Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Put a dollar bill in an envelope with name, address, number of article desired and brief note stating age (must be over 20), occupation, employer and other facts. We open a 10 -month charge account and send selection for approval and trial.^f satisfied, pay balance in 10 equal monthly payments. Otherwise return and dollar will be refunded. Everything confidential — no direct inquiries. £AU.SuKdr9ac.<W MAILORDER DIVISION* FINLAV STRAUS ~~:"'"" '-;_ •fflEE!!670 BROADWAY-NEW YORK Play PIANO ByEAR/ft/Ir7 //ewfasyWay WIN POPULARITY by ear, including many prominent motion picture stars, guarantees to ] teach YOU to play the latest song hits by ear without notes, scales or exercises, in 15 easy lessons, or your money Send only a $1.00 bill for his complete $3.00 15-lesson, illustrated home-piano course you $2.00) or sent C. O. D. plus postage, sposing chart included FREE. HOLLYWOOD SCHOOL of Modern Piano, '•School of the Film Stars" (18th year), Dept. 131 -L,6842Sunset Blvd. .Hollywood.Cal. MIDGET POCKET RADIO CARRY IT LIKE A WATCH! /Get your favorite stations any, where yoa go. Weighs only 4 ounces « — fits pocket easily. No batteries, tubes, or electrical connections re^quired. Costs nothing to operate and Should last indefinitely. Nothing to wear out. Very selective. Receives stations with beautiful, clear, loud tone. ' PERFECT RECEPTION GUARANTEED Works immediately. Amazingreception and distance. No crystals to adjust— only one moving part. "Little Giant" Pocket Radio comes complete with midget phone and easy instructions, ready for use in camps, auto, boats. office, home, hotel. Sicnics/.bed, bicycles, or anywhere. No difficult ooknps— takes only a second to connect and tune in. Anyone can use it — any place. SEND NO MONEY! Write for yours today Satisfaction guaranteed. r>nuoiCTCt State color wanted (Black, Tan. White. Silver, ■ V^.7ft7/« or Blue). Pay postman only S2.99. We pay post _SEND NO age. Order now. Amaze your friends. Join our I MONEY satisfied customers. LITTLE GIANT RADIO CO., 3959 Lincoln Ave., Dept 1 01 Chicago, III. iSl ONLY 99 iZ of this same agency, which also stands a chance of making a pretty penny soon, with Bob, on the sale of a toy bazooka. Over half a million orders have come in already, before manufacture is started on the article.) Burns and West had good runs, good notices, and made fairly good money for eight years. Then suddenly the bottom dropped out of vaudeville. Even big headliners suffered. Bob's waits in Lancaster, between engagements, lengthened out. Finally there were four months in 1929 with no dates and no prospects in view. The future looked black indeed. How Bob Burns reached fame and success at last and the bitter irony of the fate he found in them is told in the next and concluding instalment of this dramatic real-life serial. Read it in the December Radio Mirror. Facing the Music {Continued from page 48) affiliates controlled the copyrights was not allowed on the networks, for reasons having to do with money and not particularly interesting to the average listener. On August 5, however, the ban was lifted and the Warner music employees, who had been doing nothing but draw their salaries since the trouble started, could go back to work. Judging from the celebration when they heard the news, they were pretty glad to do so. Instead of being a L'topia, the Warner forces found idleness to be a nightmare. At first they made a pretense of being busy, then they gave this up and abandoned themselves to whatever amusement they could devise. Some played bridge and pinochle; a ping pong table was going full blast every day; the girls brought down their sewing, they read books, they gossiped. Toward the last, they started a guessing game as to when they would go back on the air. Some couldn't stand it, and left for other jobs. Song pluggers for tunes from Warner pictures started out on their rounds of radio studios as soon as the news was announced— and they do say that in the picture situation lies the key to Warners' final agreement to allow their songs to be played on the air. The company has many new pictures to be released this fall, and without air hearings for their tunes the pictures would suffer at the boxoffice. SHORT SHORT STORIES Louis Prima, he of the hot lips and New Orleans accent, and his jam band have started a Chicago engagement, with a Mutual wire. Time, one a. m. Tuesdays . . . Don Bestor has adopted blue and gold as the official colors for his band. He'll be playing in a New York spot this winter, incidentally, but none is definitely set so far. Don's yen for New York will prevent him from playing on the Jack Benny program if, as seems likely, the latter emanates from Hollywood . . . Harriet Hilliard's hair, which she dyed blonde for her work with Ozzie Nelson's band, has returned to its original and very becoming brunette, now that she is retiring from regular orchestra work. . . . Will Osborne, once Rudy Vallee's most formidable rival in the crooning division, is contemplating a comeback, of which the opening gun is an engagement in New York's Paramount theater . . . Vincent Lopez, it's claimed is responsible for starting the "Knock, Knock" game by playing the original song for the first time on the air. and offering prizes for the best "knock, knock" gags. CAN YOU PICK OUT OUR NATIONAL FLOWER? 9 The answer is — you can't. Because there is no official national flower!* But there is a famous Skin Protector that you can "try before you buy" — Italian Balm! Four women out of five who once try it, continue using it in preference to anything else. Approved by Good Housekeeping. Economical to use. Send for FREE bottle today. (*Authority: "Nuggets of Knowledge" — Geo. W. Stimpson. Pub., A. L. Burt Co ) Italian Balm THE ORIGINAL SKIN SOFTENER ^ CAMPANA SALES CO. 1301 Lincoln Highway, Batavia, 111. Gentlemen: I have never tried Italian Balm. Please send me Vanity bottle FREE and postpaid. I Name. Address. I City In Canada, Campan Slate , MG-1301 Caledonia Road, Toronto PHOTO 6*waafi Clear enlargement, bast, fall length or part group, peta or other anbjects made from any photo, snapshotor tintype atlowprice of 49c each; 3 for $1.00. Send as many photos as you deBire. Re-... torn of original photos guaranteed. SEND NO MONEY Just mail photo with name and address. In a few days postman wilt ? h/l $10 v deliver beautiful enlargement that *" • " will never fade. Pay only 49c plus postage or Bene 50c— 8 for $1.00, and we willpay postage ourselves CARVED FRAMErlf £t«with?heHIGH . * ", , quality of our work we will frame, until further notice, all pastel colored enlargements FREE. Illustrations of beautifully carved frames for your choice will be sent with your enlargement. Dpp't delay. Act now. Mailyour Photos today. Write NEW ERA PORTRAIT COMPANY 11 E. HURON STREET DEPT. 709 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS IOST beauty . . . no allure . . . when eyes are j muddy or prominently veined! Use new, scientific EYE-GENE before "dates" always! Clears even bloodshot eyes in seconds ... or money refunded. Soothes and refreshes tired, smarting, strained, itching eyes almost instantly. Makes them white, sparkling, lovely! Safe. Stainless. At drug and dept. stores. EYE-GENE 99