Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR SKINNY, WEAK RUNDOWN. NERVOUS Feed Strenqth-Buildinq Natural Iodine to Glands for RICH,RED,NOURISHING BLOOD! How Amazing New Sea Plant from Pacific Ocean Feeds IODINE-STARVED GLANDS, Quickly Renews ENERGY, Builds Glorious NEW STRENGTH, and ADDS 5 Lbs. in 1 Week or No Cost! Here's new hope and encouragement for thousands of tired, weak, worn out, haggardlooking women whose energy and strength have been sapped by housework and worry, who are nervous, irritable, always half-sick and ailing. Science has at last placed its ringer on one of the principal causes of this dangerous rundown condition, and provides the way for building up and renewing a rich supply of red, nourishing, strength-building blood. "In most cases," agree many leading scientists and health authorities, "the cause of weakness, nervousness, skinniness and poor blood may be traced directly and indirectly to MINERAL and IODINESTARVED GLANDS. When these glands don't work properly, all the food in the world can't help you. It just isn't turned into solid flesh, husky, tireless strength, vibrant energy and the red blood supply that keeps you strong and well. The inevitable result is, you stay skinny, rundown, nervous, weak and ailing." The most important gland — the one which actually controls body weight and strength, and assures the utilization of nourishment — needs a definite ration of iodine all the time —NATURAL ASSIMILABLE IODINE— not to be confused with chemical iodides which often prove toxic. Only when the system gets an adequate supply of iodine can you regulate metabolism — the body's process of converting digested food into firm flesh, new strength and energy. To get this vital mineral in convenient, concentrated and assimilable form, take Seedol Kelpamalt — now recognized as the world's richest source of this precious substance. It contains 1,300 times more iodine than oysters, once considered the best source. 6 tablets alone contain more NATURAL IODINE than 486 lbs. of spinach or 1,387 lbs. of lettuce. Try Seedol Kelpamalt for a single week and notice the difference. See flattering extra pounds appear in place of scrawny hollows. Notice how much better you feel, and if you don't gain at least 5 lbs. in one week the trial is free. Your own doctor will approve this way. 100 Jumbo size . Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets — four to five times the size of ordinary tablets — cost but a few cents a day to use. Get Seedol Kelpamalt today. It's sold at all good drug stores. If your dealer has not yet received his supply, send $1.00 for special introductory size bottle of 65 tablets to the address at the right Iodine and m ^^^^^^^ Glands. ACCEPT THIS STARTLING NO RISK OFFER! Your Money Back If Kelpamalt Does Not 1. Improve appetite. 2. Add at least 5 !bs. of Good Solid Flesh. 3. Strengthen Nerves. 4. Banish Ordinary Stomach Distress. 5. Make You Sleep Sounder. 6. Give You New Strength, Energy and Endurance. 7. Clear Up Skin. # Manufacturer's Note:— Inferior products, sold as kelp and malt preparations— in imitation of the genuine Seedol Kelpamalt. are being offered as substitutes. The Kelpamalt Company will reward for information covering any case where an imitation product has been represented as the original Seedol Kelpamalt. Don't be fooled. Demand genuine Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets. They are easily assimilated, do not upset stomach nor injure teeth. Results guaranteed or money back. Kelpamalt^s: SPECIAL FREE OFFER I Write today for fascinating instructive 50-page booklet on How I~ .^mUi strength, energy, cool, calm nerves and Add lbs. Quickly. Mineral contents of Food and their effects on the human . body. New facts about NATURAL IODINE. Standard weight and I measurement charts. Daily menus for weight building. Abso■ I"tely free. No obligation. Kelpamait Co., Dept. 991. 27-33 I West 20th St., New York City. I NAME | ST ; Coast-to-Coast Highlights {Continued from, page 9) October 17th, it will have reached its full height of 217 feet. Providence: Construction is starting in East Providence for WEAN's new transmitter. Chicago: In addition to moving its transmitter from the near-south side to the west side, WSBC has just erected a 189-foot vertical radiator antenna. New York: A new network, headed by WINS, comes into being. Other stations of the New York State Broadcasting System include WABY, Albany; WIBX, Utica; WMBO, Auburn; WSAY, Rochester, and WBNY, Buffalo. Los Angeles: Having assumed control of KNX, the Columbia Broadcasting System is planning to build new studios for the station at a reported cost of a million dollars. However, no CBS network programs will be cleared over the station until December 19th. * * * COMPASS MERRY-GO-ROUND Hollywood: Elvia Alman, KNX comedienne, has emerged from bandages, to reveal herself as the possessor of a completely remodelled nose. . . . Chicago: Franklyn MacCormack, WBBM poetry reader, just can't get away from friends while on vacation. On a recent trip through Southern California, MacCormack encountered Vin Haworth, the Jack of Myrt and Marge; Howard Neumiller, WBBM pianist; Ulderico Marcelli, Chicago conductor, and Warner Baxter, an old pal of silent film days. . . . Newport News: Honey Beaton, WGH vocalist, has left here to sing on WLW, Cincinnati. . . . Chicago: It is asserted here that for rehearsals, the entire Barn Dance Troupe of ABS repairs to the beach, where they get to work around a fire after a preliminary swim. * * * THE RADIO ROAMER TELLS— —of Larry Fisk, WBBM Chicago, engineer, who recently began hearing things which seemed rather out of the saner current of a radio man's life. He was monitoring a test program by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra which was playing from its home city. The program was not being broadcast. Over the wire came the strains of the "Blue Danube," which was quite all right, for that was what the orchestra was playing. He switched to the New York wire and what should he hear but the same music. That was not at all all right, for the N. Y. wire was supposed to be carrying the concert from Robin Hood Dell in Philadelphia, which was being broadcast over the entire Columbia network. What made it worse was that the music over that N. Y. wire was lagging a bar behind that on the Detroit wire. Fisk felt like uttering a shriek and getting right out of there, when he suddenly realized that the Dell orchestra was playing the same selection as the Detroit group in a very similar manner. —of Meredith Willson, NBC Western Musical Director, who can truthfully assert that he and Mrs. Willson took a brass band along with them on their honeymoon. Shortly after they were married, Willson joined Sousa's band and went on tour with it as flute soloist. "When Mr. Sousa learned about our marriage," Willson recalls, "he invited my wife to travel with us. He couldn't have been more solicitous of us both had we been his own children and the three sea 74