Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR 10*5 LBS GAINED WITH NEW 3-WAY TREATMENT ■S> <: : J ,' Posed by professional ■model SKINNY? NewQuickWay Gives Thousands Solid Pounds Fast! TXTHEN thousands of formerly skinny, ' ' .rundown, friendless people have gained pounds of solid, normally goodlooking flesh with this new triple-acting treatment, it's a crime for thousands of others to remain thin and unattractive. Actually, with this sensationally quick new body-builder, you may not only gain normal, nattering pounds, but also naturally clear skin, freedom from indigestion and constipation, new pep and popularity. Doctors now know that the real reason why many find it hard to gain weight is they do not get enough digestionstrengthening Vitamin B and bloodbuilding iron in their food. Now with this new discovery which combines these two vital elements in little concentrated tablets, hosts of people have put on pounds of firm flesh, normal curves — in a very short time. This amazing new product, Ironized Yeast, is made from special imported cultured ale yeast, the richest known source of Vitamin B. By a new process this special yeast is concentrated 7 times — made 7 times more powerful. Then it 76 is combined with 3 kinds of iron, pasteurized whole yeast and other valuable ingredients in pleasant little tablets. If you, too, need Vitamin B and iron to build you up, get these new Ironized Yeast tablets from your druggist at once. Day after day, as you take them, watch skinny limbs and flat chest round out to normal attractiveness, skin clear to natural beauty — you're an entirely new person. Money-back guarantee No matter how skinny and rundown you may be from lack of enough Vitamin B and iron, these marvelous new Ironized Teast tablets should build you up in a few weeks as they have thousands. If not delighted with results of first package, money back instantly. Special FREE offer To start you building up your health right away, we make this absolutely FREE offer. Purchase a package of Ironized Yeast tablets at once, cut out the seal on the box and mail it to us with a clipping of this paragraph. We will send you a fascinating new book on health, ''New Facts About Your Body." Remember, ' results with the very first package— or money refunded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast Co., Inc., Dept. 22H, Atlanta, Ga. monies for the Carefree Carnival, has a wife who's beginning to get as much publicity as he is. lone Tollinger is winning poetry prizes all over the place and her work is being printed in several national publications. . . . Hollywood: Oh, these radio pranksters! A sign was recently displayed in the KNX studios announcing that "Don Forbes (announcer) will pay $75.00 for 1934 dimes." Don had a terrible time explaining to one literal-minded lady that the jokers purposely omitted the comma after the "1" in 1934. * * * Hollywood: The entire staff of KNX held a farewell party at the San Fernando home of Perry Wood for "Pop" Naylor Rogers when he retired from the post of station manager and vice president. Immediately after the transfer of KNX's ownership to the Columbia system, Rogers planned to take an extended vacation trip with his family through the East and Canada. Charlotte, N. C: Station WBT started its second season of a unique type of broadcast in August by putting an actual tobacco auction on the air from Dillon, S. C. Sponsors of the broadcast were the proprietors of Dillon warehouses, the local merchants who count on much of the tobacco farmer's dollar, and the city administration itself. New Orleans: Al Bernard, the Gentleman from the South, is on New Orleans' station WWL with a twice-weekly program which includes besides himself a jazz band and a straight man. One of his most popular stunts is a series of sketches called, "How Every City, Town and Village Got Its Name." * * # Nashville, Tenn.: It didn't take long for Nashville's WSM to locate a stolen Michigan car a few weeks ago. The station broadcast the description and license number of a missing Michigan automobile, and shortly afterwards received a telegram from E. E. DeGroseillers, chief of police of far-off Rouyn, Quebec, saying that the car had been located there. And within an hour after WSM had broadcast DeGroseiller's message, the car was claimed by Michigan police. * * * Boston, Mass.: That Postal Oddities program, originated by a post office clerk in Kansas, J. B. Trapp, has passed its sixth month on station WHDH, and — with the help of national celebrities — is growing every week in popularity. Joe O'Gorman presents this unique show Monday nights and has succeeded in snaring many of the East's big wigs to go on the air for him. Rudy Vallee was the first. Joe remembered that Rudy had been made an honorable member of the National Federation of Post Office Clerks. Years ago, Rudy helped his father in the village post office of Westbrooke, Maine, which practically makes him a blood brother of every clerk in the Federation. . . . Others who have appeared lately are Governor James M. Curley of Massachusetts, Congressman William Connery, Jr., and most of the other high state officials. . . . Joe has picked "Marching Through Georgia" as the program's theme song, since the deluge of mail praising it after he'd ordered it played for a few weeks. . . . Even the American Legion Band has been on the broadcast playing its favorite tunes. . . . Joe and Trapp, the originator of the program, are hoping that before winter sets in, a sponsor will take over the broadcasts. But sponsor or not, Postal Oddities will keep right on growing, much like Topsy. ...