Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M J Rr R O'Rt Yesterday's Stars — Where Are They? {Continued from page 21) For five years the Silver Masked Tenor ruled the networks, playing to capacity houses on vaudeville tours. People spent their days speculating about his identity. The wildest rumors spread: that his face had been shot away in the war; that he was blind; that he was an ex-convict. "I got proposals of marriage wherever I went." Joe White told me with a laugh. "1 had to slip out with the band, unmasked, to get away from the women who stood in line waiting for me." Today, he appears only on sustaining programs. When the mystery about his identity died down, much of the interest in his singing went with it. though he remained the same plump, good natured Irish lad with the pleasing tenor voice. As for Phil Carlin, he tired of announcing and shifted to an executive berth. Now he is sustaining program manager at NBC. where he has a chance to use his imagination daily. Why have so many radio stars vanished? Some, being pioneers, lived their day and were outmoded in their style of entertainment. Some were spoiled by the boom years and wouldn't accept less money when the bottom fell out of the radio market. THERE was Welcome Lewis, for instance. Absolutely unknown when Burt McMurty, an NBC official, heard her sing, she was welcomed to NBC at $200 a song, on an oil program. Soon she pocketed S250 a song. On commercials, of course. Sustainings, she felt, weren't good policy for a star of her magnitude. After the collapse of big salaries she refused to accept a cut. Occasionally she got a guest shot; for some time she toured vaudeville. Finally she accepted three sustaining spots a week for her Musical Scrap Book. When no sponsor rushed to sign her, she went to her home out West. Remember Tony Wons, the Homespun Philosopher? Tony sprang up five years ago, with his scrapbooks, a miscellany of poetry and philosophy based on his musings while he lay ill in an Arizona sanitarium. His daily talks over WLW in Cincinnati brought over 100.000 appreciative fan letters in one winter. His life story was printed everywhere as an inspiration to those who were sick and in despair. His scrapbooks became best sellers. CBS soon had him on contract. When it ran out, NBC starred him in a series of sketches called The House by the Side of the Road. Somehow, it failed to click as his other shows had. Today Tony Wons is on a local station, WLS in Chicago. And he seems utterly content to spend the rest of his time on his farm in Wisconsin. And then there's the last of Barnum's circus clowns. Uncle Bob Sherwood, who brought to radio some of the glamor of life under a tent. How the kids chortled with glee over his Old Dixie Circus, with his dramatic sketches of circus adventures! And some of us older kids loved them, too. Retiring from radio in 1934 Uncle Bob opened Bob Sherwood's Book Shop in lower Manhattan, which he still owns. This fall, he's traveling from town to town with a circus, as a publicity stunt for the Republican Party. Only four short years ago Alice Joy was the toast of the NBC networks. As DO YOU HAVE TO TURN AWAY FROM YOUR OWN SKIN? BLAME YOUR CARE, NOT YOUR SKIN! Blackheads, Enlarged Pores, other Blemishes are not "Natural" to your Skin, but Penalties of Improper Care! ^^£aCWj CtlAeA. Have you a skin you "can't do a thing with?" Does it hurt you to have to look in the mirror? Many a woman who dreads the mirror is not born with a bad skin, as she thinks, but is rather the innocent victim of improper methods of skin care. One thing you must grasp is this : The care of the skin is not a complex problem at all. It's really very simple. So simple, almost, as to appear ridiculous. Simple, the Needs of Your Skin! All your skin needs, commonplace as it may sound, is thorough cleansing daily and, with it, a little lubrication. Given these two things, it's amazing what the skin will do for itself. The trouble is that all methods do NOT give the skin the cleansing it needs, let alone lubrication. Many methods are too complicated and only tax the skin. Many methods are merely "surface" methods. They take off only the top dirt and leave the imbedded dirt untouched. What you want is deep reaching action — a cleaning out of the stubborn, buried dirt ! The Deep Cleansing Necessary Lady Esther Face Cream is a penetrating face cream. Gentle and soothing in its action, it is yet penetrative. It does not stay on the surface of the skin. It gets into the pores ! There it gets busy. It goes right to work on the accumulated waxy grime. It loosens it — dissolves it — makes it entirely removable. With the dirt, comes out the cream — all of it ! None is left in your skin to reappear later in the form of a greasy film and cause shine. This thorough cleansing does several things for the skin. It loosens black heads. It permits the relieved pores to go back to their normal small size. It permits the skin to function freely — to refine itself — to take on life, color, radiance. Also Lubricates the Skin But Lady Esther Face Cream does not stop at this thorough cleansing. It also lubricates the skin, a great need in this day of dry skins. It resupplies the skin with a fine oil which overcomes dryness and keeps the skin soft, smooth and supple. Three days' use of Lady Esther Face Cream will make a difference in your skin, an amazing difference. Your skin will be noticeably clearer, noticeably softer, noticeably smoother. It will have life and color. For Your Eyes to See! But this is not for you to believe, but for me to prove. That's why I say: Don't spend a penny. Rather, let me supply you with 7 days' cream so that you can see for yourself, at my expense, just what this cream will do for your skin. Just put your name and address on the coupon below (or on a penny postcard) and by return mail you'll receive 7 days' supply of Lady Esther Face Cream. With the cream I shall also include all five shades of my Lady Esther Face Powder. FREE (You can paste this on a penny postcard.) (27) Lady Esther, 2034 Ridge Ave., Evanston, III. Please send me by return mail your seven-days' supply of Lady Esther Four-Purpose Face Cream; also all 6ve shades of your Face Powder. Name City State (If you live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Ltd., Toronto, Ont.) 11