then make a mark with wax pencil, so as to know the best spot thereafter. A. N. S. — I'm very sorry to disappoint you. The trick musical watch you ask about is an exclusive device developed for a particular act, and therefore the mechanical principle cannot be divulged. F. E. H. — If you will write me more fully regarding your difficulties with foot-fall effects and the steam engine, being more explicit regarding the use you put them to, I can help you. A steam engine might mean any one of several types: stationary, locomotive, hoisting, etc. Sound effects which are used in part or whole program as a signature cannot be described in this column as it is desirable that they be identified exclusively with such program. In many cases much expense is incurred in preparing them. Aline Berry, who plays the part of "Joan" in "Raising Junior," almost stopped Fifth Avenue traffic recently when she stopped to hire a hurdy-gurdy player for a recent episode in the sketch. The sight of a pretty girl in earnest conversation with an organ grinder stirred the curiosity of passersby, and a policeman had to stop the crowd. Ken Lee, of the same program, made the recent remark, "I know now why General Lee surrendered. He got tired of answering questions about the Lee family." On the Finest^ Beach in all the World 1 . . surpassing even, the famous Bay of Naples yiaya ™\MEX,co ENSEN ADA HOT-EL <7/7</CASI NO a perfect resort, catering to the Finest of patronage, and worthy of this patronage because of its luxurious appointments, superior service, and its complete facilities for every sport, diversion and recreation. Reservations for Playa Ensenada » an architectural masterpiece « may be made at any hotel in the world or I at 634 South Spring St., Los Angeles « » Phone TRinity 7588 Page Thirty-four RADIO DOINGS