Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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NEW CREAM MASCARA Ends the artificial look of old-fashioned mascara! Waterproof . . . far easier to use! True charm now replaces the bold, theatrical look that has discouraged so many women from using old-fashioned forms of mascara. The effectyou have always wished to achieve with mascara is now actually possible! Your lashes seeming to sweep your cheeks with their length . . . their luxuriance rich with the enticing charm of naturalness ! Quite obviously, such exciting loveliness requires an entirely new kind of mascara; one that darkens lashes without shouting "mascara"; one that does not brand its user as artificial, "theatrical" or "bold." Tattoo Cream Mascara is just that. It goes on so evenly and smoothly its presence on the lashes is not detected. Nor will tears, rain or a plunge betray the secret . . . forTHIS mascara, not being mixed with water when applied, is really waterproof! Much easier to use than cake mascara too, and perfectly harmless. Can't smart. Complete with brush in smart rubber-lined satin vanity . . . Black . . . Brown . . . Blue ... 50c at the better stores. Tattoo your eyelashes ! TATTOO Cream MASCARA Beautiful, (marl, up-to-the-minute dewpu. 'iru in 2 color* with any 3 or 4 letten and ye Handiome sterling lilver ring*. Oldest, Ur_ makerK foroout for quality for 42 yean. Lowed prices, too? Weld firmly the bond ot fellowship. BASTIAN BROS. CO. If MM IfoWrUjUl BRUSH AWAY GRAY HAIR O Quickly and safely you can tint those streaks of gray to lustrous shades of blonde, brown or black. BROWNATONE and a small brush does it. Used and approved for over twenty-four years. Guaranteed harmless. Active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Economical and lasting — will not wash out. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Imparts rich, beautiful color with amazing speed. Easy to prove by tinting a lock of your own hair. BROWNATONE is only 50c— at all drug and toilet counters — always on a money-back guarantee. RADIO MIRROR What Do You Want to Say? {Continued from page 13) and she thought mutton chops might be from a cow. It gave me a laugh. William Martin, Atlantic City, N. J. $1.00 PRIZE THE CREAM OF CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS While orchids are being tossed so abundantly at adult programs it would not be inopportune to toss a bouquet or two in the direction of the Scoop Ward News of Youth program, which it seems to me hits the right spot as far as children's entertainment is concerned. Presented in a newsy manner, enacted with dialogue that can be understood by the child of six as well as sixteen, and varied in its stories, the Scoop Ward News of Youth Program gets my vote as the cream of children's programs on the air. George J. Abrams, Orange, N. J. HONORABLE MENTION "I think it would be wise for some progressive sponsor to put on the same show, without one iota difference, each week for about a month without changing. Why must a good program come on just once at a certain time, and then be forgotten? Stage plays run on Broadway for months. Every one-horse movie theater gives at least four shows daily, and runs the same picture for several days. Why not radio?" — Allan King, Weyers Cave, Va. "When a play makes a hit on Broadway it runs for weeks and weeks. Folks who miss the first performance have plenty of opportunity to see it later, and those who enjoy their first visit may see it again and again. Yet when a fine play or program is given over the air it comes but once. Those who fail to turn their dial to the right spot at precisely the right time will never hear the performance. What a pity there aren't any long runs or repeat performances of outstanding radio programs."— Mrs. Samuel Saddington, Philadelphia, Pa. "If more opera stars 'cluttered' up the airwaves there would be many more people listening to their radios. Nino Martini and Lily Pons are among the few that have given their voices to radio. They are to be heartily congratulated. Of course, being still in my teens, I do enjoy swing music but there is a limit to everything. That letter in August Radio Mirror about 'cluttering' up radio with opera stars certainly had me sitting on hot bricks." — Miss Marion Nutter, Niagara Falls, New York. "I have found out that female singers have to be extraordinarily good before they are listened to, especially by women; that Judy of Paul Whiteman's program is by far the most popular female broadcaster; that Dick Powell wastes too much time getting his program swinging; that Amos 'n' Andy are losing favor — too much Ruby and her papa, etc., etc." — H. R. Ledsham, Toronto, Canada. "I'd like to ring a gong for all amateur hours permanently. I am thoroughly fed up on hearing what a break it is for the amateurs to get a start this way. I am absolutely nauseated at the benevolent ballyhoo about their money grabbing promoters."— Mrs. H. S. Boteler, Chevy Chase, Md. lobef(oW . GET rid of blemishes, spots and pimples. Give your arms, your throat, your shoulders — as well as your face— the radiant, youthful beauty that men admire so much. Disfiguring eruptions vanish magically if you remove their real cause. And the cause in thousands of cases — perhaps in yours — is poisons that have accumulated within your body and tainted your blood. To win the beauty you want — you must rid your system of these poisons at once. So do as thousands have done — and try pleasant-tasting Yeast Foam Tablets today. Yeast Foam Tablets are pure, wholesome yeast — one of the richest known natural sources of Vitamin B Complex. And this precious natural food substance works in nature's own way. It tends to strengthen and tone intestinal organs— helps rid the body easily and naturally of poisonous wastes. Then— your skin has the chance to become truly lovely. Get Yeast Foam Tablets today. End the frequent cause of ugly blemishes — and strive to make all your skin enchantingly lovely. . Ask your druggist forYeast Foam Tablets today — and refuse substitutes. Mail Coupon for Trial Sample QjUSf NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. 1750 N. Ashland Av., Chicago, 111. I Please send FREE TRIAL sample of Yeast Foam Tablets. (Only 1 sample per family ) RC 11-36 I Name. j Address . \ City . State. 93