Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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There Is a Simple, Easy Way MARRIAGE HYGIENE can be difficult— or easy. Because Boro-Pheno-Form is compounded to accomplish the same special function of powerful solutions, but without their muss or bother, it is the method of marriage hygiene preferred by innumerable modern wives. No water, mixing or measuring are needed. Each dainty suppository is complete in itself. No danger of "overdose" or "under-dose." Soothing and odorless. At all drug stores. ^^^=1 OROPHENOFORM Dr. Pierre Chemical Co., Dept. 12-M 162 North Franklin! St., Chicago, III. Please send me a trial package of Boro-Pheno-Form and enlightening booklet. I enclose 10c which will be refunded when I purchase my first regular-size package. Name Address- City-- ~ -r State ~ZZZ "BEAUTIFUL BUT DUMB" — is what men say about women who rely on beauty to attract. In reality, a woman's appeal depends far more upon other things. Accept this opportunity to learn the It-secrets of the world's most adored and successful women. Write for booklet, Making Men Like You and Personality Test Chart. Both mailed FREE in plain wrapper — INTERNATIONAL CHARM INSTITUTE, Incorporated, 5 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. GET THIS BEAUTIFUL PHOTO RING of your loved one — Regular $2 Value during this Introductory offer Your sweetheart, husband, wife, mother or father, child or other loved one— keep him or her with you always with beautiful portrait ring. Constant and life-time priceless remembrance of your dearest one. Regular S2 value. But during this special introductory offer only G9c — a price made possible only by the world's largest photographers and their new patented process. Any size snapshot, photo or picture of your loved one is permanently and clearly reproduced on ring in natural, life-like colors. Portrait is made an inseparable part of ring itself. Cannot wear off. Ring is a beautiful onyx-like black in appearance. Individually made to measure. Suitable for men, women and children. SEND FOR FREE CIRCULAR Fully illustrates and describes this beautiful ring; tells all about the popular sentiment of wearing it. Gives accurate measurement card for ordering, including order blank. Full details. Also send for C^iETr Special booklet of other photographic servf jfo tt ice offered by the World's Largest Photographers, including special enlarging service. Special tinting and retouching service. Special framing service and special photo Christmas Card service and many others. Send today. MAIL THIS COUPON NOW GRANT PHOTO CORP., Dept. M, 18 West 22nd St., New York, N. Y. Please send me, postpaid and without obligation □ Free circular illustrating and describing Photo Ring. Q Free booklet of other Photographic Services. Name Street Address _ City State RADIO M IRROR SWING VS. SWEET The musical experts who spend their time making lists have made one of the swingsters and anti-swingsters. Both lists are composed of bona-fide, accredited experts in their particular camps of the swing-sweet fray. Arrayed definitely on the side of hot licks are — First (and without much argument) Benny Goodman; followed by Bob Crosby, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Ben Pollack, Glen Gray and his Casa Loma group, and Ozzie Nelson. Opposing them and the heat wave are Wayne King, Guy Lombardo, Henry King, Ray Noble, Jan Garber, Ted Fio Rito, Al Ravelin, and Emil Coleman . . . Whereas Horace Heidt is making a brave attempt to please everyone by training his thirty-eight good men and true to be three bands in one — a sweet band, a novelty band, and a swing band. * * * ORCHESTRAL ANATOMY Shep Fields, who has been gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds lately with his "rippling rhythm" style of music, produces that gurgling-brook effect in the simplest way imaginable — so simple, in fact, you probably wouldn't ever think of it. He just has one of his men blow into a glass of water through a straw. Shep's real surname is Feldman, but he changed it to Fields at the suggestion of Roger Wolfe Kahn a few years ago. Right now Shep is looking for a girl vocalist, one with a "rippling rhythm" style . . . The late Orville Knapp's orchestra is being heard now over MBS as The Band of Tomorrow, under the direction of Leighton Noble, formerly its vocalist. It was purchased from the Knapp estate recently by George Olsen, and its present work is in the nature of a tryout before Olsen takes it over formally. For a long time, it's said in musical circles, Olsen has wanted a distinctive style of his own, and by taking over the entire Knapp aggregation he expects to find in it a unique dance style, ready-made. THEME SONG SECTION The return of Warner Brothers to the network fold, noted above, should have also meant the return of many a theme song to its former program — but so far it hasn't. Only three shows at NBC and three at CBS have gone back to using their old signatures, plus one at CBS which rushed in and snapped up another program's former song. Paul Whiteman lost no time in brushing up on George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue"; Little Jackie ' Heller made application for the rights once more to "The Touch of Your Hand," from Jerome Kern's "Roberta"; and Major Bowes' Capitol Family comes to you once more with the strains of "With a Song in My Heart," from "Spring is Here." At CBS, the changes were: Hollywood Hotel, back to "Happiness Ahead"; Chesterfield, back to "Carefree," which though written by two of the boys in the Kostelanetz band, had been under the ban; and As You Like it, a program on a limited network, back to "I Like the Likes of You." Columbia's Wednesday night Palmolive Community Sing, after ascertaining that Fred Allen's Town Hall Tonight wasn't going to want its old "Smiles" back, grabbed the song's signature rights for itself. WE'RE TELLING YOU Frank Perillo, Newark — Guy Lombardo's sponsor for this season is Bond Bread — every Sunday at 5:30, Eastern time. Your questions about the most popular bands are answered earlier in this department. Johnny Pallas, Dennison, Ohio — Here ^ kave REDUCED MY WAIST 8 INCHES WITH THE WEIL BELT!" . . .writes George Bailey Wear Ihe WEIL BELT for 1 0 days at our expense I ■VOU will appear many ■*■ inches slimmer at once and in ten days if your waist line is not 3 inches smaller it will cost you nothing. "I reduced 8 inches" . . . writes Geo. Bailey. "Lost 50 lbs." writes W. T. Anderson. . . . Hundreds of similar letters. If you do not REDUCE your WAtST 3 X INCHES in 10 days . . . it will cost you nothing! \ You will be completely , -X comfortable as its mas i sage-like actiongently but * persistently eliminates fat with every move! ; Gives an erect, athletic '^ -. carriage . . . supports abdominal walls . . . keeps digestive organs in "'' place . . . greatly in WW creases endurance. J Simply write name and .,ij address on postcard and we ; / will send you Illustrated folder and full details of our ' 10 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER ! THE WEIL COMPANY 4011. Hill St., New Haven. Conn. SEND FOR FREE lO DAY TRIAL OFFER Relieve Pain In 9 Minutes Rheumatism To relieve the torturing pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia or Lumbago in 9 minutes, get the Doctor's Prescription NURITO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, no narcotics. Does the work quickly — and must relieve your pain in nine minutes or money back at Druggist's. Don't suffer. Use guaranteed NURITO today. APAf^F WORTH A M"-LION ! rAv^L clear, pure, attractive The Conum section must be cleared i Many complain of dry tender akin, bl> FACT. PTJRO-LIDO Liquid Skin Protector, Freshen Powder base is nil you need t or poison. Approved by docl Price $1.00 per bottle. Send MASCOL MFG. CO., INC and i Write for details. Representati k heads, etc Astringent, and tee. PURO-LIDO contains no alcohol as absolutely safe to we. TRY IT. >ney order or postcard for C. O. D. to 1047 No. Genesee, Hollywood. e Wanted. BRING YOUR RADIO UP TO DATE a PDA TUBE W* Get Rid ol Static, Distortion, Be, A "I Strong Local Interference, A "New Radio" For Only Send No Money! Pay nothing now. Just Bend name and address on postcard. Pay postman only 51.00 plus few cents postage on de< livery.Send your order today! Tune out strong local stations . . . tune in Los Angeles, Canada, Mexico! Increase selectivity-— cut out static, distortion, interference, with amazing new ADD-ATUBE. Uses no extra current, fits any radio, electric or battery, works on inside or outside aerial, all waves. GUARANTEED! Use 5 days. If not delighted, return within 10 days from date shipped and your money will be refunded instantly! R-E Engineers, Dept. H-510, Marburg Ave., & B.&0. R.R., Cincinnati. 0 -HD5E : CUARANTEED TO lUeaf Without Holes or New-Hose FREE! AGENTS! °io $32 in a WEEK Amazing free Replacement Guarantee on fir sirk hosiery, chiffons, service weights. Reduces hosiery costs up to 60°,0. A sensation. If holes, snags, runs appear in from li/2 to 8 months hosiery replaced free. 100 styles, colors for men, women, children. R. Poirer reports $127 earned in five days. Agents send postal quick for selling outfit, giving hose size. A WILKNIT HOSIERY COMPANY 8-L Midway, Greenfield A . „r*»f. ALICE WHI1E * 'S'Ttrwi "0VIEAOBESS A •'• S»i<i'-i WEARING ... •• &*-*>/■■? WILKNIT *•" •Hi! H0S|ERY . 100 ■■ ■