Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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LIPS THAT ATTRACT HAVE THE FRESHNESS OF YOUTH MEN GROW ROMANTIC about soft, young lips. So it's important to use a lipstick that won't dry and age your mouth. A special nourishing oil in Cutex Lipstick helps make your lips look smoother, more velvety— 5 years younger! In Natural, Coral, Cardinal, Rust, Ruby. Try Cutex Lipstick today! CUTEX Uy?s£"£ w KEEPS YOUR LIPS YOUNG WOMEN! KEEP YOUR HAIR! I~F voui' hair is graying prematurely, or if it is losing its 1 luxuriant cjualitv and glossy sheen, you need not despair. Follow the simple methods taught by Beinarr Macfacklen in a new book, "Hair Culture," price $2.00. MACFAODEN BOOK COMPANY, INC. Desk RM-11 1926 Broadway, New York City This Beautiful Lifelike PHOTO RING NEWEST SENSA SEND TION! Send any NO MONEY! snapshot or photo and we'll reproduce it in this beautiful onyxlike ring. Indestructible! (Hand-tinted Waterproof! 25c extra) strip of paper for ring size. Pay post" few cents postage. If you send 7 5c PHOTO MOVETTE RING CO., Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 75c End. man pi we pay posta Dept. 5, " 626 Sondes! and Browns too ! Give Your Hair That Lighter Natural "Spun Cold" Look With This New Shampoo and Rinse — 3 Shades Lighter n 15 Minutes ^Without Harsh ■^Bleaches or Dyes. to bring out the full radiant loveliness of blonde or brown hair — a shampoo and special rinse that washes it 2 to 4 shades lighter and brings out the natural lustrous golden sheen, the alluring highlights that can make hair so attractive. Called New Blondex, this amazing 2 package combination — the Shampoo and Special Golden Rinse — costs but a few pennies to use and is absolutely safe. Contains no harsh bleaches or dyes. Used regularly, it keeps your scalp and hair healthy and lovely, gleaming with lustrous highlights. Get the new Blondex today. There is a new 10c size — at all stores. THE BLONDE HAIR SHAMPOO AND RINSE 'BLONDEX RADIO Ml RROR theirs. It was lucky Bob couldn't look into the future and see what success was going to bring with it or he would never have fought so hard for the comforts and luxuries for Betty that he finally gained when he became the Kraft Music Hall comedian. If he had known, he would have stuck to the carnivals. But he didn't know, not being clairvoyant, and now he has lost Betty. Life then, though, was all for what the future might hold. They had their ups and downs, all right, mostly downs, because they were too ambitious. The year after their marriage they opened a dance hall on the pier. The year before they had cleared over ?8,000. Now they lost their shirts to the tune of over $ 15,000 in their new enterprise. A dozen really tough months followed. Everything the newlyweds tried turned out to be a glorious fizzle. They followed the carnivals in a rattle-trap flivver, lived in tents and cooked meager meals by candle-light. When Bob tried vaudeville, theaters burned down; when they took concessions, blue laws drove carnivals out of town. On top of all his other bad luck, Bob lost both his father and mother within a short period. Then Betty was taken ill, and he sent her back home to Lancaster. He went desperately on looking for something that would bring in regular money. There was a real need for it now. YOU know it's always darkest just before the baby's born," he says. "Luckily just then 1 joined up with the Lew DuFour Exposition, in Johnson City, Tennessee. 1 had my own concession; my business partner was named Chauncey W. Longenecker. We did all right, too. 1 sent my first check home to my wife, just in time. It got there the day Robert was born — when she had exactly sixty-two cents in her pocketbook." Bob's act with the DuFour Show was very successful. Teamed with a Professor Zanger, Hindu crystal gazer, both worked in turbans, white satin bloomers and all the trappings. "See the only blue-eyed Hindu in existence," Bob would drone, pointing at himself. He played the bazooka in this weird costume, to lure folks in to gaze at the crystal ball. Occasionally he gave impromptu lectures, when even the other folks who worked in the carnival would gather around to listen. "Longenecker and Burns" with the DuFour Show worked up the East Coast, playing fairs for several years. In the summer Mrs. Burns joined the carnival with little Bobby; they always wintered in Lancaster. But Bob was no longer pleased with carnival life. It didn't seem right for the little chap, who slept many a time under the counter while his mother operated a "Hoop-la" game. Bob wanted better things for his family. Again he went to New York, back to the theatrical agency whose gates he had tried to crash years before. Once more they refused to handle him — but they did buy a half interest in the bazooka. Bob still believed in his invention and so, apparently, did they. Bob went back into vaudeville, but he was unhappy working alone; it gave him stage fright to appear without a partner. One day he met an odd little fellow named Claude West, whom he had known years ago in New Orleans. They worked up an act, went back to the agency. They told him he was terrible in blackface, and turned down the new act. "They'll handle me some day," Bob vowed to his wife. "You mark my words. But I won't ask them again till I'm ready. They'll be glad to have me, later on." (Today Bob is a top client on the list WHEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand'sTeething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved within one minute. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist, contains no narcotics and has been used by mothers for almost fifty years. It is strongly recommended by doctors and nurses instead of the un* sanitary teething ring. JUST RUB IT ON THE GUMS DR.HANDS Teething lotion BuyDr.Hand's from your druggist today GIVEN! MICKEY MOUSE WRIST WATCH! or Choice off Cash Commission— Send No Money— Send Name and Address! Boys! Girls! Mickeys on the dial and band in colors! Chrome finish case and bracelet — Unbreakable crystal. American make. WHAT A WATCH! SIMPLY GIVE AWAY FREE pictures with famous White Cloverine Salve which you sell at 25c a box (giving picture FREE I) and remit as per premium plan book. Other watches. 39th year. Be First. Write for trial order dozen salve and pictures NOW! WILSON CHEMICAL CO. INC., Dept. 65-F. Tyrone, Pa. Hair OFF BE once had ugly hair on my face and HstnWtV ' chin a s . was unloved ... discour n Off J m aged. Tried depilatories, waxes, liquids » i s even razors. Nothing waasatisf actory. Then I discovered a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked I Thousands have won beauty, love, happiness with the secret. My FREE Book, "How to Overcome Superfluous Hair," explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mile. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 287 Chicago, .....LIGHTENS DVEn-TANNED 5KIN W REMOVES FRECKLES 25 YEARS IN USE k SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ^ 98