Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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s&tlf for oulil^ TENmontM TO PAY BALANCE ROYAL — "America's Largest Mall Order Credit Jewelers" — offers these specially selected supervalues to make 50,000 new friends rleht away! 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL and Royal's famous liberal terms. Send name and address with only SI. 00 deposit: state age, occupation, etc., (if possible give 1 or 2 business references) . All dealings strictly confidential. No red tape — no direct inquiries — no interest or extras. Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or money refunded. Only F85 $2.69 a month LD-3 . . . Exquisitely matched engagement and wedding ring ensemble of hand engraved 14K Solid White Gold, The engagement ring lsset with a specially selected, azzling genuine bluewhite center diamond nd 2 fiery diamonds m each side: tire wedding ring is richly engraved to match. Only $2.69 a month for both oomplete. LD-1 . . . Elegantly styled, modern, genuine Baguette wrist watch at an amazingly low price. The streamlined white, lifetime case is set with 2 brilliant, genuine diamonds and fitted with a fully guaranteed movement Smart, link bracelet to match. 329.75 value specially offered at $19.75. Only $1.88 a mo. !?E--^Msr.nfir $2475 Handsome Genuine leather strap included free! LD-2 . . . Factory guaranteed Famous 17 Jewel WALTHAM "Diplomat" — offered at a sensationally low price. Richly engraved, permanent white case: Fitted with link bracelet to match and smart new extra leather strap. $37.50 value, complete for only $24.75. Only $2.38 a month. I REE! "BOOK OF GEMS' 32 pages of special values in genuine diamonds, fine watches, Jewelry, silverware, cameras. . radios, etc.; fully described and pictured Adults send for your copy to-day 1 ROYAL1 lA&far-DEPT. bl-N Dinmono luirtch coi Established 1895 170 BROADWAY N.Y.C. BACKACHESwamth Thousands who suffered from backaches, muscle pains and chest congestion, now find genuine relief in an ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER. It's simply wonderful for muscle pains of rheumatism, neuritis, arthritis, sciatica, lumbago. It draws the blood to the painful spot and gives a glow of warmth that makes you feel good right away. Make sure you get ALLCOCK'S, the original. No other porous plaster goes on and comes off as easily — or does as much good. 25£ at druggists. RADIO M I RROR get Vitamin D (which is especially beneficial to skin tissues) into soap, and hundreds of tests have shown what grand results can be achieved with it, // you are already troubled with blackheads, have you tried the very simple treatment recommended through this department by Ruth Etting some months ago? I'll be glad to tell you more about the new Vitamin D soap, too. Speaking of vitamins, there's a marvelous new preparation in this line, small capsules containing large amounts of minerals and vitamins to supply the deficiencies in our modem diet {and those of us who are trying to lose weight are apt to have an unusual deficiency in this important matter'). These capsules, which have met with the approval of medical men everywhere, have been scientifically tested on large groups of college students and found to have an amazingly beneficial effect on nervous energy and physical vitality. For full information about Ruth Etting's blackhead treatment, the Vitamin D soap and these marvelous vitamin and mineral capsules, send a large, stamped, selfaddressed envelope with your query to Joyce Anderson, Radio Mirror, 122 East 42nd Street, New York City, N. Y. The Life Story of Bob Burns (Continued from page 41) answered. "But then it wouldn't be a bazooka!" Pershing continued to examine the instrument like an interested small boy. Finally Burns asked, "Would the General care to try it?" "Thank you, Sergeant," replied Pershing. "1 would indeed." He tried — and like many another good man and true, failed to get a sound out of it. There was a big laugh, which Pershing took with great good nature. . . . BOB'S rank was now gunnery sergeant. He could go no higher — unless he would stop playing the bazooka. He refused a lieutenancy, preferring to remain a non-commissioned officer, on a par with the other men in the band. They were still at Tours when the Armistice was signed — an anticlimax, which made them both happy and sad. But service was not over for the Marine Jazz Band. With them Bob traveled all over France, playing in Y.M.C.A. huts, mess halls, hospitals. In Paris, they were adopted in a big way by society. A famous princess booked dates for them; they played before miscellaneous royalty. King Alfonso of Spain was another aspirant who tried the bazooka and admitted defeat. Bob was offered a long term contract to lead the Jazz Band and entertain at the international famous Zelli's. But Marines could not be paid off in foreign soil. "We'll come back and take that job, though," Bob told Joe Zelli. They intended to; they had just enough of a taste of Paris night life to hunger for more. Landing in Hoboken, Bob and his comrades were picked up in an Army truck and taken to the New York Recruiting Headquarters. The Marine Jazz Band had become too famous, too valuable to be relinquished so soon. In a couple of bullet-riddled Cadillacs brought back from Is He BALD? Here is the •£n,swer— Guy McCoy whose photo is here reproduced is considered bald because the surface hairs on the i'ront part of his head have ceased to grow normally. "Is it because those roots are dead?" you ask. Roots do not die so easily. Even if they are dormant, lacking proper energy and in need of reconditioning, still they often retain subaotive life. Mr. McCoy never used KOTALKO Many other healthy men and women report that after normalizing the scalp dermatologicaily, dandruff decreases, excessive hair loss stops, and hair often grows more abundantly. Such results are worth striving for. So if your hair roots are merely dormant, why let them stay that way? Encourage them to absorb more essential sustenance through external scalp manipulation. That is what helps hair to grow. Use KOTALKO to auxiliate results. KOTALKO is sold at drug stores everywhere. Keep your hair lovely with KOTALKO "—FREE BOX, Kotalko, on request Use coupon.""""" Kotalko Sales Co. Dept. B37, General P.O., Box 173, New York, N.Y. Please send me Proof Box of KOTALKO. Name Full Address lyourc or shed. Exclusive new process. Bigger, better. Quicker crops. More money for you! Enormous new demand. Write for Free Book. American Mushroom Industries, Dept. 703, Toronto. Ont. i Be an ARTIST MAKE $50 TO $100 A WEEl Many of our successful students are now ma ing big money. 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