Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR COMEDY NOWTRACEDY LATER CLEANS TEETH Half-way care of the teeth is no joke. Clean your teeth regularly but don't neglect your gums. Neglected gums invite serious trouble, dentists will tell you. Why take that chance ? Forhan's gives double protection. Cleans and whitens teeth, and at the same time safeguards gums. SAVES GUMS Forhan's is different from other tooth pastes. It was created by an eminent dental surgeon to do both jobs. With it you clean and brighten teeth; and at the same time you massage gums, just as so many dentists advise. Get Forhan's, today. It costs no more than most ordinary tooth pastes — yetendsordinary halfway care. Also in Canada. , rWANTEDn Women to make hooked rugs for our stores. No experience necessary. Steady work. We do the selling. Write at once. HOLLYWOOD STUDIO STORES 5657 Hollywood Blvd., Dept. 5 Hollywood, California 7^5 dainty GREASELESS wc^to. FEMININE HYGIENE End the nuisance of greasy suppositories, with the new greaseless Zonitors for modern feminine hygiene. Easy to apply, easy to remove, yet maintain the long, effective antiseptic contact physicians recommend. Zonitors make use of the world famous Zonite antiseptic principle doctors favor. Full instructions in package. All TJ. S. and Canadian druggists. Address Zonitors, 3440 Chrysler Bldg., N. Y. C, for INFORMATIVE FREE BOOKLET! (mUctd FOR FEMININE HYGIENE Snowy White • Greaseless A ZONITE PRODUCT Rudy Vallee's in Love! {Continued from page 19) her many, too many, miles from New York. After Rudy's return from Texas, he made long distance calls nightly, and then Niela, after only a few days in the city upon her return, embarked upon another theatrical tour. Rudy's telephone bills would have bankrupted the average telephone subscriber. Of course, he didn't mind the staggering bills but a telephone is at best an unsatisfactory method of transmitting sweet nothings. Niela, of course, is hoping and praying Rudy will find his way clear to join the cast of "Swing It, Susan!" "I can't imagine anything more wonderful than to work in a show with him! It would make me do better than my very best!" Naturally, Niela after her one guest appearance on Rudy's variety hour, immediately longed for the opportunity to join him permanently on the air, but that would be impossible because, although it had not as this was written been made public, she is already committed to a sponsor of her own this winter. Rudy has altered Niela's entire outlook on life. She was suffering, before she met him, with a mild inferiority complex. She took a radio audition, for instance, just before they met. After it was over, she bewailed the possible outcome. "I was terrible!" Shortly after she had met Rudy, she had another audition. That time she emerged from the studio jubilantly effervescent. "Oh, boy! Was I terrific!" she cried joyfully. HER career in show business, launched when she was only a girl, has been a steady upward climb, yet even success left her with a feeling that something was lacking. Last winter, after concluding a highly successful radio series, she returned to her childhood home in Worcester, New York, and rusticated. She wanted to be back home. She was fed up. So at Worcester she cooked and washed dishes and marketed and did pleasantly domestic tasks. She was considering quitting for good. Then her manager called her on the telephone and told her he had an offer from the Texas Centennial for her appearance there. The lure of the footlights proved stronger than the lure of the kitchen — and Niela took the fateful trip to Texas. Perhaps it is because of the beneficent effect Rudy has had upon Niela that Niela's mother, who always accompanies her on tour, welcomes him so cordially. Where the average mother, wise in the ways of the professional world, is inclined to discourage her talented daughter from romance because of its unsettling effects, Niela's mother is very fond of Rudy. It is fortunate, perhaps, for Rudy and Niela, that his divorce will not become final for ten months. It will prevent them from taking a hasty step which their hearts rather than their minds might dictate. Niela wants to restore Rudy's faith. That is a necessary prelude — before they even permit themselves to think about marriage. Too, she wants to achieve definite stardom — that is, stardom comparable to Rudy's — before considering matrimony. Those who know Rudy best, all testify to his impetuosity. It is his custom to act first and think afterward. In the business and professional world that is an admirable trait, but in affairs of the heart, it is not always conducive to happiness. To those tens of thousands of feminine souls whose hearts flutter at the mere mention of Rudy Vallee's name, here are the answers, briefly, to the questions that ^HOLLYWOOD STARS . LOOK TO THE SUN for HEALTH and BEAUTY * DAILY sun baths are quite the thing for the stars of the screen, radio and stage, and all who would have a glowing skin and sturdy physique. The one sure way of obtaining this beneficial sun bath daily throughout the year, in the privacy of your home, is to get under the ultraviolet rays of the HANOYIA ALPINE SUN LAMP. Remember, the Sun does not shine every day. The New Model for the Home brings you this wonderful ultraviolet light in a most efficient form at very little cost. It takes only a few minutes, day or night, winter or summer. Its ultraviolet rays prevent rickets and tooth decay in children, build sound bones and sturdy bodies (that is why the Dionne Quintuplets use the Hanovia Sun Lamp every day), give energy to expectant and nursing mothers, increase vitality and resistance to disease, improve appetites and induce restful sleep. Every home needs an Hanovia Alpine Sun Lamp because the entire family can benefit from its use. The New Model for the Home is $115. F.O.B. Newark Deferred Payment Plan can be arranged you can see it demonstrated in most department stores and electrical and medical supply houses; also in our New York Show Rooms at 155 W. 57th St. For illustrated descriptive folder, address Dept. RM, 1 HANOVIA CHEMICAL & MANUFACTURING CO. Newark, N. J. Skin Itch Kills Romance Many shattered romances may be traced directly to ugly skin blemishes. Why tolerate itchy pimples, eczema, angry red blotches or other irritations resulting from external causes when you can get quick relief from soothing Peterson's Ointment. 35c at all druggists. Money refunded if one application does not delight you. Wonderful, too, for tired itchy feet and cracks between toes . Write for FREE SAMPLE to Peterson Ointment Co., Dept. JF-5 , Buffalo, N.Y. "no more" "DISAGREEABLE" iPER CARE FOR MOTHER^ For 3'r a day she uses BABYPADS INSIDE THE CLOTH DIAPER-THROWS THEM AWAY WHEN SOILED! FOR FREE GENEROUS SUPPLY wnire DENNISON'S OSPT BY-146 FRAMINOHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 250 hr *l oo 50/0,25** )<iAVrAM>&vtfi BABYPADS 94