Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR mis NtW WW" Cut your lingerie bills in half, yet wear underthings that look beautiful, fit perfectly no matter how many trips to the laundry. SPUN-LO rayon fabric makes it possible. Especially tested against weak spots that break into runs. INDUSTRIAL RAYON CORPORATION, CLEVELAND, OHIO WHY LOOK OLD? Look 10 to 15 Years Younger i 3£ is? FREE BOOK Tells How ! No Cosmetics —5 Minutes a Day Keeps Wrinkles Away and erases age lines. Men, Women, all ages. This new sensational home method fully explained by photographs in a thrilling book sent FREE upon request. Also Facia! Analysis Chart FREE. Write before supply is exhausted. PAULINE PALMER, 1224 Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. LEG SUFFERERS Why continue to suffer? Do something to secure quick relief. Write today for New Booklet — "THE LIEPE METHOD OF HOME TREATMENT." It tells about Varicose Veins, Varicose Ulcers, Open Leg Sores, MlUt or Fever Leg, Eczema. Liepe Method worts while you walk. More than 40 years of success. Praised and endorsed by thousands. LIEPE METHODS. 3284 N. Green Bay Ave., | Dept. 60-IY1, Milwaukee, Wis. F SEs^m Many Debutantes Now Say NAC Pronounced KNACK The Sensational New Volatized Sulphur and Vitamin "F" SkinClearing Prescription Cream and Powder Treatment, ) Use During Day Quickly Clears the Skin of Pimples by destroying the Kenns that enter the skin from the outside, and by promoting rapid healing. NAC Cream S5c-$1.00 NAC Prescription Powder Sac -Si. 00 Use at Night ^Vj^7" Purse Sizes 20c atlOc Stores NAC Has the Knack of Quickly Clearing the Skin." Don't delay. Get your NAC today. Satisfaction is Guaranteed or Money Back. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE For a free sample of NAC Prescription Powder (DRachelle DNatural) write — NAC, Inc., Dept. 111, Winnetka, 111. I I J France they toured New England, stimulating business in every recruiting office they hit. But the War was over, and they were impatient to get home — really home. Asked to stay in service and make a tour across the country, the members of the band refused. They were finally paid off in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They might have returned to Paris then. But the ties of home were calling, so they disbanded for good. Bob headed for Van Buren, where he found his father and mother both aging. He couldn't go far away again. He forgot Paris, and returned to his old magazine job in Chicago. But it was no go. He was now one of the Restless Generation, left over from the War. He couldn't stay put. He returned to New York, entertaining at the Bal Tabarin on 50th Street and in various Greenwich Village cafes. Still he was unsettled, dissatisfied. Since the War, money seemed important: he wanted to make a fortune. Perhaps the bazooka? ... It was his own invention, and patented. Why couldn't it be sold to become a popular orchestra instrument — and make him rich? A musical concern was interested. Much experimentation was necessary; you couldn't expect to sell a bazooka which couldn't be played. Bob, assured of adequate backing on the venture, went to work devising a workable model. He felt sure his struggles were almost over. Soon he would be on Easy Street. I WAS so broke that I worked daytimes at anything I could get. Every night I worked at the factory. I told everyone about selling the bazooka; it even came out in the papers. Boy, I was excited. . . . And then the whole thing fell flat. The company refused to put up the actual cash. I was in debt myself, so I had to forget all about it and begin at the bottom again." He walked the streets, feeling really low. He met two men who had invented a "Clear-glass" preparation for windshields — and good, too. But they were inventors, not salesmen. So Bob rigged up an apparatus to demonstrate the stuff and they set up on a street corner with Bob as barker. They would have sold a lot of "Clear-glass" if they had been given a chance to stay there. They moved on, by request. "We had a police escort in every town," Bob says, " — on the way out." They did a little business on the Atlantic City Boardwalk, but were asked to leave when the season opened. But Bob was now flaming with carnival fever. He got a job with a "Yacht Race" game; in his spare time he rigged up a "State Game" of his own. He rented a concession and cleaned up, so decided he was finally in his element. He would follow the carnivals from now on. Another reason for this decision was a clever, dark-eyed young woman who had not one, but five concessions on the Boardwalk— all of them going great guns. Her name was Elizabeth Fisher; she was from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and she was all business. Bob thought she was a great girl and that, being in the same line, she would make a fine wife for him. Together they would go places, in the carnival game. Also, although it took him all season, Bob had discovered that Betty Fisher wasn't all business. She was an excellent cook, like her Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors— and she liked his stories. Why, that girl even liked to listen to him play the bazooka! And so, as the books say, they were married, in 1921. They lived pretty happily sharing misfortunes, striving for some unseen, distant goal they felt would be 'Another strong mouth odor only ZONITE KILLS FOR GOOD! Now you can enjoy all the healthful, delicious onions you want without a bit of worry. Rinse the mouth and gargle thoroughly with a teaspoonful of Zonite in a half tumbler of water to kill onion breath and other strong mouth odors FOR GOOD! Zonite doesn't just mask bad breath like ordinary mouth-washes. Zonite actually destroys scientifically (oxidizes) the odorcausing materials, whether from odorous oils or from putrefying food particles. Zonite TASTES like the real antiseptic it is. But its taste and odor vanish in a few minutes, leaving the mouth delightfully refreshed. Harmless to tissues. Get a bottle today and prove these remarkable results yourself. At all U. S. and Canadian druggists. The TASTE tells you Zonite gets real results *The only well-known antiseptic actually destroying odor causes ZONITE IS 5 TIMES MORE GERMICIDAL, BY TEST, THAN ANY OTHER NON-POISONOUS ANTISEPTIC! Faster Healing for Cuts -Bruises -Burns NO PAIN 'NO BURN* NO STAIN ZONITE PRODUCTS CORP.. NEW YORK CITY AT home: Learn to color photos and miniatures in oil. Noprevioos experience needed. Good demand. Send for free booklet, "Make Money at Home" and requirements. NATIONAL ART SCHOOL 3601 Michigan Ave. Dept. 1388 Chicago Your *-* * E*3 ab^. Murine relieves and relaxes tired, burning eyes. Cleanses §§£|nd soothes reddened, irritated eyes. Easy to use. For adults or infants. Use Murine daily.