Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Finds Way To Have Young Looking Skin at 35! SMART, modern women no longer submit to the tragedy of "old skin" just because they are 30, 35, 40! A wonderful new creme, applied at night like cold cream, acts a scientific way to free the skin of that veil of semi-visible darkening particles which ordinary creams cannot remove after a certain age. So gentle and quick — often only 5 days is time enough to bring out a glorious rose petal softness and fineness and white, clear look of youth. And, the way it eliminates common surface blemishes— ugly pimples, blackheads, freckles — is a revelation ! Ask for this creme — Golden Peacock Bleach Creme at all drug and department stores. RADIO M IRROR are in the minds of every one. Is the romance of Rudy and Niela genuine? Very definitely yes! Will they marry? They don't know that themselves. Only time will tell. Cleanliness Is Next to Loveliness (Continued from page 54) lays the foundation for blackheads and other blemishes. Of course, our hands are even more exposed because of the dozens of things we handle every day, but I'll wager that every one of us washes our hands ten times as often as we wash our faces. There's a right and a wrong way to do everything, even a simple thing like facewashing. First, your face should be washed at least once a day. This needn't interfere with any fine cream treatment you may be using, either. As a matter of fact, if you use much make-up, it's a very good idea to remove that with a good cleansing cream and paper tissues before washing your face. Mascara, for instance, should always be removed carefully with cream and so should lipstick and all paste preparations, such as rouges and foundations and eyeshadows. If you've always thought your skin was too dry and sensitive to use soap, then use creams or oils both before and after washing your face. But, whatever you do, be sure to wash your face with soap and water, unless you are actually under the care of a skin specialist who has prescribed a treatment for some individual problem. Use warm water, but not too hot, your favorite soap and — your hands. It's a great help if you wet your face first, as that makes it so much easier to work up a good lather. Froth the soap into nice suds in your hands and then work it into your face gently but thoroughly. Rinse the lather off with clear warm water and follow with a rinse just as cold as you can get it. If you have the time (and the ice) — it's a good idea to finish off with a dash of ice-water. YOU can follow the same routine in your bath, even to the cold rinse. I don't want to boast, but personally I finish every bath (tub or shower) with a cold shower — not all at once, mind you, but gradually turning off the hot water tap until there's nothing in my shower but absolutely cold water. This is particularly fine if you're planning to dress hurriedly and go right out, as the cold water closes your pores and keeps you from catching cold. Aside from the question of beauty, baths have a definite influence on health. Gymnastic instructors and expert masseurs will tell you that there's nothing better, after strenuous exercise or an exhausting day, than a good warm bath with plenty of soap. That combination, you see, opens the pores, not only cleansing away surface impurities, but also giving the body a chance to clear out waste matters from the inside in a normal way. It isn't hard to find the right soap these days. You yourself will know, after experimenting a bit, which one of the several well-advertised and reputable soaps feels best for your skin. In this connection, I think you'll be interested in a new brand now on the market. Everyone knows how important vitamins are in building and keeping healthy tissues. At last, science believes it has found a way to THRILLING NEW LIPSTICK DISCOVERY! To the world's most permanent transparent lipstick has been added an amazing new ingredient that gives lips a more exciting glamour than they have ever had before! Why Some Lipsticks Make Lips Unattractive Dull, dry, rough, wrinkled, old-looking, unattractive! THE NEW TATTOO Lustrous, moist, smooth, soft, y outhful, irresistible ! Of course, you want your lipstick to be permanent . . . your lips soft and smooth . . . their caress a never-to-be-forgotten thrill ! But you have probably learned that lipstick does not always make lips soft and smooth! Ordinary indelible lipstick often makes them feel dry and parched, causing an unconscious and frequent licking of the lips in an effort to restore moistness and softness. This constant licking removes the lips' natural oils as well as the protective oils supplied by the lipstick, resulting in lips readily becoming dull, dry, cracked, rough, old looking . . . unattractive! How the New TATTOO Corrects All This With the New Tattoo you have all the permanence you could wish for . . . and the marvelous moistening agent it contains ends all desire to lick the lips . . . thus keeping them moist . . . softer and smoother than ever before... thrillingly, youthfully irresistible.. .without a wrinkle. ..without aline! Instead of being rough and dry, they'll be tattooed with thrilling transparent color... and instead of being dull they'll have a kind of lustrous, inviting, shimmering gloss and sparkle that is never denied . . . anything! Send Coupon for Trial Lipstick So that you can instantly see and feel the astonishing difference, a generous size of the New Tattoo will be sent for the coupon below and 10c. Five exciting shades! You'll want more than one. Send for several. You'll get an entirely new beauty thrill when you Tattoo your lips . . . with the New Tattoo ! TATTOO, Dept. 58, 11 E. Austin Ave., Chicago. Send me trial size A7eiu 1ATTOO, postpaid. 10c enclosed for each shade desired, as checked. □ Coral (Orangish) □ Exotic (Fiery) D Natural (Blood Color) D Pastel (Changeable) □ Hawaiian (Brilliant) Name ^^ Address City State /^TATTOO 95