Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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r HELLO, "EVERYBODY If von possess natural tal enter Broadcasting as an: ■nt. you can be trained to Announcer Singer Actor Musical Director or any other fi Excellent positions in Bro men and women after tin of radio presentation. Re; yourself for a big paying Program Manager Sale Manager Advertising Publicity / Broadcasting ting are open ■/</ Musician Reader Writer Director > talented technique n prepare let FLOYD GIBBONS train you for a Broadcasting career HAVE you an idea for a Radio program? Can you describe things? Have you a Radio voice? Are you musically inclined? Have you the ability to write humor, dramatic sketches, playlets, advertising? Can you sell? If you can do any of these things — Broadcasting needs you! Last year alone, more than $31,000,000 was expended for talent before the microphone to entertain and educate the American people. The estimated number of announcers, speakers, musicians, actors, etc., who perform at the 600 or more America! Stations is well over 300.(1011 Merely the ability to sing is not sufficient. It must be coupled with the art of knowing bciv\ to get the most out of your voice for broadcasting purposes. Merely the knack of knowing how to write will not bring success as a radio dramatist. You must be familiar with the limitations of the microphone, and know how to adapt your stories for effective radio presentation. It is not enough to have a good voice, to be able to describe things, to know how to sell. Broadcasting presents very definite problems, and any talent, no matter how great, must be adapted to fit the special requirements for successful broadcasting. The Floyd Gibbons School for Broadcasting nities Insic shows you how to solve every radio problem from the standpoint of the broadcaster. Floyd Gibbons, one of America's foremost broadcasters, has developed a unique method for training men and women at home for this An intere fascinating work. This home-study course Find Your 1 offers you a complete training in every phase the whole : ence, interior decorating, etiquette, child welfare, styles, beauty and home making. A Complete Course in Radio Broadcasting by FLOYD GIBBONS A few of the subjects are: Micro phone Technique. How to Contr ol the Voice and Make it Expressiv e, How to Train a Singing Voice for Broa the Knack of Describing. How to Write 1 ladio Plays. Radio Dialogue. Drama tic Broa IcaMs. Mak ing the Audience Lau< h. How to Arrange Daily Programs, Mone v Maki lg Opportu nities Inside and Outs ide the Studio, and dozens of other subject Booklet Sent Free ntitled broadcasting. Now you can profit Gib fullj The Fastest Growing Medium in the World The biggest advertisers in the CO ognize the bus ness strength of Bro They rely on i more and more for promotion and sales work. They ai new ideas, new talent every day. If you are ;ood at thinking up your voice sho ws promise for anno singing; if jro you can sell o talents that f ould be turned to broadcasting p urposes. you can qua job inside or outside of the Sti Floyd Gibbon 5 show you how to sour hidden U Ients! No matter how much latent a po-M— ■ ll I UX'le^s m know the technique of Broadcasting, urn know how to get a try-out. How front the microphone. How to lend personality, sincerity and clearness t voice. •e seeking ideas; if jment; if profitable ilify for a tdio. Lei capitalize jility you unless you of ; by Floyd Gibbons' years of experience Radio. You can develop your talents right at Com home in your spare time under his guidance, long and acquire the technique that makes Radio one stars. Out -of obscure places are coming the tries future Amos and Andys, Graham MacNa Youi mees, Rudy Vallees, Olive Palmers and Floyd your Gibbonses whose yearly earning enormous. moklet entitled "How to i Broadcasting," tells you ole fascinating story of the Floyd s School of Broadcasting and describes ■ training offered in our Home Study Here is your chance to enter a lifeofession — to fill an important role in pow er fill llis Unlimited Opportunities for Men and Women yourself ho Floyd Gibbi Act now— se Gibbons Sch U. S. Savir Street. N. W world. Send for '"How to Find in Broadcasting" today. See for v complete and practical the ns Course in Broadcasting is. nd coupon below todav. Floyd K>] of Broadcasting. Dept. 2F22. gs Bank Building. 2000 14th „ Washington. D. C. Men broadca scriptiv< ■ded to do special | if all kind De I i game: jail an oris of n il prepan domestic sc School <. \. w. f Broadcastings fs ltank Building:, \\ ashingrton, D. C