Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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CLEMlLlilESS IS I1IXT TO LDUELIHESS Joan Marsh, the feminine star of Flying Red Horse Tavern, has that longed for freshness. See page 53 for program. By JOYCE ANDERSON OF course, she isn't really beautiful but, my dear, she's always so perfectly groomed!" I'll admit I was frankly astounded when Aunt Martha made this remark about Elaine. I'd always thought of Elaine as not only the most truly cbtc woman I know, but also as the most beautiful. Yet, when I stopped to think it over, 1 realized Aunt Martha was right, as usual. Elaine doesn't have one really beautiful feature in her whole face. Her figure is ordinary β€” trim, neither plump nor lanky, but she'd certainly never qualify for the Follies. Then I remember the night I'd introduced her to her husband. Naturally, he wasn't her husband then! β€” only a very nice young bachelor extraordinarily interested in the girl he had just met. He turned to me, as Elaine went into the guest room to take off her hat and powder her nose, and the first thing he said was, "There goes the loveliest girl I ever saw in my life." That's the point of the whole thing. Elaine is lovely. Her clean, fresh skin, her gleaming hair, her clear eyes and proud carriage attract attention wherever Elaine goes. There's a thought for the day! If Elaine can be lovely without, as I said, either a beautiful face or figure, then there's hope for all us gals, for we can all have fresh skin, gleaming hair, clear eyes and a proud carriage, if we just make up our minds to do something about it. Good grooming is the answer, and good grooming, when you get right down to it, means perfect cleanliness. You might even paraphrase the old proverb to read: "Cleanliness is next to loveliness." For that matter, you might just as well accept the fact that cleanliness is loveliness. Nobody's going to admire a straight, well-shaped nose if it's covered with blackheads. Nobody cares for naturally rosy cheeks that are full of enlarged pores. Nobody wants to run his fingers through hair that looks dull and not quite clean, no matter how beautiful the color is. Boy, what a break that is for us gals who know we're not beautiful ! We can all do something about this particular beauty problem, because the easiest thing in the world to achieve is cleanliness. All we need to start with is a bar of really good soap and some warm water. Simple, isn't it? But something so important that no expensive beauty treatment is going to do us a darn bit of good without this first simple step. Isn't it just too awful? It's our faces that we particularly want to have fresh-looking and clear, and that's just where we always have to fight blackheads and pimples and skin troubles! It's easy to figure out why, when we stop to think that our faces are exposed to every bit of soot and grime β€” and, yes, bacteria, tooβ€” there is in the atmosphere about us, while the rest of us is pretty well protected. And that daily grime, mixed with the natural secretions of the skin, clogs the pores and (Continued on page 95) LEARN THE SECRET OF GOOD GROOM ING FOR YOUR KEY TO BEAUTY 54