Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Your Announcer Is: KEN ELLINGTON 1VEWS is such a perishable commodify that it must be delivered piping hot, or nobody wants it. For that reason, ever since some broadcasting station first put a news item on the air, daily newspapers haven't liked the ease and speed with which radio can beat them to the public, and many have been the words spilled in an effort to reach a compromise whereby radio and newsprint wouldn't tread on each other's toes. It remained for Ken Ellington, star reporter of WFBM, Columbia affiliate in Indianapolis, to show that a radio station and newspapers can work together in harmony. He co-operates with the reporters of the Indianapolis papers, works with them on stories, and manages to lend his individual slant to everything he broadcasts. On August 15, Ken celebrated his two-thousandth news broadcast — two thousand programs, at the rate of four a day, six days a week, and one on Sunday evening. If you're interested in statistics, the words he has spouted over the WFBM kilocycles during those two thousand quarterhours add up to over four million. No further proof was needed of his friendship with newspapers and their affiliated agencies than the group of notables who gathered in the studio to attend his anniversary broadcast. Barry Faris, editor-in-chief of the International News Service, hopped a plane from New York to be present. Local newspaper officials who came to offer their congratulations were Ben S. Lawrence, general manager of the Indianapolis Morning Star-, Steven C. Noland, editor of the News; and John W. Thompson, theatrical editor of the Times. Myron C. Green, commissioner of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, completed the list. Pain Instantly Relieved! NO FUSS— NO BOTHER— NO RISK OF INFECTION No other method gives you the triple action of Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads. They instantly relieve painful corns, callouses, bunions and sore toes. 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Write I** . . lor free booklet, How to Work Won 1 ders With Words and requirements. North American Institute Dept. 1388 > 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois fSSBL Speaking. MAIL YOUR ROLLS TO THE KODAK CITY Eight guaranteed glossy Velox deckle-edged prints, 25c coin. Two professional enlargement coupons Free! PHOTO FINISHING SHOP (Est. 22 yrs.) 412-B Genesee Valley Trust Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. "The Kodak City" HOW A QUICK, EASY WAY TO LEARN MUSIC changed my name from "Miss" to "Mrs." LESS than a year ago I was friendless, lonely, unhappy. Then came the amazing event that changed my whole life. It was at Jane Smith's party. I found myself sitting alone as usual. I had nothing to offer — no musical ability at all. Mary Nelson came over to talk to me. She was a wonderful pianist and the life of every party. "I wish I could play like you, Mary," I said. Imagine my surprise when Mary told me she had never had a teacher in her life. Then Mary told me about the wonderful method perfected by the U. S. School of Music. No teacher, no weary scales, no tiresome hours of practice. You learn real music right from the start. That very night I sent for the Free Book and Demonstration Lesson. I never dreamed that playing LEARN TO PLAY BY NOTE Piano Guitar Violin Mandolin Organ Saxophone Tenor Banjo Hawa ian Guitar Piano Accordion Or Any Other Instru ment the piano was so simple. Although I never had any "talent" I was playing my favorite pieces almost before I knew it. Then came the night that proved the turning point in my whole life. I went to a party and this time I had something to offer. My friends were amazed when I sat down at the piano and played song after song. Before the evening was over I was invited to three parties. and it wasn't long before I met Tom, who shortly afterwards asked me to be his wife. Free Book and Demonstration Lesson This story is typical. Thousands of men and women, boys and girls have learned to play this amazingly easy way — and what they have done, you can do. Prove this yourself without cost. Send today for amazing Free Demonstration Lesson and Explanatory Booklet. See the simple principles around which this remarkable method is built. If you really want to learn music — to enjoy good times — mail the coupon below. Don't delay — act NOW. Instruments supplied when needed, cash or credit. U. S. School of Music. 30611 Brunswick Bldg., New York City. u. s. school" of "music 30611 Brunswick Bldg., New York City Send me your amazing free book, "How Tou Can Master Music in Your Own Home," with inspiring message by Dr. Frank Crane, and particulars of your easy payment plan. I enclose 3c stamp to help pay cost of handling. Have you Instrument Instr? Name Address 89