Radio doings (Dec 1930-Jun1932)

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Directory of Western I actio Artists The Second Revised List of Staff Artists On Popular Western Stations. Arranged llphabetically For Your Convenience \ h < (Pacific Division) BLANCHARD. Barbara Soprano ( ARSON, Paul— Organist CASE, Nelson -Entertainer CHAR I.ES. Sydnev— Tenor DANA. Harold Baritone DEAN, Jack— Tenor EL DREDGE. George— Basso KORI). Chas. Tenor FOSTER, Everett— Baritone GAR AY, Joaquin Tenor GARCIA, Kva I'iano G1RARI). Arm.,.,, I -jb„„ GRUMXGKR. Kva— Contralto GCXSKY. Maurice— Tenor HASTINGS, Annette— Soprano HAYES, Clarence— Vocal, Guitar JOHANSEN. Gunnar ( on. I'ian JONES, Gw nli— Tenor 'IONKS. Frances Contralto JONES, George -Tenor KELLY, Bettv— Soprano KENNEDY. Irving Tenor KENT. Easton— Tenor KLASSEN, Ben— Tenor KIRTLEY, Lucile— Soprano LOWE, Mona— Blues Singer LINDEN. Anthony— Flute MARSHALL, ( has.— Vocal. Instru. UcKNIGHT, Harr Tenor McLAUGHLIN, Ben— Tenor MILLER. Ref a— Soprano M< )X ROE, Tommy— Baritone MONTAGNE. Imelda— Contralto MOSHER. Austin -Baritone XIESLEY. Myron— Tenor O'BRIEN, John— Harmonica OLIVER, Altheda— Soprano PEARY, Harold -Vocal. Dramatic I'IGGOTT, Eileen— Soprano 1'R I M LEY, Marjorit — Soprano REV. Alvino-Guitar SAXDBERG. Evelvn— Blues Singer SHOLL. Jeannette— Soprano STANTON. Harry Basso ST EW A R T. N at ha n— Baritone TAYLOR, Gail— Soprano TOFFOLI, John— Accordion TRA i'TN ER. Elsa — Soprano WHITE. Ted— Tenor WOOD. Man — Soorano WRIGHT, Ace— Violin, Guitar Teams and Groups ASHLEY, Phyllida FEALY. Aillen Concert I'iano Team PERRY, Dell YOUNG, Oscar Popular I'iano Team Arum Trio — / nstrumental BARTHELSON. lover — I'iano HOLUB, Josephine— Violin AVERY. .Margaret— Cello Rembrandt Trio Instrumental GARCIA, Eva— I'iano DE GRASSI, Antonio Violin DIMM. Dorothv Dukes— Cello Pa r is ia n Quintet — Instru me ntal GARCIA. Eva I'iano DIMM. Dorothv Dukes— Cello DE GRASSI. Antonio Violin GARCIA, Arthur Second Violin WOLA. Sarin Viola Stringwood Ensemble — Instrumental CRAVERO, Auiota KOHARICH. Jos. KREINDLER, Sarah M I ('('() I . I. [. NI< HOLSON, Mai R( »bi r rs. I. II. Hal Billiei MARSHALL. Cha> O'BRIEN, John TOFFOLI. John CRAVER, Chas. WRIGHT, Ace ANDERSON. Eugene BARBER. W. W. KING. Saunders NURSE, Alvin Coquetes — Vocal HASTINGS. Annette MOXTAGXE. Imelda PRIMLEY. Mariorie Criterion Pour — Vocal FORD. Chas. JONES, Gwynfi DANA. Harold GIRARD, Armand Huckaroos — Vocal MARSHALL, Chas. MAXWELL. Ted Cheerleaders -Voca, BRADLEY, lack CRIST. Art SCOTT, Bud "John and Ned" — Popular Vocal Team WOLFE. John TOLLINGER, Ned Olympians— Vocal JONES, Mvnard BELL, David CHICK, Gilbert T1SSIER, Jos. SCHNETZ, Henry Dramatic Artists ANGER, Etta BAKER, Marie BENCE, Bob BERG. June Yvonne CHASE, A..... CHURCH, W.Ida Wilson DEANK. Bobbe DESMOND. Dorothv \ ei ELMER, CI FRANCES, FOWLER, GAMBIA', HORTON. JAMES, s.i MARSHALL, (has. M.ii A I.I STER, ( has. MATTESON, Ruth M.WU ELL, red McGAW, Baldwin M ON T( i( ) M ER \ . Frances MOORE, Sam MUSSELMAN, Helen RAFFETTO, Michael RANI). George ROACH. S. I.U RUN I.E. Wm. SHUMER, Henry SMYTH E. J. Anthony SI ZE. Harry TSANG. Ernest THOMAS. Frel WEBSTER, George HEST, Olivi WHIPPLE, Walter WILSON. Kathleen WONG, l'eter YARBOROUGH, Barton Child Renders BERKELEY, Jean HUGHES, Floy Margaret MacLAUCHLAN, Bob (McDowell) MERY, lack PAGE, Billy Special Sponsored Artists KOI.B & DILL— "The Dinglebenders" — Gilmcre VAN & DON — Entertainers — Quaker Oats ' KELW Francis— Accordi W I LEMON, Ned— Tex. Longhorns KFRC ALLEN, Eleanor— Organist BITTKE, Fredric— Baritone BARLOW. I'ete — Drummer. Actor BOBS— Sport Authority l!( Mur BKAYTON. Mai BROW N, Harris BROWN. Thelma BUNKER. Walte CARTER, Charle CHRISTOPH, i CHURCH, Lin— . ( I.AIRMOOK. 1 Singe. ( LARK, l.ila Clark Sisters CLARK, Ruth— Clark Sisters de.M It'll EL. Madelaine— Accordion DETWILER, Vic— Tenor DE Y.U'X. Marie— "Fifi" Jam. ELLIOTT. Mav— Contralto EUBANKS, Eugene— Asst. Prod. FISCH ER, Edna— Pianist HAWKS. Eugene — I HASTY. John Eugen HOLLIWAY. Harris. HOSKETH, WilliamKKI.SEY. Waltei \ MATTHEWS. Merit Prod. Mgr. MOSS. F,a:.k Conceit Pianist N I I LS EN, Norman — Tenor X I ELAN, Riy-Tenor OLSEN, Robert— Tenor O K EE EE, Edna— Comedienne PASMORE, Mary Violinist PEARCE, Al— Dir. H. G. L. Hour RAI.S'; S( MlLLi-.K, A ora t omedienne SCHIVO, Frank— Frank & Earnest STOKES, Merlin Popular Singer 1ENNYSON, [uanita Soprano THE THREE GIRLS— Voc. Trio TOWNER, Earl— Basso I'KUESDEL, Marjoric Lane — Juve. WARNER, Hazel— Contralto WILLSON, Meredith— Mus. Dir. WRIGHT. Wm. H.— "Zeb" KFSD ADAMS, Leslie— Pian. (Gen. Mgr.) BERTHA, BESS. JIM— Old Songs BRl >WN. Roval— Piano STANLEY, Janet — Soprano V I RATELLE, Marie -Soprano WELLS, John— Baritone KJR ncer — Xylophone and ADAMS. Spenc* Drums RR ASHEN, Abe BALL. Randy : CATHERS, Che. CHAMBERLAII DAM SKI, Henr HARRIS. R. G. IONES. Case\ i.UNDBERG. \\ MERRILL. Gr.n SOUL. Marshall— Tenor STRONG, Harold— Pianist S W K FT M A N . Homer— Tenor VINCENT, Elmore— Tenor KOMO DILLON, Zita— Pianist FISHER. Ben Announcer GODFREY, George Announcer HANSEN, Emil— Drums HARKINS. Ben— Singer alter— Or. Di ■Singer, Tenor Keep This Directory! In the Next Issue the Names of Artists At Other Stations W ill Be Added. By Saving the Directory In Each Issue. You Can Soon Have a Complete ilphabetical List Of III Radio trusts h, the 11 est