Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR Corns Come Back Bigger Than Ever Unless removed Root and All • Old-fashioned paring methods make corns come back bigger — uglier than ever— with serious danger of infection. But the new safe Blue-Jay doubleaction method stops the pain instantly—then the entire corn lifts out Root* and All in 3 short days. Blue-Jay is easy to use, invisible. Held snugly in _ place by special Wet-Pruf adhesive. Get Blue-Jay today. 25c for a package of 6 at all druggists. BLUE-JAY Bauer & Black Scientific RN PIASTER *A plug of dead cells root-like in form and position. If left may serve as focal point for renewed development i S9 ENLARGEMENTS PHOTO Amazing Offer! Mail ua 3 negatives (films) with this ad and 25c (coin); receive postpaid 3 beautiful 5x7 inch enlargements: 6 for 45c; 15 for SI, all postpaid. 1 for 10c, pIub postage. Canada, add 10%. Negatives returned. Dept. M-ll. Unique Art Service, 18 E. 58th St.. N. Y. C. 10' YD UR FACE cHAnceD Straight regular features! Ckari ing new beauty! They can be youi Dr. Stotter (grad. of University of I Vienna) reconstructs faces by fa | mous Vienna Polyclinic methods . Unshapely Noses, Protruding Ears, Large Lips, Wrinkles, Signs of Age, | etc.. are all quickly corrected. Low cost. Write or call for Frea Booklet "Facial Reconstruction," (mailed ir. plain wrapper.) Dr. Stotter, 50 East 42nd St., Oept. 8-R, New York SIHANGEgSSPDNGE (leans Cars NEW Agents! GofdMinef REVOLUTIONARY chemical epongre cleans cars like magic! Banishes auto-washing drudgery. Also cleans linoleum, woodwork, windows with ^ pntworkl Anto owners, hoaBewiveB wlldaboot it. Agents making phenomenal profits! SAMPLE OFFER— Samples sent at our risk to first person In each locality who writes. No obligation. Getdetails. Be first— send your name TODAY I KRISTEE MFG. CO., 441 Bar Street, Akron, Ohio. RELIEF FROM PSORIASIS with €RmOIL Make THE ONE SPOT TEST Generous trial size 25c stamps or coin DERMOIL is being used by thousands of men and women throughout the country to secure relief from the effects of this ugly, stubborn, embarrassing scaly skin disease, often mistaken for eczema. Apply it externally. Non-staining. Watch the scales go, the red patches gradually disappear and enjoy the thrill of a clear skin again. DERMOIL is backed by a positive guarantee to give chronic sufferers defLnite benefit in two weeks time or money is refunded. Your word is final. Send 25c for your trial TODAY or write for our large and beautifully illustrated FREE book. Prove it yourself no matter how long troubled or what you have tried. Don't delay. Write NOW. LAKE LABORATORIES Box I, Northwestern Station Dept. M-15, Detroit, Michigan are those theme songs you asked for: Ozzie Nelson: "Loyal Sons of Rutgers;" Ben Pollack: "Song of the Islands;'' Johnny Johnson: "Is This the Music of Love?" Noble Sissle: "Hello Sweetheart, Hello;" and Irving Aaronson: "Commanderisque." Tom Bozeman, John Hunter, and many more readers of Facing the Music — You've been writing in to ask how you can get pictures of the band leaders. Here's one way you can get a lot of them. The Music Corporation of America, at 745 Fifth Avenue, New York City, is the manager of about 170 big-name bands, and if you write to them, enclosing twenty-five cents for the cost of the picture, they will send you an eight-by-ten photograph of any leader under their management. FOLLOWING THE LEADERS Here's the monthly directory to where the maestros are playing — as accurate as we can make it. Bernie, Ben — On Tour. ^ Casa Loma — Neatherland Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati, O. Denny, Jack — On tour. Donahue, Al — Rainbow Room, Radio City, N. Y. Duchin, Eddy— Hotel Plaza, N. Y. Fio Rito, Ted — Morrison Hotel, Chicago. Garber, Jan — Cocoanut Grove, Los Angeles. Goodman, Benny — Pennsylvania Hotel, N. Y. Hall, George— Hotel Taft, N. Y. Harris, Phil — Palomar Ballroom, Los Angeles. Heidt, Horace — On tour. Jones, Isham — On tour. Kemp. Hal — Theaters. King. Henry— Cocoanut Grove, Los Angeles (following Duchin). King, Wayne — On tour. Little, Jack — Palmer House, Chicago. Lombardo, Guy — Roosevelt Hotel, N. Y. Lyman, Abe — On tour. Martin, Freddy — Aragon Ballroom, Chicago. Morgan. Russ— Biltmore Hotel, N. Y. Noble, Ray — On tour. Yallee, Rudy — On tour. Weems, Ted — On tour. Whiteman, Paul — Casa Bemanana, Fort Worth, Texas. Let us know what questions you want answered, using the coupon below for your own convenience and ours — and we'll do our best to tell you what you want to know. Ken Aldcn, Facing the Music, RADIO MIRROR, 122 East 42nd Street, New York City. 1 want to know more about: Orchestral Anatomy Theme Song Section Following the Leaders Or Name Address If you like to draw, test your sense of design, color, proportion, etc., with our simple Art Ability Test. An opportunity to get a frank opinion, free, as to whether your talent is worth developing. Magazines, newspapers, publishers and advertisers spend millions yearly for illustrations. Design and color influence the sale of most things we buy. Artists have become important to industry. Machines can not displace them. If you have talent, train it. Drawing may be your surest road to success. The Federal Schools, affiliated with a large art, engraving and printing institution, has trained many young women and men now serving industry as designers or illustrators, capable of earning from $1,000 to $5,000 yearly. Its Home Study courses in Commercial Art, Illustrating and Cartooning, contain exclusive illustrated lessons by many famous artists. Practical instruction by experienced men is the reason for its many years' outstanding success. Courses sold on easy payments. Send today for Art Test and Free Book explaining present opportunities in art. Just fill out and mail the coupon below. FEDER ArSCHOOLS' Tnc. 11606 Federal Schools Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Please send me your Art Test and Free Book. Name Address Age Occupation. MYSTERY^ LAMP^ LIGHTS THE WHOLE HOUSE 7frtt\\\^ MEW kind of lamp now combines best features of gas# A7 electric and oil. lighting. Burns cheapest fuel-air mixture. The amazing discovery of a famous Akron, Ohio inventor. Lights every room in the house, at less than one-tenth _ the cost of cheapest old-style lamps. No piping, wiring or installation whatever. Nothing under the sun equals it. 300 candle power of brilliant, soft light like sunlight, prevents eye strain. Simple, safe, easy to operate. Ideal for farms, small-town or sub burban homes. Charming, beautiful, .imazIngly ugeful. TRY IT IN YOUR HOME FOR! 30 DAYS. Send no money now. Juat yonr name and address for liberal introductory offer. Learn how you can get your lamp FREE of one penny coat. Write quick AKRON LAMP COMPANY, 121 Lamp Bldg.E AKRON, OHIO, AGENTS! Something really newl New product. New plana. New chance for $3 an hour even in spare time. Lamp free to workers. Write NOW I 101