Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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savagely red warmly moist tenderly soft . . . When lips are a Savage red, the spirit of I jungle adventure prevails . . . and hearts too easily are caused to skip a beat! For, the five Savage reds were purposely created to be exciting. And they are! But, it's folly for lips to tempt unless their caress proves warm, moist and tender. So . . . Savage Lipstick also softens lips . . . makes them softer even than Nature does; assurance that Savage lips will always fulfill the promise their Savage color makes. And Savage is really permanent, too. It clings savagely ... as long as lips are wished to lure . . . and longer. None other is like Savage! Select from these five truly adventurous shades of red. TANGERINE j> FLAME • NATURAL BLUSH • JUNGLE AT ALL TEN CENT STORES 20* LIPSTICK BY